
yì luǎn shuāng shēng
  • fraternal twin
异卵双生[yì luǎn shuāng shēng]
  1. 异卵双生是指精子细胞分别受精两个不同的卵细胞发育成两个不同的胚胎

    That 's when two sperm cells fertilize two seperate eggs .

  2. 研究人员比较了几对双胞胎,其中既有同卵双生胎也有异卵双生胎。

    Researchers compared sets of twins , some identical and some fraternal .

  3. 异卵双生胎的则存在基因差异。

    The fraternal twins have genetic differences .

  4. 异卵双生的由两个分别受精的卵子生出的双胞胎的;

    Of , relating to , or being a twin developed from two separately fertilized ova ; dizygotic .

  5. 结果:各激素组内相关系数同卵双生大于异卵双生;

    Results : The intraclass correlation coefficient was greater in the MZ twins than in the DZ twins .

  6. 如果说同卵双生的一致性几率高于异卵双生的一致性几率,也许能说明基因的影响更为重要。

    If concordance is higher among identical twins with their identical genes , then genetic effects are probably more important .

  7. 如果同卵双生比异卵双生更相似,这就意味着基因影响了性状,例如遗传性。

    If identical twins are more similar than fraternal twins , this means genes affect the trait , ie it is heritable .

  8. 遗传可能性评估依赖于比较相同异卵双生的类似性状,如果和基因与基因相互作用相关遗传可能性会增强。

    Heritability estimates depend on comparing the similarity of a trait for identical versus fraternal twins , and will be increased if gene-gene interactions are involved .

  9. 双胞胎近年来相对来说更加普遍了,每100个产妇中就会有1位怀有双胞胎。虽然已经有证据证明异卵双生与遗传因素有关,但至今还没有人成功鉴别出自发性异卵双生的基因。

    They are relatively common - occurring once in 100 pregnancies - and while the cause of non-identical twins has been linked to genetics , the genes involved had not been identified until now .

  10. 通过对芜湖市中、小学和幼儿园的58887名学生的普查,发现198对双生子,双生子发生率为3.4‰,其中同卵双生占60.77%,异卵双生占39.23%。

    There were 198 pairs of twins being found in 58 887 children in kindergartens , primary and middle schools in Wuhu . The frequency of twins was 3.4 ‰, of which the monozygotic ( MZ ) and dizygotic ( DZ ) twins were 60.77 % and 39.23 % respectively .