
  1. 新兴强国会重提那些被认为是早已解决了的问题。

    Rising powers will revisit issues that have long been considered settled .

  2. 新兴强国都会这样做。

    That is what rising powers do .

  3. 他们辩称,新兴强国时常会与老牌强国发生冲突。

    The argument is that emerging great powers all too often come into conflict with established powers .

  4. 为什么20世纪80年代的世界强国日本会被韩国和中国赶超?

    Why was Japan , the juggernaut of the 1980s , eclipsed by South Korea and China ?

  5. 这是一个好的记录,很多足球强国都会嫉妒这个记录,至少阿根廷和西班牙就是。

    Many leading footballing countries would envy it , Argentina and Spain for starters It is not , however , a great record .

  6. 困难在于要将北京那些其他任何崛起强国都会制定的政策与那些会从根本上改变战后世界秩序的政策区分开来。

    The challenge is to distinguish between those policies of Beijing that any other rising power would develop and those that could fundamentally alter the postwar global order .

  7. 历史上,所有的国家成为重要的工业强国都会以破环环境作为代价,而将破坏的环境恢复却需要几时年以及大量的资金。

    BEIJING , Aug.25 & No country in history has emerged as a major industrial power without creating a legacy of environmental damage that can take decades and big dollops of public wealth to undo .

  8. 如果美国不是一个世界级的军事强国,中国会怎么反应?

    How would China have reacted if the United States were not a world military power ?

  9. 但中国未来将凭借自身能力成为一个高科技强国,还是会成为全球最大的分支工厂经济体,这仍是个谜。

    But whether its future is as a high-tech powerhouse in its own right or as the world 's biggest branch-plant economy remains an open question .

  10. 在1925年前后,如果把二三十页的情报交给任何一个世界强国,都会改变世界历史的进程。

    Twenty or thirty pages of information handed to any of the major world powers around the year 1925 would have been sufficient to chang the course of world history .

  11. 回顾体育强国对汉城奥运会的准备

    Reviewing the Preparations of the Powerful Sports Nations for the Olympic Games in Seoul

  12. 如果中东开始普遍使用核武器,新兴强国失去的东西会一样多或许更多。

    The new powers have as much to lose perhaps more from the spread of loose nukes in the Middle East .

  13. 但是他们看到另一个国家并且认为那是个强国,这时他们会说,那对我们来说意味着什么?

    But when they look at another nation and they say , Thats a power , then they say , What does that mean for us ?

  14. 雅克写道:如果成为占据主导地位的世界强国,中国可能会形成一种具有强烈等级色彩的世界观。这种世界观将建立在文化与种族观点相结合的基础上。

    As the dominant global power , China is likely to have a strongly hierarchical view of the world , based on a combination of racial and cultural attitudes , he writes .

  15. 巴西当局并不认为自己是全球秩序的挑战者,尽管在其眼中这个世界仍是由少数强国主导的“肮脏之地”(这些强国会尽其所能让巴西这样的国家“保持本分”)。

    The Brazilian establishment does not see itself as a challenger of the global order , even if in its eyes the world remains a nasty place dominated by a handful of powerful nations that will do what they can to keep the likes of Brazil in their place .