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开襟 [kāi jīn]
  • (1) [a kind of Chinese-style garment which buttons down the front or on the right]∶中式上衣、袍子等的一种式样,前面的部分分开,纽扣在胸前的叫对开襟,在右侧的叫右开襟

  • (2) [with one's coat unbuttoned]∶[乘凉]敞开衣襟

  1. 我自己织的这件开襟毛衣。

    I knitted this cardigan myself .

  2. 老人撩起开襟毛衣挠了挠身体的一侧。

    The old man lifted his cardigan to scratch his side

  3. 手边备一件薄的套头毛衣或开襟毛衫。

    Keep handy a lightweight sweater or cardigan

  4. 安全预测:这款简约的putty-coloredElieSaab礼服,以其大开襟领口设计凸显性感。

    Safe Bet : This putty-colored Elie Saab dress has a simple design , but the plunging neckline gives it a sexy edge .

  5. 时髦的开襟上衣、百慕大风格的短裤和贝雷帽,这些看上去或许像是法国巴黎春天百货(Printemps)或老佛爷百货公司(GaleriesLafayette)会陈列的商品。

    The chic edge-to-edge jackets , Bermuda shorts and berets would probably look at home on the rails of Printemps or Galeries Lafayette .

  6. 礼服上开出的侧面突显出她重回苗条的腰部,裙部的开襟与腿相称得完美无瑕,配上ChristianLouboutin的露趾高跟鞋,镶满钻的戒指和耀眼的鸽子蛋,这套优雅的礼服使阿奎莱拉显得相当惊艳。

    With cut out panels to accentuate her once again svelte waist , and a slit to show off her fit legs , Aguilera dazzled in the elegant dress accentuated with blinged-out Christian Louboutin peep-toe heels , pave rings and bedazzled clutch .

  7. 针织衫,两件套,开襟羊毛衫可以穿着。

    Sweaters , twin sets , cardigans are ok to wear .

  8. 介绍了服装开襟纸样制作的方法。

    Manufacturing methods of garment top fly pattern are discussed .

  9. 可以配一件白色T恤和长款黑色开襟毛衫。

    Wear them with a white T-shirt and a long black cardigan .

  10. 衬衫前开襟纸样与工艺设计的研究

    Study on the pattern and processing technology design of placket

  11. 再穿一件风情万种的衬衫,搭配开襟羊毛衫,就是超级有型的周末装了。

    Add a flirty blouse and cardigan for a super chic weekend look .

  12. 平罗纹特白开襟童衫开往北京的12次特快

    Infant 's white shirts with front opening the No. 12 special express to Beijing

  13. 这其中有著名的腰带,外加开襟羊毛衫,上装,还有和夹克。

    There was that famous belt , plus a cardigan , dress and jacket .

  14. 美国用法,开襟的或套头的羊绒衫,羊毛衫。

    Cashmere sweaters are softer and warmer than most ones made of ordinary wool .

  15. 他充当展示编织书里各种开襟羊毛衫的模特儿。

    He models cardigans in knitting books .

  16. 妈妈正为我编织一件开襟羊毛衫。

    Mom 's knitting me a cardigan .

  17. 棉毛印花半开襟套装

    Interlock printed suit with half front opening

  18. 服装开襟纸样制作方法

    Manufacturing methods of garment top fly pattern

  19. 穿衣秘诀:在开襟处或腰部有细部装饰的上衣会更凸显你的细腰!

    Tip : Any top that has any detail at the empire or waistline always highlights your small waist !

  20. 她既穿顶级设计师的名品礼服,也可穿得平民风格的开襟羊毛衫,这样的穿衣风格使她既赢得了来自时尚界的赞誉,也有批评。

    Her wardrobe-mixing top designers and off-the-rack cardigans-has won her accolades , and censure , from the fashion world .

  21. 一顾客想买一件开襟羊毛衫,但她觉得价格有点偏高。

    A customer wants to buy a cardigan , but she thinks the price is on the higher side .

  22. 黑色斜纹有纽开襟背主是一件很好的上衣,若上裤子或裙子搭配穿,会给人一种另类的感觉。

    The black twill button front vest is a great jacket alternative when worn with the pants or skirt .

  23. 因此,带有纹章主题的开襟衫可能是源自乡村的灯芯棉床单。

    Hence , a cardigan whose heraldic motif could have been lifted from a candlewick bedspread in a country cottage .

  24. 她到学校后发现,女儿身着一套十分普通的衣服:开襟羊毛衫、背心和牛仔裤。

    She arrived to find her daughter in a pretty ordinary ensemble : a cardigan , tank top and jeans .

  25. 丝或废丝制套头衫、无领开襟上衣、外穿式背心及类似品,针织或?针织者。

    Jerseys , pullovers , cardigans , waistcoats and similar articles , knitted or crocheted , of silk or silk waste .

  26. 试着戴上男性的腰带,在口袋里放一个丝绸方巾或是穿上他舒适的开襟羊毛衫。

    Try on a man 's belt , stash a silk square into your pocket or slip into his cozy6 cardigan .

  27. 棉毛针织开襟绒线衫面料有丝绒,真丝,羊毛,马海毛,晴纶,化纤等。

    Cardigan of knit cotton fleece And the fabric is about plush , pure silk , wool , mohair , chemical fibres etc.

  28. 这位25岁的球星太太外穿黑色开襟毛衣,内著一件粉嫩闪光的紧身衣,完美地勾勒出了她怀胎许久的大肚子,著实引人注目。

    The25-year-old WAG drew attention to her massive bump with a skin-tight , fluorescent pink top bulging out under a black cardigan .

  29. 开襟式上衣领口用衬条对稳固前身领口的边是有利的。

    The neckline of a cardigan style jacket can also benefit from having its front neckline edges stabilized with a strip of interfacing .

  30. 在最后一种情况下,小女孩穿的是一件显然十分性感的衣服:一条超短裙搭配一件豹纹开襟绒线衫和手提包。

    In the final condition , the girl wore an obviously sexualized outfit : a very short dress with a leopard-print cardigan and purse .