
kāi shǐ
  • start;begin;initiate;commence;go;get started;set out;kick off;inaugurate;initial stage;strike up;kick up
开始 [kāi shǐ]
  • [begin;start;commence] 着手进行;从头起;从某一点起

  • 开始旅行

  • [initial stage;beginning] 开始的时候或阶段

开始[kāi shǐ]
  1. 你的女婴在会说话前很早就要开始咿呀发声了。

    Your baby will begin to vocalize long before she can talk .

  2. 大多数玫瑰从五月末开始开花。

    Most roses will begin to bloom from late May .

  3. 两国同意于随后的一周重新开始会谈。

    The two countries agreed to recommence talks the following week .

  4. 我对他们那腐朽的生活方式开始感到厌恶。

    I started to feel a revulsion against their decadent lifestyle .

  5. 对我来说,最好晚一点再开始工作。

    It suits me to start work at a later time .

  6. 他开始有点谢顶了。

    He 's starting to get a little thin on top .

  7. 她开始跑最后一圈时紧跟在领先的一组人后面。

    She started the last lap just behind the leading group .

  8. 我们只好重新开始努力吸引年轻队员。

    We have to renew our efforts to attract young players .

  9. 咱们省去繁文缛节,开始讨论实质问题吧。

    Let 's skip the formalities and get down to business .

  10. 已到九月了,树叶开始凋落。

    September had come and the leaves were starting to fall .

  11. 开始尽兴畅饮时,聚会的气氛活跃起来。

    The party got livelier as the drink began to flow .

  12. 叛乱者一直等到夜幕降临才开始行动。

    The rebels waited until nightfall before they made their move .

  13. 咱们别说废话了,开始干正事吧。

    Let 's cut the crap and get down to business .

  14. 她终于睡着了,并开始做梦。

    When she finally fell asleep , she began to dream .

  15. 他们开始觉得他行为可疑,便报了警。

    They became suspicious of his behaviour and contacted the police .

  16. 等了一个小时后,大伙儿开始冒火了。

    After an hour of waiting , tempers began to fray .

  17. 自第一个孩子出生后他们的婚姻便开始走下坡路了。

    Their marriage went downhill after the first child was born .

  18. 法国队开始领先,但很快就被威尔士队把比分扳平。

    France took an early lead but Wales soon drew level .

  19. 等他们最终住了嘴,我又重新开始讲。

    When they 'd finally shut up , I started again .

  20. 我们开始先来复习一下上星期学的内容。

    Let 's start by reviewing what we did last week .

  21. 我决心一开始就维护我的权威。

    I was determined to assert my authority from the beginning .

  22. 他开始当过教师,后来改行搞起了新闻。

    He started life as a teacher before turning to journalism .

  23. 他开始滔滔不绝地谈起美国的生活。

    He went into a long monologue about life in America .

  24. 卵受精后细胞立即开始分裂。

    Immediately after fertilization , the cells of the egg divide .

  25. 过了一会儿,浓味沙司开始显得油腻了。

    After a while , the rich sauce begins to cloy .

  26. 这支乐队的歌曲已开始在电台热播。

    The band is starting to get a lot of airplay .

  27. 由于实在闲极无聊,我开始无节制地大吃起来。

    I started to eat too much out of sheer boredom .

  28. 管子开始生锈,水都变颜色了。

    The pipes were beginning to rust , discolouring the water .

  29. 他四杯酒下肚后开始感到头晕目眩起来。

    After four glasses of wine he began to feel light-headed .

  30. 下周,这部剧将在伦敦开始第二轮演出。

    The play opens for a second season in London next week .