
dài yù
  • treatment;pay;salary;wages;deal;renumeration
待遇 [dài yù]
  • (1) [treatment]

  • (2) 接待,对待

  • 第一流的待遇

  • (3) 指享有的权利,社会地位等

  • 政治待遇

  • (4) [pay;wages;salary;renumeration]∶物质报酬;工资福利

待遇[dài yù]
  1. 最优秀的模特儿会受到明星级的待遇。

    The best models receive star treatment .

  2. 农民能够得到某种具体的税收待遇。

    A farmer is entitled to a certain particularized tax treatment .

  3. 他对所遭受的待遇感到非常愤怒。

    He was outraged at the way he had been treated .

  4. 我们曾尽力保证每个人都受到公平待遇。

    We tried to ensure that everyone got a fair deal .

  5. 他曾遭受极不公正的待遇。

    He had been the victim of a grievous injustice .

  6. 她对于自己受到的待遇大为光火。

    She was very indignant at the way she had been treated .

  7. 他愤懑地诉说他所受到的不公平待遇。

    He complained bitterly that he had been unfairly treated .

  8. 该党承诺如果当选将给教师更好的待遇。

    If elected , the party has promised a new deal for teachers .

  9. 她觉得自己受到了不公平的待遇。

    She felt that she had been unjustly treated .

  10. 他因遭受如此待遇而怒火满腔。

    He was filled with anger at the way he had been treated .

  11. 公司给予的额外待遇包括一辆汽车和免费健康保险。

    Perks offered by the firm include a car and free health insurance .

  12. 他们要求平等的权利和公正的待遇。

    They are demanding equal rights and justice .

  13. 我做了什么事应该得到这种待遇呢?

    What have I done to deserve this ?

  14. 一支新乐队得到这样的待遇,几乎是空前的。

    It is almost unheard-of for a new band to be offered such a deal .

  15. 他们要求得到和其他老师同等的待遇。

    They were demanding to be treated on the same footing as the rest of the teachers .

  16. 受到那样的待遇,她无法掩藏内心强烈的愤恨。

    She could not conceal the deep resentment she felt at the way she had been treated .

  17. 妻子受到的待遇让他感到异常愤怒。

    He is furious at the way his wife has been treated

  18. 结果待遇根本不是他们对我们许诺的那样。

    The deal just isn 't working out the way we were promised

  19. 真搞不懂为什么这个人就该受到如此不公正的待遇。

    It was hard to say why the man deserved such shabby treatment

  20. 能有这般待遇和机会表达自己的看法,他欣然领受。

    He lapped up the attention and the opportunity to voice his thoughts

  21. 学校来向我们寻求帮助是因为他们想让不同种族的学生得到平等待遇。

    Schools came to us because they wanted to integrate

  22. 米尔恩以辞职来抗议唐纳德所遭受的不公待遇。

    Milne resigned in sympathy because of the way Donald had been treated .

  23. 我们长期受苦受难的采矿群体应该得到比这更好的待遇。

    Our long-suffering mining communities deserve better than this .

  24. 他们觉得魁北克省受到了不公平的待遇。

    They feel that Quebec is getting a raw deal

  25. 大多数加拿大人承认土著居民遭受了不公平的待遇。

    Most Canadians acknowledge that the aboriginal people have had a rotten deal .

  26. 我希望他们得到公平的待遇。

    I wanted them to get a fair deal

  27. 我认为妇女受到了不公正的待遇。

    I think women have a raw deal .

  28. 他已经保证富人和特权阶层不会再得到优惠待遇。

    He had promised that the rich and privileged would no longer get preferential treatment

  29. 吉姆受到了不应有的苛刻待遇。

    Jim 's treatment was harsh and undeserved .

  30. 联合国官员所受到的这种待遇几近羞辱。

    The treatment accorded to a United Nations official was little short of insulting .