
dù liàng
  • measurement;measure;metric;tolerance;magnanimity;mensuration
度量 [dù liàng]
  • (1) [tolerance;magnanimity]∶容忍、宽容他人的限度

  • 他有容人的度量

  • (2) 有时也作肚量

  • (3) [measurement]∶计量长短、容积轻重的统称

度量[dù liàng]
  1. 度量一条频率分布曲线的尖削度就是度量其顶部的峰态。

    When we measure the kurtosis of a distribution , we are measuring its peakedness .

  2. 寸是长度的度量单位。

    Inch is a measure of length .

  3. 埃及人很有可能用不同长度的24小时来度量日子。

    The Egyptians probably measured their day in twenty-four hours of unequal length .

  4. 最近的实验结果显示,教授们可以使用标准化的度量来检测学生们在三个关键领域的表现:批判性思维、书面交流及可量化的读写能力。

    The results of a recent experiment showed that professors can use standardized metrics to measure how well students do in three key areas : critical thinking , written communication , and quantitative literacy .

  5. 经济上,他统一了度量衡(weightsandmeasures)和货币。

    In economy , he standardized5 weights and measures as well as money .

  6. 环境通常以每秒浮点运算次数(FLOPS)加以度量

    HPC environments are often measured in terms of FLoating point Operations Per Second ( FLOPS ) . HPC

  7. 度量空间中Current的某些特征

    Some Properties on Currents in Metric Spaces

  8. 度量空间的Fuzzy拓扑与纲定理

    Fuzzy Topology of the Metric Spaces and Category Theorem

  9. 关于Fuzzy度量点式刻画的一点注记

    A Note on the Pointwise Depiction of Fuzzy Metrics

  10. 面向Agent的软件度量模型研究

    Research on the Agent - oriented software metrics model

  11. 贷款流程状态,基于loanstatus度量

    Lending process state , based on the loan status metric

  12. Fuzzy数与Fuzzy值度量空间

    Fuzzy Number and Fuzzy Value Metric Space

  13. 一致Gd~-度量及其基本性质

    The Uniform G_d ~ - metric and Its Basic Properties

  14. GIS知识推理操作中的误差度量和传播

    Error Measurement and Propagation in GIS Knowledge Reasoning Operation

  15. 层次型Java软件质量度量模型研究

    Research on Layered Quality Metrics Model for Java Programme

  16. AsAtDate度量是自动生成的。

    As At Date measures are automatically generated .

  17. NET平台的开发技术,实现了整个基于模糊度量理论的质量功能配置系统。

    The whole fuzzy-based quality function deployment system is developed based on the . NET Framework platform .

  18. 它依赖于您对度量值的概率密度函数(probabilitydensityfunction,PDF)的认识。

    Well , it depends on what you know about the measurements'probability density function ( PDF ) .

  19. 信贷员,基于loanofficer度量

    Loan officer , based on the loan officer metric

  20. 本文在一个基于XML的事务处理场景中进行性能度量,这个场景模拟一个面向数据的金融应用程序。

    This article presents performance measurements in an XML-based transaction processing scenario that simulates a data-oriented financial application .

  21. 设X是紧致度量空间,f:X→X为同胚。

    Let X is a compact metric space , f : X → X is a homoeomorphism .

  22. 再论Vague集间的相似度量公式

    Second Discuss on the Similarity Measure Formulations between Vague Sets

  23. 用VaR度量固定收益债券的市场风险

    Measurement of Market Risk of Fixed Income Bonds with Value at Risk

  24. 目前,度量风险比较流行的方法是VAR方法。

    At present , a measure of risk more popular method is VAR method .

  25. VaR模型能度量各种市场风险,甚至是信用风险。

    The VaR model can measure various kinds of market risks even credit risk .

  26. 粗糙Vague集及其相似度量

    Rough Vague Sets and Their Similarity Measures

  27. 如果以DynamicQueryMode执行报告,则度量值单元的百分比值将变为所有Country行百分比总和。

    If this report is executed using Dynamic Query Mode , the percentage values for the measure cells change to become the percentage of total for all the Countries .

  28. 因此测地坐标的点位表述不仅可用于DEM和GIS三维可视化,也可用于三维GIS建模以及空间度量和分析。

    Accordingly , it is concluded that geodesic coordinate system can be adopted in modelling , visualization and spatial analysis of GIS .

  29. K-均值(K-means)算法聚类的结果依赖于距离度量的选取。

    The performance of K-means clustering algorithm depends on the selection of distance metrics .

  30. 首先给出一个基于Agent的软件服务协同模型,随后针对该软件服务协同模型提出一个用于度量软件服务间信任关系的信任评估模型。

    In this paper , first an Agent-based software service coordination model is presented . Then a trust valuation model is given to value trust relationships between software services .