
  • 网络SEATS;seating capacity
  1. 对SaaS应用程序计费和计量的传统观念是每月固定费用;有些情况下,根据数据量或“座位数”,对计费和定价进行了优化。

    The traditional concept for billing and metering SaaS applications is a monthly fixed cost ; in some cases , depending on the amount of data or number of " seats ," the billing and pricing are optimized .

  2. 在虚拟大学里没有座位数的限制。

    There are no limits of seats in virtual university .

  3. 它有一个更好地座位数比客人吃剩的主张没有人情。

    It 's better to have a few leftover favors than to seat guests without favors .

  4. 我们正在把学生人数持平,这样座位数就持平了。

    And we are trying to level out the populations so that they balance the seating capacity .

  5. 摘要以网络利润最大化为目标,分析了几种网络模型参数对全连通航线网络和枢纽航线网络中航班频率、客流量以及单航班座位数的影响。

    With the purpose of maximizing the total profit of a network , the effects of the network model parameters on flight frequency , traffic and single flight occupancy of fully-connected and hub-and-spoke airline networks are investigated .