
yán qī zhī fù
  • deferred payment;delay in payment;moratorium
  1. 可是,只有在金钱的购买力在一段时间内保持相对稳定的条件下,金钱才能起到赊账延期支付标准的作用。

    However , money serves its function as a standard of deferred payment only if its purchasing power remains fairly constant over time .

  2. 经济学家认为,货币有4种功能:交易媒介、延期支付标准、价值尺度、以及价值储藏手段。

    Economists maintain there are four functions of money : a medium of exchange , a standard of deferred payment , a unit of account and a store of value .

  3. Huang(2005)在忽略掉零售商采购价格与销售价格差异的条件下考察了供应商给定延期支付政策下的零售商最优订货决策。

    Huang ( 2005 ) discussed with inventory decision-making model considering delay in payments neglecting the ( difference ) of order price and sales price .

  4. 延期支付条件下基于EPQ模型的最优补货策略

    Optimal Replenishment Decisions under the Conditions of Permissible Delay in Payments based on the Model of Economic Production Quantity

  5. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)CEO高曼(JamesGorman)未获得现金红利,但归功于他2009年获得的延期支付并与业绩挂钩的股票,他仍可在离职时拿到近900万美元的基于股票的报酬。

    James Gorman , Morgan Stanley CEO , received no cash bonus but still could walk away with stock-based compensation valued at nearly $ 9 million , thanks to deferred and performance-based stock he received for 2009 .

  6. 但EBA发现,在一些国家,受奖金延期支付规则约束的员工比例占到10%,而在另外一些国家,这一比例不到1%。

    The EBA found that 10 per cent of bank employees are caught by deferral rules in some countries but fewer than 1 per cent in others .

  7. Lazard昨日宣布,第四季度薪酬成本增加近2倍。这家拥有162年历史的投行由此背离了华尔街近期对延期支付现金奖金的注重。

    Lazard nearly tripled its compensation costs in the fourth quarter as the 162-year-old investment bank broke from Wall Street 's new-found emphasis on deferred cash pay-outs , the bank said yesterday .

  8. 而Lazard走上相反的道路,不再将延期支付现金作为薪酬的一部分。Lazard的大部分收入来源于咨询与资产管理收费,在金融危机期间并未获得政府资助。

    Lazard , which makes most of its income from advisory and asset management fees and received no government help during the financial crisis , moved the other way , eliminating deferred cash as part of compensation .

  9. 延期支付条件下的最优付款时间确定:考虑现金折扣情形

    Optimal Payment Time under Permissible Delay in Payments with Cash Discount

  10. 基于延期支付的供应链管理模型研究

    Research on Supply Chain Management Model Based on Delay in Payments

  11. 电子行业三级供应链延期支付契约模型研究

    Study on Three-level Supply Chain with Delay in Payments in Electronics Industry

  12. 延期支付和收回奖金的做法能否坚持下去?

    Can deferred bonuses and clawbacks be made to stick ?

  13. 供应商为了吸引更多的零售商、零售商为了吸引顾客,会允许零售商或顾客延期支付。

    Suppliers will allow retailers deferring payment in order to attract more retailers .

  14. 延期支付条件下零售商最优支付策略

    Optimal Payment Strategy for Retailer under Postponement of Disbursement

  15. 采购价上涨和延期支付的库存模型研究

    Study on the Inventory Models of Purchase Price Rising and Delaying in Payment

  16. 在允许延期支付条件下的经济批量模型

    Mathematical Models of Economic Order Quantity ú nder Conditions of Permissible Delay in Payments

  17. 在采购中,常产生提前支付贷款或延期支付货款的现象。

    In purchase , there are payment states ahead of time or behind time .

  18. 在实践中,商业信用主要包括两种策略形式:延期支付和提前支付。

    There are two forms of trade credit tactics : delay in payment or prepayment .

  19. 特别是零售企业,延期支付货款相当普遍,延期支付成为库存管理者决策时考虑的一个重要因素。

    Delay in payment plays an important role that inventory managers would face when making decision .

  20. 延期支付作为一种短期信贷的手段,广泛运用于商业活动之中。

    Delay in payment as a short-term credit means , be widely used in commercial activities .

  21. 同样,零售商为了吸引顾客,也会给顾客延期支付。

    Similarly , In order to attract customers , retailers also can give customers delay in payment .

  22. 延期支付条件下的供应链信用风险声誉激励机制

    The Reputation Incentive Mechanism of the Credit Risk in the Supply Chain under Permissible Delay in Payments

  23. 由于延期支付所处的罚款,不应视为本条所规定的利息。

    Penalty charges for late payment shall not be regarded as interest for the purpose of this Article .

  24. 也可以指延期支付利息、修改贷款条款等。

    It can mean some type of moratorium on interest payments , and the restructuring of loan terms .

  25. 本文首次通过考虑延期支付而将已有两货栈库存模型作了进一步扩展,为零售商实际的库存管理决策提供理论依据。

    This paper further extends two-warehouse system by incorporating delay in payment for inventory managers ' decision making .

  26. 延期支付作为一种重要的促销手段,已广泛存在于商品经济活动中。

    Delay in payment as an important promotional tool has been widely existed in the commodity economy activities .

  27. 供应商通过延期支付策略的制定和实施,扩大了市场份额,得到了更多的利润。

    Suppliers expand market share and profits through the establishment and implementation of the strategy of delay in payment .

  28. 如今,这种高度依赖公司收益、延期支付的薪酬体系正面临前所未有的威胁。

    Now this system of backloaded pay that is highly dependant on revenue is under threat as never before .

  29. 已有的两货栈库存模型通常不考虑延期支付。

    The two-warehouse ( own warehouse and rented warehouse ) inventory model usually does not consider delay in payment .

  30. 目前众多的延期支付模型大多考虑到在销售商在给定延期支付的条件下如何确定最优的定购数量或者定购周期,而很少考虑生产商的延期支付策略的制定。

    Much of existing EOQ models under a given delay-in-payments tactic consider to decide the optimal order quantity and cycle .