
  • Loyalty;Customer Loyalty;faithfulness;fidelity
  1. 商业折扣可以用作维护顾客忠诚度的一种竞争手段。

    Trade discounts may be used as a competitive stratagem to secure customer loyalty .

  2. 通过让更多人意识到应努力减少浪费,建设负责任、修复和再利用的文化,可以在共同价值观和责任的基础上建立客户忠诚度。

    By creating more awareness around your efforts to reduce waste , and by developing a culture of responsibility , repair , and reuse , you can build customer loyalty based on shared values and responsibilities .

  3. 首席数字官的职责包括设计出并执行能够发展品牌忠诚度、以及社交媒体支持率的社会策略。

    The CDO 's responsibilities are to devise and execute social strategies that grow brand loyalty6 and advocacy on social networks .

  4. 与此同时,忠诚度则是另一个要素:相比于非远程工作者,远程工作者在未来五年内一直待下去的可能性高出13%,这使得远程工作对于雇员和雇主而言可以获得一种双赢的结果。

    Loyalty7 is another factor : Remote workers are 13 percent more likely than non-remote workers to stay with their current gig for the next five years — making remote work a win-win for employees and employers alike .

  5. 第二章分析了C公司在中国市场的发展状况,在激烈的市场竞争中感受到改善客户忠诚度的紧迫性。

    The second chapter analyzes the marketing status of C Company in China . The strong competition emphasizes the urgency of improving customer royalty .

  6. 本文的研究对中小保险公司将有一定的现实意义,将有助于改善以青岛C保险公司为代表的中小保险公司的顾客忠诚度。

    This study will contribute to to improve Qingdao C insurance companies represented by small and medium-sized insurance companies , customer loyalty , improve operations .

  7. 在客户关系管理(CRM)软件中,客户的满意度、忠诚度、信用度的衡量方法有很多。

    There are many methods to measure the customer 's satisfaction , loyalty and credit in CRM softwares .

  8. J.D.Power的数据显示,我们在智能手机市场获得的消费者忠诚度排名第二。

    J.D. Power recently showed us to have the second-highest loyalty in the smartphone market .

  9. 本文以IR公司在中国市场的营销实践为背景,着重就空压机制造企业如何通过开发售后服务的客户转移成本管理功能来提高满意客户的忠诚度进行了探讨。

    This thesis discusses how to exploit the function of switching cost management of after sales service for purpose of achieving customer loyalty .

  10. 通过分析得出:在CRM实施过程中,统一定价模式能达到较高的客户保持的效率,而差别定价策略则可以大大提高客户忠诚度。

    It is concluded that unified pricing enhances the efficiency of keeping customers , and differential pricing improves their loyalty .

  11. 诺基亚(Nokia)拥有庞大的客户基础,但缺乏智能手机平台来维系客户的忠诚度。

    Nokia ( NOK ) has a vast customer base but lacks a smartphone platform to keep them loyal .

  12. 构建了基于Internet环境的顾客忠诚度信息收集与测评系统模型的概念,同时构建了移动行业的顾客忠诚度模型并设计了相应的指标体系借以说明该系统的应用。

    This article constructs a system for customer loyalty information collecting and evaluating based on Internet . In addition , it constructs a customer loyalty model and index system to explain how to use the system .

  13. 虚拟社区C2C知识交换对客户价值及忠诚度影响的实证研究

    Case Study of the Influence of C2C Knowledge Exchange on Customer Value and Customer Loyalty Intension

  14. 第五章通过设计调查问卷分别测量参展商对威海渔具展、主办方CHINAFISH以及主办地威海的忠诚度,由调查结果分析威海渔具展的合作各方在这一品牌会展中的作用。

    Chapter ⅴ measured the exhibitors ' loyalty of CGC EXPO , Weihai and CHINA FISH through the survey questionnaires . And analysis the function of cooperation parties in this brand exhibition by the result of the survey .

  15. 就在几年前,RIM还在消费者、员工和投资者中建立了令人钦羡的忠诚度。

    Only a couple of years ago , rim had built up an enviable degree of loyalty among consumers , employees and investors .

  16. 因此,客户关系管理(CRM)成了电信运营商增加收入和利润,提高客户满意度、忠诚度的有效工具。

    Therefore , the customer relationship management ( CRM ) became telecom operators and increase revenue and profit , improve customer satisfaction and loyalty of effective tools .

  17. 综合考虑了CRM中的客户竞争、客户保持和转移成本因素,建立了基于客户忠诚度的客户关系保持的数学模型。

    This paper incorporates the influences of customer competition , customer retention and switching costs in CRM and establishes customer relationship retention model based on customer loyalty .

  18. 在激烈的市场竞争中,越来越多的企业开始通过实施客户关系管理(CRM)来赢得更多的客户并且提高客户的忠诚度。

    On the competitive market , more and more enterprises are resorting to customer relation management ( CRM ) to win over more customers and their loyalty .

  19. 因为该研究调查的是家庭用户对商业ISP的忠诚度,因此只包括使用商业ISP的家庭用户。

    Since this study explored the loyalty of household users toward commercial ISPs , only household users of commercial ISPs were included .

  20. 客户关系管理(CustomerRelationshipManagement,简称CRM)旨在挖掘客户需求并匹配恰当资源,通过持续地建立、维护和提升客户满意度建立对公司的忠诚度,使公司与客户二者实现长期利益最大化。

    Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) aims at that excavate customer need and match with suitable resources , establish and sustain enhancing satisfaction to fulfill the customer loyalty and the long-term profit maximization of customer and insurance company together .

  21. 鉴于此,处于激烈竞争环境下的B2C电商企业也希望能够借助于体验来提高顾客的忠诚度。

    In view of this , the B2C e-commerce enterprises under the fierce competitive environment also want to use experience marketing to improve customer loyalty .

  22. 相关的比较分析表明:CRM系统是网上书店提升客户满意度和忠诚度,增加企业利润和竞争力的关键所在。

    The result of comparison and analyses shows that CRM systems are the key that can improve the satisfactions and loyalties of customer , and in-crease profits and competition abilities of corporations .

  23. MZ公司作为一家专业的管理培训机构,为提高公司客户满意度和忠诚度,对公司客户进行了满意度的问卷调查。

    As a professional management training company , MZ Corporation does a questionnaire about satisfaction among its customers .

  24. 企业主要通过CRM的流程与顾客进行沟通与互动、建立CRM的数据仓库全面了解顾客、运用数据挖掘技术有效管理顾客生命周期来提升顾客忠诚度。

    Enterprises strengthen the customer loyalty by communicating with customers through the flow of CRM , grasping customers ' needs through data warehouse , managing the cycle of customer life through data mining techniques .

  25. 在此基础上,采用基于Lisrel统计分析软件的结构方程模型,综合分析了包括顾客信任、顾客感知价值等多个前置变量对服务忠诚度的影响,并建立了最终模型。

    Basing on lisrel software , we analyze the relationships between prepositive variables and loyalty and finally establish SEM model .

  26. 最后将该分析型CRM应用到证券业客户,对某证券公司客户进行了细分,评估了各分类客户的忠诚度及新客户忠诚度的预测。

    At last , the analytical CRM was applied to the securities industry clients to make customer segmentation of a securities company and evaluate customer loyalty of different customer base and predict the loyalty of new customer .

  27. 通过室内分布系统,可以明显改善通话质量,提高用户满意度和忠诚度,提高PHS系统的市场竞争力。

    Through the network distribution system , it may obviously improve the connection quality and enhance the user degree of satisfaction and loyalty , enhance the market competition of the PHS system .

  28. Horrie表示:新闻报纸的读者并没有什么品牌忠诚度。

    " Newspaper readers are pretty disloyal ," says Horrie .

  29. 对前人在C2C知识交换研究领域的文献作了综述,以淘宝网为例调查了虚拟社区C2C知识交换对客户价值及忠诚度的影响。

    This paper firstly gives a brief view on the antecedents of customer-to-customer knowledge exchange ; secondly investigates the influence of C2C knowledge exchange on customer value and customer loyalty in virtual community of Taobao .

  30. 而供应商只有在满足一定的条件下才能从参与VMI中获利,因此供应商是否会有参与VMI的动机,要视供应商的产品和所在的行业性质以及消费者品牌忠诚度而定。

    And only under certain conditions suppliers can benefit from the participation of VMI . Whether the suppliers will have motivation to participate in VMI depend on the nature of the products and the brand loyalty of consumers .