
  • 网络purana;Puran
  1. 它节自瑜伽经典《塞犍陀往世书》(SkandaPurana),此经典大半已流失,从梵语译成其他语言的部分寥寥无几。

    it 's an excerpt from a holy ancient scripture of Yoga called the Skanda Purana , most of which has been lost , and little of which has been translated out of Sanskrit .

  2. 未来往世书明确地把他们鉴别为琐罗亚斯德教徒。

    Bhavishya Purana explicitly identifies them with zoroastrianism .

  3. 人以既得为满足,是为幸福。《薄伽梵往世书》(印度教)

    One contented with what happens to him of itself is happy .

  4. 所有的往世书当中,博伽梵往世书是最好的往世书。

    Among all the puranas , the Bhagavata Purana is the best known purna .

  5. 物质的利益和欲望,永无餍足;此之谓贪婪。《薄伽梵往世书》(印度教)

    With material gains and desires , there is no satisfaction ; such is avarice .

  6. 这种巴克提形式的所有特征也在《薄伽梵往世书》里找到,也在罗摩奴者的注释里面。

    All the features of this form of bhakti are found in the Bhagavata-Purana and in the commentaries of Ramanuja .

  7. 往世书和印度大史诗描述这一时期雅利安人分成不同的部落集团,而且人民中已经有被称为“罗阇”的领导者出现(王)。

    According to some history books and big Indian epics , Aryans were separated into several tribes with Rajah , the Indian chieftain .

  8. 往世书是根据婆罗门的三种主要形态来命名的:梵天,创造者;毗瑟奴,人类与生命的保护者;湿婆,毁灭者。

    Puranas are named after the three main forms of brahman : brahma , the creator ; vishnu , the protector of life and humanity ; and shiva , the destroyer .