
huái biǎo
  • pocket watch
怀表 [huái biǎo]
  • [pocket watch] 一种适于装在衣袋里随身携时的表,比手表大

怀表[huái biǎo]
  1. 到了20世纪30年代,手表几乎完全取代了怀表。

    By the 1930s the wristwatch had almost completely supplanted the pocket watch .

  2. 学生:为什么宇宙像一个怀表?

    Student : why is the universe like a pocket watch ?

  3. 我拿到了Gilbert的怀表。

    Logan : I got the Gilbert watch .

  4. 为中国市场制造的怀表被称为中国品质(Chinesecaliber),意思是这种怀表的表盘和表带设计符合中国收藏者的品味,也就是说具有装饰性,比如上面雕刻有叶子图案。

    The watches that were made for the Chinese market were called Chinese caliber , meaning that the mechanism of the watch consists of plates and bridges fashioned in a manner that would appeal to Chinese collectors and tastes , namely decorative with engravings such as foliate designs .

  5. 为中国市场制造的怀表被称为“中国品质”(Chinesecaliber),意思是这种怀表的表盘和表带设计符合中国收藏者的品味,也就是说具有装饰性,比如上面雕刻有叶子图案。

    The watches that were made for the Chinese market were called " Chinese caliber , " meaning that the mechanism of the watch consists of plates and bridges fashioned in a manner that would appeal to Chinese collectors and tastes , namely decorative with engravings such as foliate designs .

  6. 例如,我们曾有一个罕见的无盖怀表,大约是1860年左右路易斯·奥德马尔、布拉苏斯与热纳瓦公司(LouisAudemars,Brassus&Geneva)为中国市场制造的,上面有独具特色的狩猎场面,绘有大象、狮子、马和狩猎者。

    For example , we had a rare open-faced watch made for the Chinese market from about 1860 by Louis Audemars , Brassus & Geneva , with specialized hunting scenes depicting an elephant , lion , horse and hunters .

  7. 百达翡丽(Patek)或爱彼(AudemarsPiguet)怀表的价格也快速上涨。

    special escapements or perpetual calendars . The prices for those Patek or Audemars Piguet pocket watches have escalated exponentially as well .

  8. 直至20世纪80年代中期,市场上都是怀表。

    Until the mid-1980s , the whole market was pocket watches .

  9. 问:从19世纪起,这些怀表都存放在哪里?

    Q. Where have these watches been since the 19th century ?

  10. 这是杰里米的怀表你从哪拿到的

    This is Jeremy 's pocket watch.How did you get it ?

  11. 有些瑞士博物馆在竞拍这些怀表。

    You have Swiss museums that are bidding for these things .

  12. 怀表有设计师,所以宇宙肯定有一个设计师。

    Pocket watches have designers therefore the universe must have a designer .

  13. 将你所学像怀表一样藏著。

    Wear your learning like a pocket watch and keep it hidden .

  14. 吕米埃:准备好了,你这只笨重的怀表!

    Lumiere : en garde , you overgrown pocket watch !

  15. 怀表及其它表,包括码表在内,其它方法驱动者。

    Pocket-watches and other watches , including stop-watches , other methods driven .

  16. 直到今天,我还装着一只怀表。

    To this day , I carry a pocket watch .

  17. 当时,人们还在使用怀表。

    Up till then , people just carried pocket watches .

  18. 我给了他一块属于我祖父的怀表。

    I gave him a pocket watch that belonged to my grandfather .

  19. 那看起来就跟怀表、鞋油这类东西一样,简直是过时而怪异。

    It seems downright quaint , like pocket watches and shoe shines .

  20. 问:很多中国收藏者真的佩戴怀表吗?

    Q. Are a lot of Chinese collectors actually carrying pocket watches ?

  21. 他们回来了拿到吉尔伯特家族怀表了吗

    They 've come back.Did you get the Gilbert watch ?

  22. 这里有个例子,宇宙像一个怀表。

    Here is an example : The universe is like a pocket watch .

  23. 那是个很响亮,很好的怀表。

    That watch sure is a fine loud ticker .

  24. 安灼拉放了他,抽出自己的怀表。

    Enjolras released him and drew out his watch .

  25. 为此,布克·华盛顿典当他的怀表买了窑,

    So Booker T. Washington pawned his pocket watch to buy a kiln ,

  26. 怀表在钟表发展史上,有着不可取代的地位。

    The pocket watch occupied an important position in the history of watch development .

  27. 那种怀表能轻松卖到20万美元。

    Those can easily sell for $ 200,000 .

  28. 家传的怀表在哪儿

    The pocket watch . Where is it ?

  29. 他在海滩上找到块怀表。

    He found a watch on the beach .

  30. 我幸运地从祖父那里继承了一块美丽的怀表。

    I 'm lucky to have inherited a beautiful pocket watch from my grandfather .