- 网络luftwaffe;German Air Force;German Luftwaffe

Appropriately , the Luftwaffe messages so laboriously and expensively deciphered at Bletchley in March 1940 turned out to consist mostly of nursery rhymes sent as practice transmissions .
In any case , it was radar that dominated the British eyes and ears in the coming months , although later in the year , gems of Enigma information provided clues to the Luftwaffe navigation beams .
He might as well have suggested sending in the Luftwaffe to solve the eurozone crisis .
That 's what the Luftwaffe were tying to protect yesterday .
This was a recognisable disaster to the German air force .
The African war dragged on , the Luftwaffe still mounted raids on Britain .
They should hang the entire Luftwaffe leadership .
He had been made the scapegoat for all the failures of the Luftwaffe .
I could invite the Luftwaffe and give them all shaves before they hang me .
A considerable amount of the German Air Force could still be disposed in those areas .
absurd This was just AN absurd excuse for the failures of the luftwaffe in the east .
At the same time the German Air Force began to use its might upon a defenseless country .
I do not think the German Air Force has the numbers or quality to overpower our air defences .
The German Air Corps had waited for more than seven months to strike their blow and prove their mettle .
Shovels and spades would also be deployed in the cities , to rescue the victims of the Luftwaffe 's bombardment .
For most of the late1930s and World War II , Dornier was primarily concerned with the production of bombers for the Luftwaffe .
Full scale production started in January of1944 , but it soon became apparent that the Luftwaffe was being defeated by Allied fighters .
The group later promised more attacks , and demanded that the German air force stop using a base at Termez in Uzbekistan .
Meanwhile the work on the Luftwaffe Enigma , the Bletchley success of early 1940 , was taking the first steps towards military usefulness .
They had only just begun to consider more satisfactory arrangements for using the Luftwaffe decrypts in France , when events made the oracle irrelevant .
The German Air Force had been engaged to the utmost limit in the Battle of France . Prediction of Ultimate Bearing Capacity and Life-span of Asphalt Pavements
Now , with its cranes , wasteland parking lots and hoardings it has the air of an English town that 's still recovering from the Luftwaffe .
This was just an absurd excuse for the failures of the Luftwaffe in the east . A considerable amount of the German Air Force could still be disposed in those areas .
At King 's they had all dutifully trooped down into air raid shelters ( all except Pigou , who refused to compromise with the Luftwaffe ) , but the promised bombardment had not come .
We were alive . We had beaten the German Air Force .
" With twenty-five squadrons of fighters he could defend the island against the whole might of the German Air Force "( Winston S.Churchill ) .
Meeting with German foreign minister Heiko Maas at Ramstein Air Base in Germany , Blinken acknowledged that planes chartered to bring Americans , their families and at-risk Afghans out of the country have been stuck at Mazar-i-Sharif international airport in Afghanistan .
Germany in particular used her air power to commit such experimental horrors as the bombing of the defenceless little township of guernica .