
  • 网络advertising marketing
  1. 本文从对国有企业的广告营销行为的分析入手,考察其内部管理机制,指出桎梏国有企业发展的弊端。

    The drawback in development of the state-owned enterprise is pointed out on the basis of analysis of the advertising marketing behavior and inside mechanism of management of the state-owned enterprise .

  2. 例如,在管理领域,资源共享技术可应用于知识获取、广告营销、决策意见形成、组织间信息交换与传播等许多方面。

    For example , in management scope , resource sharing technology can be applied to many other aspects such as knowledge acquisition , advertising marketing , decision-making , inter-organizational information exchange and communication .

  3. 你们记得今年有什么与Facebook深度整合、真正有影响力的品牌广告营销攻势吗?

    Do you remember any really impactful brand campaigns this year that were deeply integrated with Facebook ?

  4. 整合营销4C理论与电视广告营销

    Integrate 4C of Marketing Theory with Marketing of TV Ads

  5. 经济低迷将检验这种观点,这是明略行母公司WPP集团(WPPGroup)等广告营销公司的信条。

    The downturn will test that proposition , which is a tenet of advertising and marketing companies such as WPP Group , the parent of Millward Brown .

  6. 甚至连时尚界的很多千禧一代也不在乎大牌和奢华的广告营销,他们更喜欢网购或者在H&M或Zara购买“可以丢弃的”衣服,这些衣服号称用的是“完全不含杀虫剂、化学制剂和漂白剂”的有机棉花。

    Even in the realm of fashion , many are indifferent to prestige brands and lavish ad campaigns , preferring to buy online or get " disposable " clothing at H & M or Zara , which boasts that its organically farmed cottons are " completely free of pesticides , chemicals and bleach . "

  7. 因此,对中美两国网络广告营销进行的比较研究就显得相对迫切。

    Therefore , a comparative study of Sino-US online advertising is important .

  8. 基于广告营销行为的国有企业管理机制研究

    Research on Mechanism of Management of State-owned Enterprises Based on their Advertising Behavior

  9. 机构编制-检索数据库广告营销机构等。

    Agency ComPile - A searchable database of advertising and other marketing agencies .

  10. 消费者需求及在服装平面广告营销中的应用

    Consumer Needs and Its Use in Fashion Advertisement Marketing

  11. 电视媒体广告营销策略研究

    The Research on the Strategy of Television Advertisement Management

  12. 广告营销功能观的历史变迁与现代转型

    Historical Change and Modern Transformation of the Outlook on Marketing Function of Advertising

  13. 特别是从2003年至今,中国的网络广告营销得到了飞速的发展。

    Especially from 2003 to now , Chinese online advertising has made rapid development .

  14. 媒体的社会责任与广告营销

    Media 's Social Responsibilities and ADs ' Marketing

  15. 第二部分是相关广告营销的文献回顾与评述。

    The second part is related to advertising and marketing literature review and comment .

  16. 蓦然回首,中国的网络广告营销已经走过了十个多春秋了。

    Looking back suddenly , Chinese online advertising has gone through more than 10 years .

  17. 结果朱邦复不敌微软强大的广告营销战略,进入半退休的状态。

    After losing out to Microsoft 's powerful advertising campaign , Chu went into semi-retirement .

  18. 脸书在今年下半年的时候会将他们成功的视频广告营销策略扩展到美国以外地区。

    Facebook will also expand its successful video advertising strategy beyond the U.S. later this year .

  19. 医疗软广告营销与医院品牌

    Medical recessive-advertisement and hospital brand

  20. 整合资源推动娱乐节目产业化&06年《超级女声》(成都唱区)广告营销招商发布会圆满举行从多种视角解读媒体奇观超级女声

    Integrate Resources and Force Amusement Trades Industrialized To understand the medium wonder " the super-girl-singers " from multi-angle of view

  21. 广告营销传播功能已经历经了告知功能、说服功能、诱导功能和沟通功能的四个阶段。

    Advertising fundamental function has experienced four stages : informative function , persuasive function , inductive function and communicative function .

  22. 本届世界杯已然成为了国际足联花数十亿美元打造的足球盛宴,这其中,国际足联精心组织并招揽了品牌赞助商和广告营销。

    This World Cup has already become a multibillion-dollar extravaganza for FIFA , which orchestrates and collects the brand sponsorship advertising .

  23. 数字化信息技术的发展和传播类型的多样化,对电视产品的生产制作环节和广告营销环节都提出了更高的要求。

    Diversification of digitized information technology and spread style requires more of the manufacturing links and ads marketing links of the TV productions .

  24. 本文从整合营销传播的角度探讨了海尔集团广告营销策略与企业文化策略整合的新境界。

    This paper discusses a new state of integrated advertisement marketing and corporation culture strategy of Haier Group according to Integrated Marketing communications .

  25. 其次,在对移动网络的广告营销模式分析基础之上针对受众、广告主和移动运营商提出改进意见。

    Secondly , the basis of the mobile network of advertising and marketing analysis for the audience , advertisers and mobile operators suggest improvements .

  26. 叶峰表示,业内很多人纯粹出于广告营销的目的,出资建立专门的团队来运作微博。

    According to Ye , a number of people in the industry have sponsored teams to operate micro blogs purely for commercial marketing purposes .

  27. 事实上,许多互联网广告营销活动还处在初级阶段,因此很难预测它们对传统广告业的最终影响。

    The fact that so many internet campaigns are in their early stages makes it hard to predict their ultimate impact on traditional advertising .

  28. 小说期刊的运营方式、广告营销策略和发行方式,对专门性期刊的发展产生了深远的影响。

    Operating mode of Fiction Periodicals , advertising , marketing strategy and distribution , had a profound impact of the development of specialized periodicals .

  29. 在广告营销策略中,借助什么媒体、如何借助媒体传播有效信息一直是广告营销策略的核心命题。

    Marketing strategy in advertising , using what media , how effective information dissemination through media advertising marketing strategy has always been the core proposition .

  30. 从品牌营销的定义入手,通过广告营销、价格营销的对比阐述了品牌营销的特点,并对IT企业内品牌营销特点进行了分析。

    According to the definition and the contrast of advertisement and price marketing , discussion is made on the characteristics of trademark marketing and analyzed IT industries .