
  • 网络Isoflavone;Isoflavones
  1. 西洋参DNA导入大豆实现遗传转化的研究Ⅱ.导入后代异黄酮类成分的含量测定

    Genetic Transformation of Soybeans by Soaking Its Seeds with the Total DNA of American Ginseng ( Panax quinquefolium ) ⅱ . Determination of Isoflavone Content by HPLC

  2. 研究中涉及有黄酮类、黄酮醇类、异黄酮类等,查尔酮类化合物较少。

    Research involving flavonoids , flavonols , isoflavone , etc , chalcone is not common .

  3. 大豆异黄酮类药genistein抑制IL-1β的促破骨细胞骨吸收功能

    Genistein inhibits the promotive effect of IL-1 β on osteoclastic bone resorption

  4. 异黄酮类药Genistein对原代培养大鼠成骨细胞增殖、分化、钙含量及矿化功能的影响

    Effects of Genistein on proliferation , differentiation , content of matrix calcium and mineralization of cultured osteoblasts in vitro

  5. 应用体外细胞培养和MTT比色法。研究大豆异黄酮类化合物金雀黄素和大豆黄酮对人乳腺癌细胞系体外增殖作用的影响。

    The effects of genistein and daidzein on the proliferation of human breast cancer cell line in vitro were studied by cell culture and MTT colorimetric method .

  6. 结论:异黄酮类化合物染料木素、大豆甙元和黄豆黄素均具有诱导PC-3细胞凋亡的作用,这一结果提示,该类物质是可通过诱导细胞凋亡而发挥其抗肿瘤作用的。

    Conclusion : Isoflavones could induce apoptosis in prostate cancer cells PC-3 and it may be the main cause of their role in cancer inhibition .

  7. 方法:以经口给予大鼠大豆异黄酮类提取物后分离的血清作为干预物,加入新生SD大鼠颅骨分离培养的成骨细胞(OB)中。

    Methods : The serum collected from experimental rats given soybean isoflavones extract was added to the culture system of osteoblast cells ( OB ) isolated from the calvaria of neonatal SD rats .

  8. 与此同时,我们运用UGT特异性代谢指纹图谱预测了异黄酮类化合物在人肝、肠微粒体中的代谢情况。

    We then measured how well metabolic fingerprinting predicted metabolism of these isoflavones by human intestinal and liver microsomes .

  9. 其中3%蔗糖浓度有利于毛状根中异黄酮类化合物及葛根素的积累,毛状根的葛根素含量在培养12d后达到最高,约5.147mg/gDW;

    3 % sucrose in the medium was most effective for accumulation of isoflavones and puerarin in the hairy roots .

  10. 异黄酮类化合物N-2035对大鼠局灶性脑缺血再灌注脑组织损伤的保护作用(抗氧化活性)

    Protective effects of compound N-2035 on focal brain ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats ( Antioxidant effects )

  11. 培养30d后,三裂叶野葛毛状根中的异黄酮类化合物及葛根素含量分别是非转化根的1.6和5.1倍。

    30 days after cultivation , contents of isoflavones and puerarin in hairy root cultures were 1.6 times , 5.1 times , respectively , as much as that in control roots .

  12. [目的]研究大豆异黄酮类对α葡萄糖苷酶(EC3.2.1.20)和α淀粉酶(EC3.2.1.1)的抑制作用,以期为揭示大豆异黄酮类在糖尿病中的作用及机理提供依据。

    OBJECTIVE To study the inhibitory effects of isoflavonoids on alpha-glucosidase ( EC ) and alpha-amylase ( EC ) and supply a scientific basis for the development and use of isoflavonoids for the patient with diabetes mellitus .

  13. 定性试验结果表明,葛根中主要黄酮类化合物为异黄酮类。

    Qualitative analysis results showed that the main flavonoids were isoflavones .

  14. 异黄酮类化合物在不同氧化体系中的作用研究

    Study on the Function of Isoflavones in Different Oxidation System

  15. 射干异黄酮类成分的质量控制方法研究

    Study on the Methodology of Quality Control of Isoflavones from Rhizoma Belamcandae

  16. 异黄酮类化合物的应用研究进展及其安全性问题

    Advances in researches on application and safety of isoflavones

  17. 用紫外分光法测定鱼藤中异黄酮类的总含量

    Determination of the Total Content of Isoflavonoids in Derris Elliptica Benth by Ultraviolet Spectrometry

  18. 异黄酮类植物雌激素通过雌激素受体对靶基因的转录调节作用

    Isoflavones Regulate Target Genes Transcription Through Estrogen Receptors

  19. 结果表明,鸢尾属植物和射干中普遍具有异黄酮类成分,这是它们的特征性成分之一。

    The results show that the isoflavones are the characteristic constituents of Iris and Belamcanda .

  20. 野葛幼叶细胞悬浮培养生产葛根素等异黄酮类化合物的研究

    Production of puerarin and other isoflavones in cell suspension cultures in leaves of Pueraria lobata seedling

  21. 关于异黄酮类化合物精制方法的探讨

    Discussion on refining methods of isoflavones

  22. 目的:探讨大豆异黄酮类提取物预防骨质疏松症在细胞水平的作用机制。

    Objective : To study the mechanism of the preventive effects of soybean isoflavones on osteoporosis .

  23. 异黄酮类化合物的负面效应

    The Adverse Effects of Isoflavones

  24. 目的研究大豆中植物雌激素&异黄酮类对去卵巢大鼠骨丢失的预防作用。

    Objective : To study the preventive effects of phytoestrogen soybean isoflavones on bone loss of ovariectomized rats .

  25. 对照品替代法同时测定中药和保健食品中6种大豆异黄酮类成分的含量

    Simultaneous determination of 6 isoflavones in traditional Chinese medicine and functional foods with replacement method of chemical reference substance

  26. 中国鸢尾属植物根茎中异黄酮类成分分布的初步研究及其系统学意义

    A preliminary study on the distribution pattern of isoflavones in rhizomes of Iris from China and its systematic significance

  27. 根据对中草药葛根的调查研究:它的化学成分主要为异黄酮类、三萜类和芳香类化合物;

    According to the investigation of Puerariae radix , the chemical constituents mainly include isoflavonoids , triterpenoidal and aromatic compounds ;

  28. 大部分植物源拒食性次生性化合物可以分为倍半萜烯内酯类、异黄酮类、苦木素类和柠檬苦素类化合物4大类。

    Most antifeedant secondary plant compounds fall into one of four categories : sesquiterpene lactones , isoflavonoids , quassinoids , limonoids .

  29. 结论含有异黄酮类的大豆分离蛋白具有预防骨丢失的作用,而?

    It is also concluded that the soybean isoflavones are weaker than estrogen in preventing ovarian hormone deficiency associated bone loss .

  30. [方法]甲醇提取大豆胚轴中的异黄酮类和皂甙,以薄层色谱法、高效液相色谱法检测其组成。

    METHODS Extract of soybean hypocotyl rich in isoflavonoids and saponins were isolated with methanol and investigated using TLC and HPLC .