
  • 网络ocw;opencourseware;OOPS;Open Courseware
  1. 所有麻省理工学院的大学生都必需修习物理学II(电力与磁力),不过,麻省理工学院提供了数种版本的物理学II,也都在麻省理工开放式课程网站上。

    All MIT undergraduates must take Physics II ( Electricity and Magnetism ), however , MIT offers several versions of Physics II , and this is reflected on the MIT OCW web site .

  2. NP问题。“P等于NP吗?”是近代数学中一个重要的待解问题之一。(图片由麻省理工开放式课程提供)

    An NP completeness problem . " Does P equal NP ?" is one of the most important unsolved questions in modern mathematics . ( Image courtesy of MIT OCW . )

  3. 并通过介绍以MIT开放式课程为代表的网络教学资源,总结了提高双语教学效果的方法。

    The Internet education resources , such as the MIT open courses , were introduced , and a way to improve the effect of this course is explained .

  4. 因此,为了让麻省理工学院开放式课程的使用者能够了解麻省理工学院的课程规划,我们现在让使用者能够使用到这些特殊跨领域课程的课程集合,我们称之为SP课程。

    Thus , in the interest of providing MIT OCW users a view of MIT 's entire curriculum , we now offer users access to a collection of " Special Program " or " SP " courses .

  5. HemalathaThiagarajan在数年前为人工智慧资料做网际网络查询时第一次发现“开放式课程计划”(OCW)。

    Hemalatha Thiagarajan first discovered OpenCourseWare several years ago during an Internet search for materials on artificial intelligence .

  6. 开放式课程计划联盟网站是你接触浩瀚资源的入口。

    The OCW Consortium web site is your portal to this vast resource .

  7. 高职院校开放式课程模式构建的思考

    On Opening Curriculum Mode Construction in Higher Vocational College

  8. 注:开放式课程不向使用者提供该材料。

    Note : ocw users will not be able to access this material .

  9. 但是就像网站中指出的,开放式课程软件并不等于麻省教育。

    But as the site points out , OpenCourseWare is not an M.I.T.education .

  10. 我的学校如何才能加入开放式课程计划联盟?

    How Can My Institution Join the OpenCourseWare Consortium ?

  11. 现在麻省理工的开放式课程软件还包括了相关高中教育的材料。

    M.I.T.OpenCourseWare now includes materials for high school .

  12. 许多公认对于建立开放式课程计画的大学也受邀参加。

    Accredited universities interested in establishing their own OCW sites are welcome to attend .

  13. 首先感谢所有志愿者对于促进开放式课程计画运动所做的贡献。

    We thank all volunteers in advance for their contribution to the growing OpenCourseWare Movement .

  14. 今天,开放式课程提供了1800个本科生和研究生的课程资料。

    Today , OpenCourseWare offers materials from one thousand eight hundred undergraduate and graduate courses .

  15. 在来源许可的情况下,我们将持续地加入麻省理工开放式课程的影音教材。

    As resources permit , we continue to add video and audio materials to OCW .

  16. 迪格南补充道,由于是开放式课程,责任更多要由个人承担。

    With open programmes , adds Mr Degnan , the onus is far more on the individual .

  17. 开放式课程计划的架设镜射网站套件对于符合条件的教育团体是免费的。

    OCW Mirror Site packages are available free of charge to educational institutions meeting our program criteria .

  18. 因此我们极为兴奋地宣布法国高科的开放式课程计划启动了。

    So it is with great excitement that we announce the launch of the ParisTech OpenCourseWare project .

  19. 如今,麻省理工学院开放式课程已是个公开发行麻省理工学院课程教学资源的大规模网络计划。

    Nowadays MIT OCW have become a large-scale internet plan to open the teaching resources of its courses .

  20. 犹他州立大学的开放式课程计画实践了犹他州立大学的使命,透过学习、发现与参与来服务人群。

    USU OpenCourseWare supports USU 's institutional mission to serve the public through learning , discovery , and engagement .

  21. 麻省理工开放式课程计划非常兴奋地宣布在网站上发行了一个独特的教学与学习工具。

    MIT OCW is pleased to announce the publication of a unique teaching and learning tool on the Web site .

  22. 教员正在讲授一门课程。本课程为麻省理工学院之开放式课程。

    The teacher is delivering a course of lectures . This subject is taught at MIT in an open format .

  23. 这是最早在麻省理工开放式课程网站中上线课程之一,它包含了大量的有关开罗建筑的影像库。

    This was one of our early classes on OCW , and it contains extensive image galleries of Cairene architecture .

  24. 还有很多网站提供免费课程,比如麻省理工学院的“开放式课程网页”项目。

    There are also many sites that allow you to take free classes , such as MIT 's OpenCourseWare programs .

  25. 麻省理工学院开放式课程计划与亚马逊网站合作,提供本课程所引用书籍的直接购买链接。

    Partnering with Amazon . com , MIT OCW offers direct links to purchase the books cited in this course .

  26. 麻省理工学院是其开放式课程项目的早期领导者,它于2001年首次宣布此项目。

    The Massachusetts Institute of Technology became an early leader with its OpenCourseWare project , first announced in two thousand one .

  27. 约翰.霍普金斯公共卫生学院的开放式课程计划提供了学校最热门课程的教材给使用者阅览。

    The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health 's Opencourseware project provides access to the school 's most popular courses .

  28. 「麻省理工开放式课程更新」欢迎您对本电子报与网站的回馈意见与建议。

    " The MIT OpenCourseWare Update " welcomes your feedback and suggestions about this newsletter and the MIT OCW Web site .

  29. 开放式课程计画所提供的课程教材真的是太好用了,特别是对那些缺少正式背景的人。

    The course material provided in the OCW is extremely useful especially for the people who do not have formal background .

  30. 热力学部分是在上半学期,其讲稿内容尚未并入“开放式课程”中。

    The thermodynamics segment of3.205 , taught in the first half of the semester , has not yet been incorporated into OCW .