
  • 网络summarizing;Summary;inductive generalization
  1. 外在的理论图式只是对鲁迅道路的一些现象的归纳概括,而不是对鲁迅道路本真存在的揭示。

    The extrinsic theory scheme is only an inductive generalization on some phenomena of Luxun 's way , not an revelation of the true existence of Luxun 's way .

  2. 法律用语;对法律文件进行归纳概括并列在表中。

    In law : make a summary or abstract of a legal document and inscribe it in a list .

  3. 能力目标:培养学生归纳概括能力和演绎推理能力;

    Ability aims : Develop students'the ability of summary and deduction .

  4. 对西方的就业趋势做一个归纳概括并非易事。

    It is difficult to generalize about job trends in the West .

  5. 归纳概括了高新技术产业集群发展的特征和模式。

    Induction and generalization of the high-tech industry cluster development of features and models .

  6. 其中推理能力和归纳概括能力是影响阅读水平的主要因素。

    Reasoning ability , inducing and summarizing ability are the main factors affecting reading level .

  7. 即具体体验反思内省归纳概括应用。

    That is the specific experience-reflection-generalization-application .

  8. 五鲁迅办刊实践与思想的现实意义归纳概括鲁迅办刊的成功经验及主要编辑特色:重视期刊的社会效益;严谨认真的编辑态度;

    It sums up Luxun 's successful experiences in periodical editing , and its main unique characteristics .

  9. 第三章归纳概括了甘肃省非公有制经济的发展现状。

    The third chapter outlines the Gansu Province into the non-public economic development of the status quo .

  10. 对上面进行归纳概括之后,进入到第二部分,简单图形的表意。

    On the induction and generalization , get into the second part after , simple graphic ideographic .

  11. 对景观设施设计表达手法的来源和应用也进行了一定的分析,归纳概括了景观设施设计表达的基本流程。

    We have also give some analysis on the source and application of expression method in landscape facilities design .

  12. 它被归纳概括为二类:一型糖尿病(胰岛素依赖)和二型糖尿病(非胰岛素依赖)。

    It is classified into two types : type 1 ( insulin-dependent ) and type 2 ( insulin-independent ) .

  13. 归纳概括得到猜想和规律,并加以验证,是创新的重要方法。

    It is innovation that Induction and generalization of the law and gets conjecture , and verified the important method .

  14. 归纳概括构建和谐城市社会的主要矛盾及其表现,并提出若干建议。

    The paper summarizes the main conflicts and problems in progress of building harmonious society and puts forwards the relative proposals .

  15. 同时,将实践中的干股取得归纳概括分为两种类型:赠与和公司回购。

    Meanwhile , the Dry Share obtain practice are divided into two types : induction and generalization of the presentation and the buyback .

  16. 本文综述了国外在该方面的研究结果,对信息系统评估内涵与系统有效性的概念进行了归纳概括,并对其评估方法进行了总结。

    The article summarizes the research method , the meaning of IS evaluation and the conception of the IS effectiveness in this field .

  17. 跟一般头脑发热的人一样,他不管事情的细处。对西方的就业趋势做一个归纳概括并非易事。

    Like enthusiasts in general he made no inquiries into details of procedure . It is difficult to generalize about job trends in the West .

  18. 将梁启超墨学研究的主要内容归纳概括为三个部分:(1)《墨经》校释,重点阐述了牒经标题公例校注法。

    There are three parts : ( 1 ) Collated and Annotated the " Mojing ", expounding the general rule about title of " Mojing " .

  19. 小学生阅读能力结构由四种因素构成,分别是:认读能力、理解能力、推理能力和归纳概括能力。

    The reading ability structure is composed of four factors . They are : recognition ability , comprehension ability , reasoning ability , inducing and summarizing ability .

  20. 党的文献对三个代表重要思想的科学体系和主要内容的归纳概括经历了一个过程。

    The Party 's literature has experienced a certain period to sum up the scientific system and main content of the important ideology of " the Three representatives " .

  21. 通过归纳概括历史小城镇的保护与更新的策略和方法,希望能够对我国同类型的历史小城镇的保护工作提供经验和参考。

    Through generalizing the methods of protection and renewal of historic towns , we hope to provide experience and reference for the investigation of protect other similar historical towns .

  22. 第三部分,我们归纳概括出言说类插入语的意义类别,并指出言说类插入语的句中位置情况。

    The third part , this section we study the position of speech parenthesis in sentence , generalizes the situation , and adopting the significance of such parenthesis said categories .

  23. 这部分从情感基调、意境和艺术手法出发,考察其悲凄婉丽的词作风貌;在词学观上分别从词体、词风和词韵三方面进行了归纳概括。

    This part explores its view from its sorrow elegant tone , emotion , and art technique ; moreover generalize ideal of Zhou Ci-poetry in three aspects : Style , View , and Rhythm .

  24. 我们认为,随着掉使用频率的增加,还有进一步虚化的可能。最后是结语,归纳概括本文研究的内容。

    We believe that , with the " diao " the increase in frequency of use , it has the potential of further false . Finally , the conclusion summarizes the contents of this research .

  25. 首先进行单案例分析,通过时间序列分析和关键事件法,对企业的功能升级活动进行梳理,并将各阶段中知识转移和技术创新行为进行了归纳概括。

    First , the three cases are analyzed individually , using time series analysis and critical incident technique to sort out the functional upgrade activities and to generalize the behavior of knowledge transfer and technology innovation .

  26. 这种对语义属性的自下而上的归纳概括的结果可以对人类近义语码的选择能力作出有效解释,对于人工智能领域的汉语语言知识库的建设也具有重要的意义。

    The result of this bottom-up induction for semantic feature could be beneficial for the explanation of the capability of mankind to choose symbol with similar semantic , and also for the building of lexical Knowledge Base .

  27. 将传统形式、仿古建筑、民族形式与传统样式等语言概念进行归纳概括,在对比分析中赋予仿古建筑形式科学的语言概念;

    In the paper the language conception of traditional form , imitation of ancient building , nation form and traditional style are generalized . Through the comparison the conception of imitation of ancient building science is obtained .

  28. 第一部分(第一章&第二章):主要归纳概括有关组织设计与变革的基本理论及各种观念与方法,力求简洁、明确、系统、完整。

    The research consists of three parts : Part I ( Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 ) summarizes the basic theory , various ideas and measures on organization design and transformation briefly , clearly , systematically and completely .

  29. 在分析选题缘由的基础上,归纳概括了本文研究的主要学术观点、得出结论及创新之处,指出了本文还存在的不足之处以及今后研究的努力方向。

    On the base of analyzing the reason of the selecting topic , it generalizes about the main academic opinions of the paper , comes to the conclusion and innovation , points out the shortcomings and the direction in future .

  30. 结合实际案例,分析了我国民事权利适用诉讼时效的现行法律依据与存在的问题。归纳概括了城市土地集约利用的基本内涵,并描述其基本特征。

    It is analyzed the current law on the limitation of action and its disadvantages . Based on the current situation analysis of the urban land use , the authors summarize the characteristic and existent main limitation of land use in Fuzhou .