
hěn jiǔ yǐ qián
  • long ago;once upon a time;long before;long long ago;long since;the year dot;far past
  1. 我只是在很久以前听说过这件事。

    I only heard of the story in the far past .

  2. 这里不是指哪些黯淡无神在校园里乱逛的校友,而是那些很久以前就毕业了校友们。

    Now , these are not your typical washed-out alumni still hanging around campus , far past graduation .

  3. 那栋房子很久以前就被拆掉了。

    The house was pulled down long ago .

  4. 很久以前他曾考虑过当州警察。

    Once long ago he had considered becoming a state trooper .

  5. 哈里的女儿已不在人世,很久以前就死了。

    Harry 's daughter is dead . She died long ago .

  6. 他一定很久以前就开始写这本书了。

    He must have started writing his book a long time ago .

  7. 很久以前你就一直想成为一名辩护律师了。

    You 've wanted to be a barrister since the year dot .

  8. 定量供应很久以前就结束了饼干过剩的状况。

    Rationing had put an end to a surfeit of biscuits long ago .

  9. 战争并没有使他放弃自己很久以前就选择的道路。

    The war did not deflect him from the path he had long ago taken

  10. 他曾向他的曾祖父许下承诺?那准是很久以前的事情了。

    He made a promise to his great-grandfather ? That would have been a long time ago

  11. 很久以前,谁都没有想到她会当上首相。

    In those far off days it never entered anyone 's mind that she could be Prime Minister

  12. 很久以前他就决定时机成熟时会寄希望于社会主义。

    He had decided long ago that he would put his trust in socialism when the time came

  13. 很久以前这里发生过一次战争。

    Long , long ago a battle was fought here .

  14. 在很久以前那里曾有一座宫殿。

    There was a palace there in the remote past .

  15. 这本书收录有追溯到很久以前的一些教会记录。

    The book contained church records going back to the year dot .

  16. 我从很久以前每年夏天都到那里去。

    I 've been going there every summer since the year dot .

  17. 很久以前,人们普遍认为地球是扁的。

    Long ago it was a current belief that the earth was flat .

  18. 很久以前地球上生活着庞大的动物。

    Long ago enormous animals lived on the earth .

  19. 我很久以前在这里住过。

    Once , in the dim and distant past , I live in here .

  20. 科学家和工程师很久以前就开始相信电池具有能改变世界的可能性。

    Scientists and engineers have long believed in the promise of batteries to change the world .

  21. 数百年来,这座金字塔的实际尺寸一直困扰着学者们,因为“超过21英亩的坚硬白色围石”原本覆盖在这座金字塔上,但很久以前就被移走了。

    The pyramid 's exact size has puzzled experts for centuries , as the " more than 21 acres of hard , white casing stones " that originally covered it were removed long ago .

  22. 科学家说,很久以前,建筑工人可以把木杆系在石头上,然后把它们滚过沙子。

    Long ago builders could have attached wooden poles to the stones and rolled them across the sand , the scientists say .

  23. 它是很久以前某个皇帝用过的。

    A long time ago it belonged to an emperor .

  24. 很久以前,有一位女王住在宫殿里。

    Long ago , there was a queen who lived in a palace .

  25. 很久以前就有人说过了。

    Man said them long ago .

  26. 丝绸之路是很久以前连接欧洲、非洲和亚洲几条道路的总称。

    The Silk Road is the name of different roads that long ago connected Europe , Africa and Asia .

  27. 很久以前我梦想成为一名真正的演员,现在梦想成真了。

    A long time ago I used to dream about being a real actor and now it 's come true .

  28. 这条湖是很久以前熔岩堵塞河道形成的

    The lake was ponded by lavas a long time ago .

  29. 很久以前,在伽尸国有一座波罗奈城。

    A long time ago , there was a Bo Luo Nai City in the State of Jia Shi .

  30. 很久以前,有过一个巨大的怪物。怪物看起来像一个人,但有一个很大的身体和很多毛。

    Long ago , there lived a huge monster . The monster looked like a human , but had a large body and much hair .