
guī yīn
  • ascribe to;attribute to;impute
归因[guī yīn]
  1. 第五部分……v.将……归因于……他把他的成功归因于熟练和辛苦地工作。

    Part 05 ...... ascribe to He ascribes his success to skill and hard work .

  2. 社会营销在我国尚处于初步实践阶段,社会营销活动涉及面广、周期长且成功率较低,主要归因于社会营销实施者对社会营销要素的认识及其实施策略的设计不足。

    Social marketing is on preliminary practice stage in China . The social marketing programs involve a wide range of knowledge , long period and low success rate , which mainly ascribe to the insufficient understanding of elements of social marketing and defectively designing of implementing tactics .

  3. 这届政府的垮台在很大程度上归因于征收一种新税。

    The introduction of a new tax accounted in no small measure for the downfall of the government .

  4. 女性倾向于将她们的成功归因于外部因素,比如运气。

    Women tend to attribute their success to external causes such as luck .

  5. 他将自己的当选归因于充分利用了公众对于职业政治家们不再抱希望的心情。

    He owes his election to having tapped deep public disillusion with professional politicians

  6. 你或许是个怀疑论者,会把它归因于生活的不公正。

    You may be a sceptic and put it down to life 's inequalities .

  7. 他将该党的失败归因于过分强调意识形态和理念。

    He attributed the party 's lack of success to an overemphasis on ideology and ideas .

  8. 英国的通货膨胀有一部分大概要归因于财政大臣未能将汇率控制在合理水平。

    Britain 's inflation is probably traceable in part to the Chancellor 's failure to get the exchange rate right .

  9. 他把成功归因于运气好。

    He attributes his success to good luck .

  10. 警方和村民一致把森林失火归因于雷电。

    Police and the villagers all unanimously ascribed the forest fire to thunder and lightning .

  11. 他的失败可归因于缺乏经验。

    His failure can be chalked up to lack of experience .

  12. 他们把他的坏脾气归因于健康不佳。

    They assigned his bad temper to ill health .

  13. 尽管许多人已经尝试过,但这幅画的独特地位似乎不太可能完全归因于其笔触的质量。

    Although many have tried . , it does Seem improbable that the painting 's unique status can be attributed entirely to the quality of its brushstrokes .

  14. 尽管我非常希望把这归罪与其他原因,但我最终还是不得不承认,我的坏习惯与新时代的技术没有太大关系,而是更多归因与拖延的老毛病。

    Though I desperately wanted to lay blame elsewhere , I finally had to admit that my bad habits had less to do with new-age technology and more to do with old-fashioned procrastination .

  15. “大约80%的年度同比销售下滑可以归因于冬季货品的短缺,”首席执行官泰瑞·伧德格伦在媟体发布会上说。

    “ About   80 %   of   our   company 's   year-over-year   declines   incomparable   sales   can   be   attributed   to   shortfalls    in   cold-weather   goods , ”  said   chief executive   Teny   Lundgren   in   a   press   release .

  16. 失误打击了他们的自信心,因为他们把错误归因于缺乏能力,这使他们感觉无力改变。

    Mistakes crack their self-confidence because they attribute errors to a lack of ability , which they feel powerless to change .

  17. 尽管许多人把柯达公司的衰落归因于它的“自满”,但这一解释掩盖了柯达公司为了改造自己而做出的长期努力。

    Although many attribute Kodak 's downfall to " complacency " that explanation doesn 't acknowledge the lengths to which the company went to reinvent itself .

  18. 特别是,比起归因于缺乏努力,把糟糕的表现归因于缺乏能力对积极性的打击更大。

    In particular , attributing poor performance to a lack of ability depresses motivation more than does the belief that lack of effort is to blame .

  19. 由于将糟糕的成绩归因于自己能力不足,那些固定思维模式的学生说,他们在未来会更少学习,试图永远不再修这门课程并考虑在未来的考试中作弊。

    Attributing a bad grade to their own lack of ability , those with a fixed mind-set said that they would study less in the future , try never to take that subject again and consider cheating on future tests .

  20. 在实际情况中看到的这些停工,要归因于失误或甚至是非理性的东西。

    Such stoppages as are observed in practice are thus attributed to mistakes or even irrationality .

  21. 很多人自然地将推迟要孩子归因于女性追求事业,去年,英国女性生育头胎的平均年龄首次超过30岁。

    Some people will automatically blame women for delaying motherhood while they further their careers . Last year , the average age for a woman to have her first baby tipped over the age of 30 for the first time .

  22. 十二烷基苯磺酸比盐酸掺杂的PAN导电性更优良归因于其对PAN链更大的离域作用。

    The good conductivity of PAN-DBSA compared to PAN-HCl was attributed to its enhanced delocalization effect on the PAN chains .

  23. 关于EE的理论模型的研究主要集中在归因模型和相互作用模型。本研究支持EE的归因模型,不支持EE的相互作用模型。

    The results of this study was in favor of EE 's attribution model to EE 's interaction model .

  24. MDA含量的下降可能归因于富勒醇本身发挥了清除自由基的能力,而这种清除作用并不依赖于SOD和谷胱甘肽。

    The decrease of the MDA content is due to the scavenging effect on reactive oxide species of the fullerol . And there is no SOD or GSH involved .

  25. MASNMR结果表明,上述相变过程及四方形晶体c轴逐渐加长的情况,应归因于晶格内部铝离子位置分布的变化。

    The results of MAS NMR illustrate that the phase change process and the elongation of tetragonal crystal c axis are due to the variation of aluminium ion distribution within the lattice .

  26. 当我援引政府间气候变化问题小组(IntergovernmentalPanelonClimateChange)一位发言人的话,说在二十世纪全球气温上升了0.6摄氏度时,他将其归因于气候的自然变异。

    When I cite a spokesman for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change saying the world warmed by 0.6C over the 20th century , he puts it down to the natural variability of the climate .

  27. 高催化活性归因于Pd(II)活性位的有效分散和规整有序的介孔结构,减小了反应底物的扩散阻力。

    The high activity could be attributed to the high dispersion of Pd ( II ) active sites and ordered mesopore channels which effectively diminished the steric hindrance and thus , diffusion limit .

  28. F在多晶硅和SiO2中的迁移行为呈现不规则的特性,这归因于损伤缺陷和键缺陷对F原子的富集作用。

    Anomalous migration of fluorine atoms is observed in both poly-silicon and SiO2 . This is due to the collection of fluorine atoms in the regions of residual damage and bond defects .

  29. LSI的成功归因于成品率的提高。芯片的设计和工艺方面的重要革新使VLSI进展很快。

    Yield improvement contributed to the success of LSI , VLSI is progressing very rapidly as a result of innovations in chip design and technology .

  30. 本文在DHS模型和收入效应的基础上,来研究投资者过度自信心理和自我归因偏差心理如何影响证券投资期望收益和风险。

    Based on DHS model and income effect , This paper studied impact of overconfidence on the expected return and risk of security market investment .