
yǐnɡ shì zuò pǐn
  • Film and television works;cinematographic and television work
  1. 他的影视作品更为出名。

    He is better known for his film and TV work .

  2. 我们应该依法大力提倡反腐败题材的影视作品创作,影视才能出好的作品。

    We should greatly encourage production of high-quality films and television series on anti-corruption .

  3. 越来越多中国影视作品把在海外取景地点选在新西兰,这里优美的自然风光和纯朴民风给中国观众留下美好印象,相信将带动更多中国民众前来新西兰旅游。

    New Zealand is a popular filming location for more and more Chinese TV and film producers .

  4. 现在政府在中国电影产业上投资了大量的人力物力,力求让中国电影“走出去”。而这些高水准的影视作品自然而然也会吸引国际上的影视公司与中国演员或公司签约,进行出国巡演。

    The government now spends a lot of money and effort on promoting Chinese productions abroad , and these high-quality productions will naturally attract agencies to book actors and companies to tour abroad .

  5. 本文从文化翻译的角度出发,以美国情景喜剧《老友记》(Friends)为例,对影视作品字幕中文化词的翻译进行了研究。

    The thesis is a study on the translation of culture-loaded words in the subtitles from a cultural perspective . Examples are taken from the popular American situation comedy Friends .

  6. 如美国将动漫等影视作品分为五级:G级又称“大众级”,所有年龄段均可观看;

    Such as the United States and other film and television animation work will be divided into five : G-class , also known as " public class ", of all ages can watch ;

  7. 玛吉·吉伦哈尔(MaggieGyllenhaal)认为,她主演的《荣耀之女》(TheHonorableWoman)亦是关于影视作品中的一种全新女性角色。

    For Maggie Gyllenhaal , " The Honorable Woman " was similarly about a new range of roles for on-screen women .

  8. 我一直觉得如果这部小说将改编影视作品,最适合改编成电视剧,而BBC台就是它的归属。

    I always felt that , if it were to be adapted , this novel was best suited to television and I think the BBC is the perfect home .

  9. 其次对数字影视作品的表现类型和视听语言说明研究,从几方面分析数字影视创作的特点,同时具体分析3D影片《阿凡达》的创意表现手法。

    Secondly , the performance of digital television programs and movies and audio-visual language to explain the type of research , analysis from the aspects of the characteristics of digital video creation , and a detailed analysis 3D film " Avatar ," the creative expression .

  10. 书名、影视作品名称的汉译及跨文化交际

    Chinese Versions of the Names of Books and Movies with Cultures

  11. 影视作品的字幕翻译是一个新兴的翻译领域。

    Subtitling is an emerging field in the study of translation .

  12. 当今时代,越来越多的影视作品在互联网平台日趋活跃。

    Nowadays , popular films are increasingly active on the Internet .

  13. 第一章主要是对影视作品著作权归属规定的比较法研究。

    The first chapter is mainly about Comparative Law research .

  14. 一部影视作品的风格也由这三性决定。

    The style of the film work is also determined by it .

  15. 演员在影视作品中是否享有肖像权

    Does a performer enjoy the portrait right in films and TV programs

  16. “而且,国内的影视作品中的暴力镜头也越来越多。”

    " Domestic TV productions have become more violent . "

  17. 你对这些改编的影视作品怎么看呢?

    What do you think of film adaptations of literature ?

  18. 英美影视作品对英语听说能力的影响

    The Impact of English Movies on Students ' Listening and Speaking Ability

  19. 影视作品在高职高专英语教学中的文化导入应用

    The Culture Introducing Function of Movie Productions in College English

  20. 音乐在影视作品中的作用与影响

    Function and Influence of Music for Film and Television

  21. 从大众传播角度探讨影视作品的英译汉

    E-C Audiovisual Translation : A Perspective of Mass Communication

  22. 影视作品对旅游业发展的促进作用

    The Promotive Function of Movie and Television in the Development of Tourism Industry

  23. 在他50多年的从影生涯中,他一共出演了65部影视作品,

    Newman starred in over sixty-five movies during his more than fifty-year career .

  24. 武术文化与武侠影视作品的共生关系研究

    On the Paragenesis Relations between Wushu Culture and Knight-Errant FilmS and Television Works

  25. 第一,尽量出口文化折扣低的影视作品。

    Firstly , it is necessary to export products with low culture discount .

  26. 传统影视作品在新技术下呈现出互动的可能,审美压抑获得了解放,但作品叙事层次却遭到削弱;

    Interactive films release the aesthetic oppression , but impair the narrative arrangement .

  27. 特殊摄像在知识类影视作品中具有重要的作用。

    The special photography has important function to knowledge films and television programs .

  28. 而对影视作品的分析则进一步揭示了上述问题。

    The analysis of the film and television opened out this problem more .

  29. 影视作品中有一个版本的时间机器运用了虫洞的能量。

    One version of a time machine uses what 's called a wormhole .

  30. 基于唇动检测的影视作品对白单元切分有唇的或唇形部分的

    Dialogue Unit Segmentation of Films and Television Programs Based on Lip Movement Detection