
  • 网络Lots of trouble;much trouble
  1. 实验室有限的资源给学生选课带来了很多麻烦。

    The limited resource of laboratory brings much trouble to students .

  2. 她身上的怪味给她添了很多麻烦。

    A strange smell about her caused her much trouble .

  3. 我惹了很多麻烦。

    I got in a heap of trouble .

  4. 你给我们造成了很多麻烦。

    You 've caused us a lot of trouble

  5. 在撬树根时我们遇到了很多麻烦。

    We had a lot of trouble levering the roots out .

  6. 英国改用十进币制后,出现了很多麻烦。

    Difficulties were caused when Britain converted to a decimal money system .

  7. 充分理解上下文,以及何时、如何设置上下文,将为Java开发人员省去很多麻烦,并帮助他们自信地将JavaScript添加到自己的工具箱中。

    A good understanding of context , and when and how to set it , will save a lot of pain for the Java developer and help them confidently add JavaScript to their toolbox .

  8. 在解析时,您可以使用处理任何特殊字符和编码问题的WebSpherePortalAPIs来构建您的JSON结构,为您省去很多麻烦。

    As you parse , you can build your JSON structure using the WebSphere Portal APIs that handle any special characters and encoding issues , giving you a little less to worry about .

  9. 也许在Reddit对话中,您还会遇到那些偶然到访的用户,而这些用户往往会制造很多麻烦。

    Perhaps in your Reddit conversations you run into the occasional user who always seems to cause trouble .

  10. 但土耳其在处理PKK的问题上已经遇到很多麻烦了,更不用说要卷入政权更迭。

    Yet Turkey has enough trouble coping with the PKK , let alone getting embroiled in regime change .

  11. 比利·鲍勃·松顿(BillyBobThornton)因《冰血暴》中的角色获奖,领奖时他说,这些日子以来,一个人会“因为他所说的话惹上很多麻烦,我知道确实如此。”于是他只说了“谢谢”。

    Billy Bob Thornton , onstage to accept an award for " Fargo , " said these days you can " get in a lot of trouble no matter what you say , I know this for a fact . " So he just said " Thank you . "

  12. 谢谢你!帮助我给你添了很多麻烦。

    Thanks for the trouble you have taken to help me .

  13. 看起来这本书有很多麻烦。

    Seems like a lot of trouble for an old book .

  14. 恶劣的天气农民带来很多麻烦。

    Eg. the bad weather is causing problems for many farmers .

  15. 大家都认为我会带来很多麻烦。

    Anybody would think I 'd been a lot of trouble .

  16. 儿科医生数量的不足给家长们带来很多麻烦。

    The shortage of pediatricians has made it difficult for parents .

  17. 有2个,造成我很多麻烦特别材料。

    There are2 particular materials that caused me a lot of trouble .

  18. 因此他和老师之前总是有很多麻烦。

    So he was always in trouble with his teachers .

  19. 你好心的帮忙省了我很多麻烦。

    Your kind help saved me a lot of trouble .

  20. 做事冲动会给你带来很多麻烦。

    Acting on impulse can get you into a lot of trouble .

  21. 只要你愿意,你可以制造很多麻烦。

    You can create a lot of trouble if you want to .

  22. 这事肯定会有很多麻烦。

    There is going to be a lot of trouble about this .

  23. 我的汽车给我带来很多麻烦。

    My car has caused me a lot of trouble .

  24. 尺子的不精确给他带来了很多麻烦。

    The imprecision of the ruler gave him a lot of trouble .

  25. 不管遇到什么人,都有很多麻烦。

    A IOT of questions , whoever we run into .

  26. 你的评论可能产生出乎意料的后果并给你带来很多麻烦。

    Your comments may backfire and cause you a lot of trouble .

  27. 听起来好象他有很多麻烦。

    Sounds like he went to a lot of trouble .

  28. 因为他是如此性急,他将惹很多麻烦!

    Because he 's a hot-tempered , he 'll make some troubles !

  29. 恐怕她要因我而面对很多麻烦了。

    I am afraid that she may face trouble because of me .

  30. 他父亲的不幸肯定会有很多麻烦。

    This misfortune will give him so much to do .