
  • 网络The Architect;The Master Builder
  1. 这儿有个好地方:建筑大师RemKoolhaas设计的nhow酒店。—

    Check into a brand-new gem : the Rem Koolhaas-designed nhow hotel . -

  2. 本文论述的就是如何在室内环境艺术创作中的文化构思。主要结合美国建筑大师赖特(FrankLloydWright)设计的流水别墅的相关内部环境图片等来论述室内环境中的文化构思。

    The thesis mainly discusses the cultural conception of the interior artistic creation with some supported photos of " falling water " villa designed by the famous'American architect , Frank Lloyd Wright .

  3. 阿列克谢•苏契舍夫(AlexeyShchusev)曾是前苏联时代最为知名的建筑大师,他设计的作品众多,从威尼斯双年展(VeniceBiennale)的俄罗斯展厅到莫斯科红场(RedSquare)的列宁墓。

    Alexey Shchusev was one of the most distinguished architects of the Soviet era , a designer of projects from the Russian pavilion at the Venice Biennale to Lenin 's mausoleum on Red Square .

  4. 对于将在纽约世贸中心遗址建造的一栋摩天办公楼,世界最大传媒帝国接班人詹姆斯•默多克(JamesMurdoch)刚刚否决了英国建筑大师福斯特勋爵(LordFoster)的设计,转而采用40岁的丹麦建筑师比亚克•英厄尔斯(BjarkeIngels)的前卫创意。

    For an office skyscraper at the World Trade Center site in New York , James Murdoch , scion of the media dynasty , has just replaced a design by Britain 's venerable Lord Foster with a jazzier idea by Bjarke Ingels , the 40-year-old Danish architect .

  5. 乐高公司正在提供一个成为“乐高建筑大师”的机会。

    Lego offer the opportunity to become a Master Lego Builder .

  6. 然后他就给了我一个年度建筑大师那样的微笑。

    And then he gave me one of his architect-of-the-year grins .

  7. 在英国,威尔是与罗杰斯和福斯特齐名的三个建筑大师之一。

    Will Alsop is now among the top3 architects in Britain .

  8. 分析了现代几位建筑大师的作品。

    The works of several prominent modern architects are analyzed .

  9. 印度建筑师查尔斯柯里亚是世界知名的建筑大师。

    Indian architect Charles Correa is a well-known master ofarchitecture in the world .

  10. 目前,乐高在全球也仅有40位乐高建筑大师。

    Currently , Lego only has 40 Master Lego Builders in the world .

  11. 是建筑大师、泥瓦匠还是助理泥瓦匠?

    Was it the master architect ? The mason ? An assistant mason ?

  12. 日本著名建筑大师安藤忠雄在上海的演讲,引起了新一轮安藤热。

    Ando 's recent lecture in shanghai leaded to another white heat of Ando fan .

  13. 都是路易·康[建筑大师]设计的美丽建筑

    All that great Louis Kahn architecture .

  14. 建筑大师诺曼·福斯特将为这个石油天然气公司的总部用上屋顶风力涡轮机。

    Caja Madrid Tower , MadridNorman Foster 's oil-and-gas-company headquarters will have rooftop wind turbines .

  15. 回望建筑大师梁思成先生

    Architecture Master , Mr. Liang Sicheng

  16. 您如果诚意邀请国际建筑大师合作,请联系我们!

    If you want to invite international architects and have cooperation with them , please contact us !

  17. 那么,如果你是一个建筑大师,而你已经发展出了自己的风格。

    So if you 're a master architect , uh , you 've developed your own style .

  18. 一段时间的努力之后,世界建筑大师们或许会使其重返“高”标准。

    With some work , the world 's architects might bring them back to a very tall standard .

  19. 目前该公司将亲自为其主题公园和探索中心挑选建筑大师。

    Lego will handpick Master Lego Builders to work at one of its theme parks or discovery centres .

  20. 第四章是两建筑大师建筑观形成的原因之比较;

    The fourth chapter is the comparison of the cause resulting in different architectural thought of the two ;

  21. 所以我们没有那些文件能告诉我们建筑大师具体的计划是什么。

    So we don 't have those documents to tell us what exactly the master architect 's plans were .

  22. 这些工程,只是他成就的一些样本,象征着一位建筑大师卓越的创造力和产出。

    These projects , just a sample of his work , indicate the extraordinarily prolific output of a master architect .

  23. 就连当时的批评家和漫画家也嘲笑蒙塔内、卡达法尔克和安东尼·高迪等一些建筑大师的野心。

    Critics and cartoonists mocked the intense ambition of the architects Dom è nech I Montaner , Puig I Cadafalch-and Antoni Gaud í .

  24. 卡罗·斯卡帕是意大利现代主义建筑大师,家乡威尼斯的历史传统是斯卡帕独特的设计哲学得以发生并成长的土壤。

    The Italian modern master Carlo Scarpa came from Venice , Italy and his particular design philosophy was deeply influenced by the Venetian traditions .

  25. 建筑大师何镜堂是岭南建筑的领军人物,也是目前教育建筑规划设计中的核心人物。

    Master architect He Jingtang is not only the pacemaker in Lingnan architecture , but also the important role in current educational architecture design domain .

  26. 隈研吾是日本当代知名建筑大师,在日本和巴黎设有建筑事务所,接手世界各地的项目。

    Kengo Kuma is a famous contemporary architect , who runs architectural firm in Japan and Paris , to take over the projects around the world .

  27. 作者通过剖析安藤忠雄等建筑大师的设计思想来探讨未来建筑师的培养模式。

    Based on the analysis the design ideas of many famous architect such as Tadao Ando , this paper inquire into the educational model of architect in the future .

  28. 虽然很多城市规划者肆无忌惮地追逐者建造越来越多的高楼大厦,以使其设计的都市日显现代气息,但真正的建筑大师们却致力于保护传统建筑。

    Although many urban planners are involved in a reckless drive for developing high-rise buildings to make their cities look modern , true architects are committed to preserving traditional architecture .

  29. 建筑大师张开济,亲身经历了20世纪中国现代建筑史上的许多重大事件,见证了新中国建筑事业的曲折历程。

    Master architect Zhang Kaiji , who experienced many significant events in the history of modern Chinese architecture , is a witness of the spiral that shaped the build course of PRC .

  30. 通过对比研究,我们发现两位建筑师的教育背景相似,虽受到不同建筑大师的影响,但他们的设计思想上有很多相似之处。

    Through comparative studies , we found that the two architects have similar educational background , although the effects are from different architects , but they have many similarities in designing thinking .