
  • 网络Car
  1. Girlcrush指一个女孩对另一个女孩的仰慕和喜爱之情,这种感情可能跟发型、身材、妆容、座驾、衣装、事业以及才华等有关。

    Girl crush refers to the admiration that one girl has for another girl . It could be to do with hair , body , make-up , car , clothes , career , talents etc.

  2. 酒店的笔记本电脑可以免费使用,而且只需花费比出租车稍微高一点点的价格就可以享受酒店配备的高级座驾服务。

    Laptops are available to borrow ( no charge ) . And take advantage of the hotel 's BMW-equipped car service , which costs little more than a taxi .

  3. 例如宝马的全球广告语终极座驾(ultimatedrivingmachine)就融入了带有中国式抱负心的元素。

    BMW , for example , has successfully fused its global slogan of the ultimate driving machine with a Chinese-style declaration of ambition .

  4. 不要把奔驰F015称为“汽车”,因为我们的汽车词典里还没有一个专有名词能形容它——用铝合金精雕细琢而成,形似太空飞船的豪华座驾。

    Don 't call the Mercedes F 015 a " car . " In fact , our automotive lexicon doesn 't yet have a word for the sculpted-aluminum land-bound spaceship-limousine .

  5. 据苹果公司内部传言,即使进入了公司管理层,他代步的座驾依然是一辆右后车门坏掉的破旧丰田汽车(Toyota)。

    According to Apple lore he drove around in a beat-up Toyota with a broken passenger-side door even after he was appointed to management .

  6. 不过因为坚信GPS能带领他们迅速找到正确的路,他们决定继续前行。行驶500米之后,他们的座驾现代车的车轮终于陷在了泥泞里。

    However , confident their satnav would direct them to a road soon , they decided to plough on , managing to travel around 500 metres before their Hyundai Getz was up to its axles in mud .

  7. 冈萨雷斯的座驾是一辆黑色的梅赛德斯(Mercedes)汽车,据当时在场的警官称,冈萨雷斯对警方表示他只喝了四杯龙舌兰酒。

    Mr. Gonzalez , driving a black Mercedes , told police he had drunk ' only four tequilas , ' according to officers at the scene .

  8. 在北京驾驶自己的摩根Roadster汽车时,这辆座驾引起的热烈反响让他感到意外。

    Driving his own Morgan Roadster in Beijing , he was surprised by the enthusiastic reception it received .

  9. 不好意思,是你的座驾吗?

    Oh , I 'm sorry , was that your ride ?

  10. 车展允许汽车制造商们展示自己的座驾。

    Auto shows allow car makers to show off .

  11. 谁不希望有自己的空中座驾随时待命?

    Who wouldn 't want their very own airborne steed at the ready ?

  12. 他从1998年开始设计外星人座驾作为自己的独特收入来源。

    He started building the ETVs in 1998 as his sole source of income .

  13. 两个意大利的孩子获得了乘坐教皇座驾的权利。

    And two Italian children received the right of their ride on the Popemobile .

  14. 最终,人们将更换他们的座驾。

    Eventually people will replace their vehicles .

  15. 座驾比朋友的好

    Driving a better car than your friends

  16. 半小时后,我们回到座驾,前往该国首都马普托。

    After half an hour , we were back in our four-wheel drive , heading to Maputo , the capital .

  17. 涅姆佐夫坚称,俄罗斯部长应将座驾从奔驰换为国产车,这类吸引眼球的提议让他登上了新闻头条。

    He grabbed headlines with eye-catching initiatives such as insisting that Russian ministers switch from Mercedes to domestically produced cars .

  18. 分析师们表示,在能够方便地为自己的座驾充电之前,购车者不太可能为上述补贴所动。

    Analysts said buyers were unlikely to be tempted by the subsidies until they were easily able to recharge their cars .

  19. 他们更愿意长时间地开脏车,而不那么富有却更为其座驾自豪的车主则更喜欢保持车辆清洁。

    They are more willing to drive dirtier vehicles for longer than poorer but prouder owners who prefer to keep their cars clean .

  20. 吴忠的副市长因他座驾开上窄桥迫使桥上一13岁女孩堕水,且见死不救而被革职。

    Wuzhong s deputy mayor was fired after his motorcade forced a13-year-old girl off a narrow bridge and he then watched her drown .

  21. 在街头小摊上各自吃了一碗河粉,我们登上四轮驱动的座驾,启程前往山里的一座神庙。

    After slurping a bowl of pho at a street-side stall , we set off in a four-wheel-drive for a sacred mountainside temple .

  22. 弗朗西斯教皇邀请了参加他每周在罗马教廷说课的两位信徒,与他一起乘坐教皇座驾。

    Pope Francis invited two blessed who attended his weekly audience at the Vatican to hitch a ride on the famous Pope mobile .

  23. 名人们好像总是比我们其他人有更好的生活:更漂亮的房子,更酷的座驾,甚至有更可爱的孩子。

    Celebritites always seem to have a better life than the rest of us ; nicer house , cooler cars and even cuter children .

  24. 共和党参议员候选人:这是我的座驾。在这次竞选活动中,我乘这辆车行驶了很远的路程。

    SCOTT BROWN , REPUBLICAN SENATE CANDIDATE : This is my truck . I put a lot of miles on it during this campaign .

  25. 与此同时,为了节约开支,消费者将在2011年和2012年继续使用现有的座驾。

    Consumers , meanwhile , will continue to try and save money in 2011 and 2012 by driving their old cars a little while longer .

  26. 它是尼赫鲁时期印度的标志性车型,其车窗配有窗帘的白色款型曾是许多权贵的座驾,包括印度总统。

    It is the car of Nehruvian India , its white , be-curtained iteration the conveyance of dignitaries including , at times , the president .

  27. 我最近在这台相当有美感的未来座驾里试乘了20分钟,感觉就像坐上了只有一个车厢的列车的头等舱。

    I recently had a somewhat bumpy 20-minute ride in the almost-sensuous vehicle-robot . The experience was like being in a first-class single-cabin rail car on virtual tracks .

  28. 由于具有良好的弹性且容易变形,因此,被广泛地应用于载重结构的座驾、弹簧、密封件、减震衬垫、联轴器和轮胎等。

    Asits good flexibility and easy deformability , it is widely used in the car , springs , seals , cushioning pad , couplings and tires of the load structure .

  29. 作为与这些成功商业人士身份相吻合、操控驾驭性卓越、工艺精湛的高品质座驾,蒙迪欧-致胜很好的体现了他们沉稳、睿智、富有激情的普遍共性,以及追求品味的性格特征。

    As the high-quality car well matched with these successful businessmen , Ford-Mondeo reflects their common features of being composed , wise , exciting as well as enjoying good tastes .

  30. 这种巴士长度为15英尺(4.6米),有6个轮子,乍一看就像是某种介于蝙蝠侠座驾和拉长性豪华轿车之间的变形。

    But that is set to change with the Superbus , a15ft-long , six-wheeled behemoth that on first glance looks like a cross between the Batmobile and a stretched limousine .