
  • 网络applied psychology
  1. 方法采用苏州大学应用心理研究所提供的80.8测试表,对200例非急性发作期哮喘患者进行神经类型测试。

    Methods Using 80.8 test table provided by the Institute of Applied Psychology of Suzhou University to exam the psychological models of two hundred cases in their non-acute episodes .

  2. 坐不舒适性是评鉴座椅设计和产品使用性的关键性人机工效学指标,是应用心理、人机工效学和工业设计研究领域的重要研究课题。

    Sitting discomfort is the key indicator of ergonomics to evaluate chair design and product usability , and an important research topic in the fields of applied psychology , ergonomics and industrial design .

  3. 方法:应用心理健康症状问卷(SCL-90)、跳伞心理应激问卷对165名空降兵新兵跳伞员进行心理测评。

    Methods : 165 recruits ( parachuters ) were measured with SCL-90 and questionnaire of psychology stress reaction .

  4. 对于应用心理解剖的方法对自杀危险因素进行病例对照的条件Logistic回归研究,在国外研究报道并不多,而在国内尚未见报道。

    There are few studies on the suicide risk factors using case-control conditional logistic regression in the world , and in China , there is no such study .

  5. [方法]应用心理健康测查表(PHI)对济宁市2003年、2004年度1066名入伍应征男青年的心理健康状况进行评价。

    [ Methods ] 1 0 66 male candidates in 2003 and 2004 , were scored by Psychological Health Inventor y ( PHI ) .

  6. 方法应用心理健康诊断量表(MHT)对郑州市城乡1994名中学生进行学习焦虑诊断测试。

    Methods Mental health testing was used to assess anxiety about learning among 1994 middle school students in Zhengzhou city and suburbs .

  7. 相关心理问题数据的采集主要应用心理健康状况自评量表(SCL-90)和一般焦虑量表(GAT)。大量实验证实这两个量表具有很高的信度和效度。

    Concerning the data collection of mental problems of these minorities ' students , researchers mainly used Symptom Check List-90 ( SCL & 90 ) scale , General Anxiety Test ( GAT ) scale .

  8. 研究对象在SCL-90的躯体化、人际关系、抑郁和焦虑4个因子的得分较高。结论:紧张性生活事件会损害心身健康,应用心理减压技术有利于促进身心健康。

    The staffs have high score in somatization , interpersonal sensitivity , depression and anxiety factors of SCL-90.Conclusion : These negative lift events could physio-psychological health , but the psychological relax therapy could promote the physio-psychological health level of mental health staffs .

  9. 方法对某部全训士兵进行为期8个月的心理训练,应用心理社会应激调查表(PSSG)、焦虑自评量表(SAS)、抑郁自评量表(SDS)对实验组和对照组测试比较。

    Method The field army soldiers were investigated by the psychosocial stress survey for groups ( PSSG ), the self-rating anxiety scale ( SAS ), and the self-rating depression scale ( SDS ) after psychological training for 8 months .

  10. 应用心理暗示方法缩短产程的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Shortening Birth Process by Psychological Suggestion Therapy

  11. 应用心理动力护理理论探讨护士在癌症疼痛评估中的作用

    The Role of Nurses in Pain Assessment from Psychodynamic Point of View

  12. 我应用心理疗法的专业背景来帮助客户重新编写他们的思路。

    I use my psychotherapy background to help clients reprogram their thoughts .

  13. 方法:应用心理行为方法探讨白大衣性高血压的机制。

    Methods : To investigate the mechanisms of WCH by means of psychological behavior research .

  14. 肿瘤化疗病人应用心理护理临床路径的生存质量评价

    Assessment on living quality of tumor patients undergoing chemotherapy via applying psychological nursing clinical path

  15. 应用心理生理学方法研究木质环境对人体的影响

    The Influence of Wood Environment on Physiology and Psychology of Human Body by Psychophysiological Method

  16. 目的:应用心理解剖的方法探讨强迫症的危险因素。

    Objective : To explore the risk factors of obsessive-compulsive disorder with psychological autopsy method .

  17. 方法应用心理物理技术对200名正常人的面型满意度进行了测定及分析。

    Method 200 people were examined and analyzed by the psychophysical technique for the satisfaction with their facial pattern .

  18. 方法:应用心理护理、并发症的防护、特别护理、饮食护理和出院康复指导等护理措施进行护理。

    Methods Use the psychology , prevention of the complication , special nursing , diet nursing and recovery guide .

  19. 方法:应用心理&物理学方法测定了22名颧骨复合体肥大患者对7种美貌女性正貌面型的满意度,由高至低进行排序。

    Methods 22 patients and 55 normal persons were examined by the psychophysical technique for satisfaction with front look in face .

  20. 本文在介绍行为金融理论的基础上,重点突出心理会计理论,应用心理会计理论有力地解释了金融异象。

    Based on the introduction of behavioral finance , the paper put focus on mental accounting approach to explain anomalies effectively .

  21. 本实验应用心理应激模型,观察了经侧脑室微量注射谷氨酸受体激动剂和拮抗剂对心理应激性大鼠行为的影响。

    Experiments were performed in order to study the effects of glutamate receptor agonists and antagonists on behavior in psychological stress rats .

  22. [方法]应用心理干预结合中药治疗儿童功能性再发性腹痛38例,并与单纯中药治疗30例进行对照分析。

    Method 38 cases of FRAP children were treated with mental intervention and Chinese drugs , which was compared and analysed with 30 cases of pure Chinese drugs .

  23. 研究采用现况调查方法,应用心理痛苦管理筛查工具、癌症照护满意度量表、患者基本情况调查表收集资料。

    Inventory survey was employed in this study . Data was collected by distress mangement screening measure , satisfaction scale for cancer care and patients basic information form .

  24. 依照心理语言学和应用心理语言学理论,讨论外语教学中过程与目标的辩证关系,提出过程与目标的系统化问题。

    Discusses the dialectical relationship between process and target . Puts forward the systematization issue of process and target in foreign language teaching in accordance with Psycholinguistics and Applied Psycholinguistics .

  25. 目的纯音测听时应用心理暗示,配合声导抗对外伤性鼓膜穿孔患者进行听力损失程度的评估。

    Objective To evaluate the degree of hearing loss of patients with post traumatic tympanic perforation by combining acoustic impedance with using psychological suggestion in the course of pure tone audiometry .

  26. 本文选取沿海地区的深圳市的中小学教师为研究样本,主要应用心理测验的方法研究了他们的压力现状、压力来源、应对方式及其对策。

    Subjects are teachers from primary and middle schools of Shenzhen city , Adopted the psychological test , study discusses the current situation and sources of stress , and its corresponding countermeasures .

  27. 为了实现上述的目标,本文研究应用心理生理学方面的理论方法和仪器设备,通过大量的行车试验,寻找道路线形与行车心理生理需求的内在关系和规律。

    To actualize the above target , the paper attempts to get the internal relationship and rules between the road alignment and mental and physical variation , by regression analysis and many driving tests .

  28. 主要研究内容包括五个方面:警察群体心理特征、警察心理健康问题、警察心理压力问题、警察职业耗竭问题、警察实战应用心理问题;

    There are five subjects in the research on police psychology : personality of the policemen , policemen mental health , policemen mental stress , job burnout of the policemen , applied psychology of the policemen .

  29. 学校心理学服务是指应用心理测量、心理咨询、心理治疗和其他心理学知识解决学生的心理健康问题和教育工作者面对的心理问题,促进学生和教师适应学校生活的专业服务。

    School psychological service is a professional service . It applies psychological test , the psychological counseling , psychotherapy and other psychology knowledge to solve the psychological problems , which students and teachers face , and make students and teachers adapt the school life .

  30. 方法:采用Young氏网络成瘾诊断量表和青少年网络应用与心理状况调查表,对1712个青少年进行测评。

    Methods : 1 712 adolescents were investigated by Young IAD diagnosis scale and adolescent internet use and psychology status questionnaire .