
  • 网络Psychological assessment;Psychology Assessment;psychiatric evaluation
  1. 中央情报局有一个医疗和心理评估细胞。

    The Central Intelligence Agency has a Medical and Psychological Assessment Cell .

  2. 未婚妊娠者终止妊娠的心理评估与护理

    Psychological Assessment and Care of Unmarried Pregnant Women at Termination of Pregnancy

  3. 方法:利用ERP、韦氏儿童智力量表中国修订版(WIS-CR)对32例癫癎儿童进行P300测定和心理评估,以28例性别、年龄相匹配的正常儿童作对照。

    Methods : P300 was measured in 32 epileptic children and 28 normal children respectively .

  4. 方法:采用癫痫儿童生活质量表对60例EP儿童和60例健康儿童进行心理评估并作比较,分析其影响因素。

    Methods : Scoring scale of quality of life was used to make a psychological evaluation of 60 healthy children and 60 children with EP and analyze the affecting factors .

  5. 方法:选取2005级三年制高专学生180人,在心理评估及社会评估教学中采用CMC师生互动教学模式,发放调查表,进行统计分析。

    Methods : 180 students chose from 3-year Nursing Program of 2005 batch by chance were taught using CMC model , and required to fill the investigation form , then those datum were analyzed statistically .

  6. 在干预后1个月、3个月及6个月再对两组进行以上心理评估,并行创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)诊断。

    At about 1 , 3 and 6 month after the intervention psychological assessments were adapt to the two groups again , and post traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD ) diagnosis was taken .

  7. 方法应用儿童自我意识评定量表和Conner父母问卷对176例癫痫患儿进行心理评估,并分析其影响因素;

    Method A total of 170 children with epilepsy who were assessed by means of both the rating scale of self-consciousness and mother 's questionnaire of Conner , and the influence factors were analysed .

  8. 我负责对你进行一项心理评估。

    I 've been charged with giving you a psychiatric evaluation .

  9. 肠易激综合征病人心理评估及护理对策

    Psychological evaluation and nursing countermeasures of patients with irritable bowel syndrome

  10. 等等,所以心理评估并不是例行公事。

    Wait , so a psych eval isn 't a formality ?

  11. 干预后,分别再进行心理评估和生理指标的收集。

    Questionnaires and physiological values were collected again just after intervention .

  12. 我们派了个社工去给他做心理评估。

    We 're sending a social worker to evaluate him .

  13. 她说她会要我去做一个心理评估。

    She said she 'd recommend me for psychiatric evaluation .

  14. 你爸爸提出要对她进行心理评估。

    Your father has offered to run her through her psych evaluation .

  15. 临床心理评估的过去、现在与未来

    Clinical Psychological Assessment : Then , Now and Future

  16. 当前我国特殊需要儿童心理评估存在的问题与对策

    Problems in Psychological Assessment of Children with Special Needs and the Solution Strategies

  17. 方法详细介绍了心理评估的方法及评价。

    Methods The method and evaluation of psychological assessment was introduced in detail .

  18. 基于模糊综合决策的网上士兵个性心理评估系统

    Network Psychology Valuation System of Soldier 's Character based on Fuzzy Synthetic Decision

  19. 美国成年监护制度之神经心理评估制度研究

    Neuropsychological Assessment System and Adult Guardianship System In USA

  20. 目的介绍心理评估在心理咨询中的应用。

    Objective To investigate the effect of psychological assessment in the psychological consultation .

  21. 因此,及早对糖尿病进行心理评估显得尤为重要。

    Thus the psychological assessment is particularly important early on diabetes . 2 .

  22. 急诊科护士心理评估与分析

    The psychological evaluation and analysis of emergency department nurses

  23. 住院精神障碍患者家属的心理评估及护理应对

    Psychological assessment of family members of hospitalized psychotics and coping style with nursing

  24. 冠心病患者的心理评估及心理干预

    A study on psychological assessment and intervention for patients with coronary heart disease

  25. 我已经告诉委员会,建议进行一次心理评估。

    And I 've told the board I 'm recommending a psych eval .

  26. 南沙守礁人员的心理评估

    Psychological evaluation of the reef garrison military personnel at Nansha in South China Sea

  27. 心理评估谁做的?

    Psych evaluation , who 's on it ?

  28. 这事我已经做过心理评估了。

    I 've already had my psych eval .

  29. 积极心理学在心理评估与干预中的运用

    Positive Psychology in Psychological Assessment and Intervention

  30. 假性药物过敏反应患者系统性激发试验期间的心理评估

    Assessment of psychological aspects during systemic provocation tests in patients with pseudo allergic drug reactions