
  1. 方法以智能建筑设备管理信息流为主线,讨论基于关系型数据库和Web技术的智能建筑设备管理信息系统集成;

    Based on relational database and Web technology , the integration of intelligent building services management information system was discussed .

  2. 物业建筑设备管理需注意的若干问题

    Several Problems of Observation About Property Equipment Management

  3. 基于Internet的建筑设备综合管理远程实验平台

    A Remote Monitoring Experimental Platform of Building Management System Based on Internet

  4. 国有体制下建筑机械设备的管理与发展

    Management and Development of Construction Machinery Equipment under State-owned System

  5. 对建筑施工特种设备管理的建议

    Some Suggestions on the Management of Special Construction Equipment

  6. 建筑租赁设备的管理

    Leasing The management of Construction Machinery Rentals

  7. 同济大学楼宇设备工程与管理系根据建筑设备工程与管理专业的特点,对毕业实习进行了改革。

    The reforming of graduation has been tried on building services engineering course in the department of buiding services engineering and management , Tongji University .

  8. 市场经济新形式下建筑施工企业的设备管理

    Facility managment of construction enterprises under market economy

  9. 大型建筑施工企业的设备管理模式研究

    Equipment management in great building construction enterprises

  10. 并在此基础上,从建筑布局、设备、管理和维护等诸方面提出了城市地下交通隧道的防火措施。

    Then , from the aspects of building allocation , installation , management and protection , some fire prevention measures for urban underground traffic tunnels were suggested .

  11. 还从使用管理及监督监察机制等方面提出了改进意见,以促进建筑施工企业的设备管理逐步实现科学化、规范化、市场化、法制化,使设备经营管理步入良性发展轨道。

    And some suggested opinions for management and supervision mechanism are proposed to promote the equipment management of construction enterprise entering benign development orbit and to realize scientific , normative , marketization and legality management .

  12. 提出了建筑施工企业在设备管理中存在的问题,分析了建筑企业实行机械租赁制的优点,并提出了租赁方式、机械租赁费的计算,以及面临的困难和解决办法。

    This points out the problems existing in equipment management of construction enterprises , analyses on the merits of practicing machinery rent system in construction enterprises , and puts forward the renting modes , the calculation of machinery rent fees , difficulties and solving methods .

  13. 建筑物内用电设备的数量和种类也越来越多,使得智能建筑技术对建筑内设备的管理、维护越来越复杂。

    The number and variety of building electrical equipment need the intelligent building technology of building equipment management , maintenance more complicated .

  14. 目前,智能建筑能耗管理工作主要是由建筑设备管理系统(BAS系统)来实现。

    Currently , the intelligent building energy management is achieved by the construction equipment management system ( BAS systems ) .