
  • 网络Broadcast Drive
  1. 一座新型的广播大厦在广播道建成,成为香港广播电台新总部。

    Broadcasting House was built at Broadcast Drive , which has become the new headquarters of RHK .

  2. 与其他两种数字电视传输方式(卫星与有线)相比,数字电视地面广播中信道条件非常复杂,存在各种干扰。

    Compared with the other two kinds of digital TV broadcasting modes ( satellite and cable ), digital TV terrestrial broadcasting faces a much more complicated channel , many kinds of interferences exist .

  3. 微软全国有线广播电视公司说明道:这艘载着8名船员以及3000吨岩石的货船在救援部队赶到前翻覆了。

    The ship , carrying eight people and 3,000 tons of limestone , capsized before rescue forces arrived , notes MSNBC .