
  1. 结论二尖瓣肿瘤的临床表现多为劳累后心慌气短。

    Conclusion The commonest clinical manifestation was exertional dyspnea .

  2. 症状包括:恐慌流汗,头晕眼花,呼吸无力以及心慌气短。

    Symptoms can include panic , sweating , dizziness , breathlessness , and palpitations .

  3. 方法对58例心慌气短患者采用CFM&700超声心图仪进行扫查分析;

    Methods 58 patients with palpitation and short breath were examined with CMF-700 echocardiograph .

  4. 结果58例心慌气短患者有46例超声表现异常,即:心肌回声异常、室壁增厚、心腔扩大及心功能减低。

    Results In 58 cases , 46 cases were abnormal : abnormal myocardial-echo , thickened ventricular wall , dilation of heart and cardiac insufficiency .