
  • 网络necessary truth
  1. 这就是后天必然真理之所以可能。

    This is why a posteriori necessary truth is possible .

  2. 语言与世界:对克里普克的后天必然真理的一个解释

    Language and World : an Explanation of Kripke 's A Posteriori Necessary Truth

  3. 莱布尼茨的体系由两大真理观支撑:必然真理和偶然真理。

    The system of Leibniz is supported by two principles of truth : the necessary truth and contingent truth .

  4. 所以我们会死去,不仅是一个事实;,我们会死去还是必然的真理。

    So it 's not just merely the case that in fact we are all going to die ; it 's a necessary truth that we 're all going to die .

  5. 如果把逻辑真理等同于逻辑有效式,认为逻辑真理不是真理,则必然否认真理在逻辑中的存在。

    If the logical truth is seen as logical valid formulae , and the logical truth is not considered as truth , the truth will be denied inevitably to exist in the logic .

  6. 偶然因素是他定义现实主义的一个关键内容。他认为生活本无意义,但个体只要存在就必然追求真理和意义。

    The foregrounding of the chance element plays an important role in his definition of realism which contends that life is literally meaningless . There is no truth , but one runs after it all the same .

  7. 而概念是必然性的真理,自身内包含了扬弃了的必然性,正如此,也可以说,必然性是潜在的概念。

    But the notion is the truth of necessity , which it contains in suspension in itself ; just as , conversely , necessity is the notion implicit .

  8. 科学从一个范式转向另一个范式,变得更为复杂和专业化,科学进步了,但科学并不必然越来越接近真理。

    Science is progressed with science 's paradigm being transferred from one to another , but science is not more and more close to truth .

  9. 在教育领域里,后现代主义教育思想强调多元、崇尚差异、主张开放、重视平等、推崇创造、否定中心和等级、去掉本质与必然、否定绝对真理的合法化。

    In the field of education , post modernism education thought stressed multivariate , advocating differences , advocated open , valuing equality , praising the creation , the negative center and level , removing the nature and necessity , denial of absolute truth legalization .

  10. 马克思的世界历史理论指出了全球化的发展方向,科学地证明了资本主义必然灭亡,社会主义必然胜利的真理

    Marx 's world history theory pointed out the direction of globalization , proved capitalism will die out inevitably and socialism success inevitably

  11. 本文从历史的角度对必然性和偶然性、必然真理的定义做了一番考察,并分析了必然性和偶然性、必然真理和偶然真理的关系。

    The paper makes an investigation of them and the definitions of necessary truth historically , analyses the relationship between necessity and contingency , necessary truth and contingent truth .