
  • 网络psychological scale;mental scale;POMS
  1. 空中乘务员SCL-90心理量表的测量分析

    The measurement and analysis of SCL-90 psychological scale on air crew

  2. 典型相关分析结果:移民基本情况和心理量表SCL-90评分有相关性。

    Canonical Correlation Analysis of Results : The basic situation of immigrants and psychological scale SCL-90 score correlated .

  3. 移民社会支持和心理量表SCL-90评分有相关性。

    Immigrant social support and psychological scale SCL-90 score correlated .

  4. Bristol最新神经心理量表中文版的效度评价

    Validity of the new psychometric test battery used in the bristol memory disorders clinic - revised Chinese

  5. 目的:利用多导睡眠图(PSG)进行家庭睡眠监测,并结合睡眠及神经心理量表,探讨老年阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(OSAS)认知损害特点。

    AIM : To explore the relationship between obstructive sleep apnea syndrome ( OSAS ) and cognitive impairment in the elderly using neuropsychological test and polysomnography at home .

  6. 方法对108例缺血性脑血管病(ICVD)及其危险因素患者进行听觉ERP和心理量表测试。

    Methods 108 patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disease ( ICVD ) and its risk factor and 30 age matched normal subjects were examined with auditory ERP , cognitive capacity screening examination ( CCSE ) and mini mental state examination ( MMSE ) .

  7. 治疗后,失眠及心理量表积分治疗组明显减轻,与治疗前相比有显著性差异(P0.01);对照组无明显改善,与治疗前相比无显著性差异(P0.05)。

    The treatment group and the control group the same effect ; two groups compare difference has no statistics significance ( P0.05 ) . ( 2 ) After treatment , Insomnia and psychological scale scores of treatment group was significantly decreased by compared with the before ( P0.01 ) .

  8. 本研究运用中医辨证分型与西医心理量表相结合的方法,探讨CAG患者中医证型与抑郁和焦虑心理特征的关系,为CAG治疗中调肝法的运用提供依据。

    This research utilizes the methods of syndrome differentiation from traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) combined with psychological scale from Western medicine , to discuss the relationship between TCM syndrome of CAG patients and psychological characteristics such as depression and anxiety .

  9. 以MP3音乐播放器造型设计为例,采用口语分析、心理量表和设计概念草图等研究方法,分析了用户与设计师感知意象的获取以及表征形式,将内隐性意象外显化,验证了该模型。

    Taken the MP3 music player form design as an example , protocol analysis , psychometric scale and design sketch etc. are adopted to analyze the acquiring and representing of users ' perceptual image and designers ' perceptual image , and test the model .

  10. 采用心理量表(PSPP和POMS)测量的方式研究长期的羽毛球锻炼对中老年人的心境和身体自尊的影响。

    This study is focused on the effects of long-term badminton training on the mental state and self-physical esteem among milder and old aged people , by the using of PSPP and POMS .

  11. 心理量表在运动心理学领域的应用状况分析

    An Analysis on Application of Psychological Scale in Sport Psychology

  12. 通过心理量表和自制问卷对研究对象进行调查收集数据。

    We adopted psychological scales and self-made questionnaire to investigate and collect data .

  13. 三种神经心理量表改变与阿尔茨海默病脑葡萄糖代谢的关系

    Relationship between three neuropsychological tests and cerebral glucose metabolism in Alzheimer ′ s disease

  14. 轻度老年性痴呆患者听功能与神经心理量表测评的关系

    The Relationships between Auditory Abilities and Outcomes of Neuropsychological Questionnaires in Patients with Alzheimer 's Disease

  15. 结果心理量表的技术发展有3条线索,一是评定法、二是作业量表法、三是问卷法。

    Results There are three clews in psychometric technique development : Rating method , performance scaling and survey method .

  16. 爱情心理量表的维度得分由高到低分别是:关爱、爱情价值观、接纳、浪漫和激情。

    The dimension of love psychological scale scores high to low are : caring , love values , acceptance , romantic and passion .

  17. 用自制心理量表对性病患者治疗前后及正常对照组检测。

    Selfmade psychological scale was adopted to measure the the psychologic status of all the patients before and after treatment as well as normal controls .

  18. 一些使用中的人才测评工具多数是从国外修订过来的心理量表,存在水土不服的问题。

    Some tools of talent assessment while using are most the psychology scale that revised form of foreign countries , have the problem that not acclimatized .

  19. 编制地包含19个项目的中国人爱情心理量表,经过项目分析、信效度检验,证实该量表具有良好的性能。

    The 19 projects Chinese people love psychological scale , after the item analysis , reliability and validity testing , confirmed that the scale has a good performance .

  20. 旨在探讨心理量表在运动心理学领域应用方面存在的问题、方法以检阅文献资料的方法,对近十年来14种学术期刊的675篇有关运动心理学方面的论文进行分析研究。

    Object : To investigate the problems in psychological scale applied in sport psychology ; Methods : Searches on 675 piece of articles in sport psychology for post 10 years .

  21. 故建议在后续研究中加入心理量表,并且对患者进行心理学上的认知-行为干预,随访研究。

    It was recommended that psychological scale should be added in the follow-up study , and carry on the cognitive psychology - behavioral intervention , then do the follow-up study . 5 .

  22. 研究方法:运用心理量表SCL&90调查了大学生的心理健康水平,分析研究了不同心理健康水平对其身体素质所产生的影响,论证了心理健康水平与身体素质的关系。

    Research method : Through SCL & 90 Scale this paper analyses the impact of different psychological health conditions to their physical fitness and demonstrates the relationship between psychological health and physical fitness .

  23. 方法采用佛洛斯特多维完美主义心理量表和羞怯量表以及自编的自我描述问卷,对270位大学二年级男生的完美主义心理、羞怯和自杀念头等进行调查。

    Methods Using Frost 's Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale ( FMPS ), Shyness Scale , and an inventory designed by researchers , we investigated perfectionism , shyness , and suicidal intention of 270 male sophomores .

  24. 方法采用儿童心理量表对1岁婴儿进行发育商测定,同时应用自行设计的因素调查表进行问卷调查。

    Methods The Enfant Mental Scales were used to test the infant behavior developmental quotient ( DQ ) at 1 year old . At the same time , the factors were collected by self-designed questionnaire .

  25. 传统方法通常采用心理量表评估压力,这种自评方法是有效的,但也存在一定主观性,激素测量因其侵入性等局限而不能被广泛推广。

    Psychological scales , as traditional methods to measure stress , are efficacious , but the disadvantages are appar-ent either . The self-assessment method is subjective , and the hormones measurement can not be widely promoted due to its invasion .

  26. 信效度是经典教育测量理论的重要概念,主要应用于教育和心理量表的评价,其研究理论和方法都相对比较成熟,信效度也常用于科学研究工作的评价,但这方面研究相对较弱。

    This method could be applied to other evaluations . Reliability and validity are important concepts of classic test theory , which was mainly used in the evaluation of educational and psychological scales , and fewer in the comment of scientific research work .

  27. 心理量表多数因素项值均低于常模(P<0.01),且与潜水工龄和生理指标阳性项目数成正相关(P<0.05或P<0.01)。

    Most of the factor scores of SCL-90 of divers were lower than those of the norm ( P < 0.01 ) and were also positively correlated with diving age and with the number of positive physiological parameters ( P < 0.05 or P < 0.01 ) .

  28. 采用Bristol最新神经心理评价量表(中文版)分别在基线点和终末点评价患者认知功能。

    The cognitive function was assessed by Bristol New Battery of Neuropsychological Tests ( BNBNT , a Chinese version ), respectively at the baseline and the end point .

  29. 运用中小学生心理健康量表(MHT)对大连市普通中学的260名学业优秀与学业不良学生进行了测验和比较。

    This article tests ( by MHT ) and compares 260 students from middle schools in Dalian , including students with both successful and unsuccessful academic achievements .

  30. 方法采用宋华淼等编制的飞行人员心理健康量表(MHI),对来院疗养的342例强击、歼击机飞行员进行心理测评。

    Methods Pilots ' mental health inventory ( MHI ) compiled by Song was applied to the mental evaluation of 342 attack and fighter plane 's pilots admitted to the sanatorium .