
ɡuǎnɡ ɡào biāo yǔ
  • advertising slogan
  1. 因此,广告标语英汉互译的重要性日益彰显。

    The significance of advertising slogan translation between Chinese and English is growing .

  2. 正如李宁广告标语所言。

    As Li Ning 's advertising slogan says .

  3. 该视频在Youtube上的点击率飙升,但有人质疑这可能只是宣传噱头,至少我们在商场火车上看到了“不太甜(蜜)”的广告标语。

    The clip has since gone viral on YouTube but there is a strong suggestion it could be a publicity stunt , not in the least because the mall train bears the advertising message ' not so sweet ' .

  4. 从合作原则看英语广告标语中的隐喻

    On Metaphors in Slogans of Advertising English by the Cooperative Principle

  5. 广告标语口号的套译

    An Effective Method of Coping Translation of Ad 's Slogans

  6. 约翰∶有的,我们想要凸显我们的广告标语。

    John ︰ Yes , we want to use our slogan prominently .

  7. 广告标语:语言特点分析

    The Advertisement Slogan : An Analysis of Its Linguistic Features

  8. 广告标语是一种口头标识语。

    An advertisement slogan is a form of verbal logo .

  9. 广告标语是社会化大生产和商品经济的产物。

    Advertisement Slogan is the product of socialized mass produce and commodity economy .

  10. 麦当劳的广告标语既简短、有特色、又能轻易被记住。

    The slogan of McDonald 's is simple , unique and easy to memorize .

  11. 广告标语的创意策略与语言技巧

    Linguistic Techniques and Creative Tactics of Advertising Slogans

  12. 旅游广告标语的翻译涉及众多领域。

    TAS translation involves a number of fields .

  13. 试谈公益广告标语及其翻译

    On the Translation of Public Service Advertisement Signs

  14. 和它最著名的广告标语呢?

    And its most famous advertising slogan ?

  15. 从语用翻译视角探公益广告标语的汉英翻译

    On C-E Translation of Public Service Advertisement Slogans & From the Perspective of Pragmatic Translation

  16. 即使有些公司觉得足够强大,不把他们的名称包含在广告标语之中。

    Even if the company feels strong enough not to include their name in the slogan .

  17. 广告标语创意是广告企业文化精神的外在体现。

    Company 's cultural spirit .

  18. 如何提高广告标语的说服力成了广告设计者最关心的问题。

    So the core concern for the advertisers is how to improve the power of persuasion of the product .

  19. 双关语的应用也涉及到各个领域,从广告标语到文学作品,从日常谈话到艺术表现形式随处可见其踪影。

    The usage of puns ranks from advertisement slogan to literature works , from everyday talk to art performances .

  20. 正如李宁广告标语所言。广告牌要求广告的语言简明扼要。

    As Li Ning 's advertising slogan says . Posters force the wording of the message to be brief .

  21. 浅论广告标语的语言表现从话语控效说看另类标语

    Superficial View on the Linguistic forms of Expression of Advertisement Slogan On the Special Slogan from the Aspect of Language Control

  22. 每隔一两公里,它就在道路旁树立一个广告标语,给驾驶员建议或者吹嘘自己。

    Every mile or two , it advertises itself in way-side slogans , offering advice to drivers and trumpeting its feats .

  23. 选好广告标语有利于吸引顾客的注意,让他们记住你。

    Creating the perception that your product or service is one of a kind can help you capture people 's attention and make them remember you .

  24. 随着全球经济化进程的加速,广告标语己成为一种表现跨文化交际的重要方式。

    With the speeding up of the economic globalization , the advertising slogans have become one of the important ways to represent the cross culture communication .

  25. 本文仅从广告标语的作用、撰写、特质、语词表现手法及存在的问题和对策这几个方面来探讨广告标语中语言的运用情况。

    This essay discusses the linguistic application of Advertisement Slogans from its functions , composition , specialty , technique of expression , exiting problem and countermeasures .

  26. 北京正在发起一场奥运献血运动,在市区巴士车站的候车亭和地铁车站的墙上都张贴着广告标语。

    Beijing is in the midst of an Olympic blood drive . Advertising posters line inner city bus stops shelters and are plastered on subway station walls .

  27. 希望本文的研究成果能在中国跨国公司在国外进行广告标语宣传时起到一定的指导作用,避免其在跨文化交际中遭遇交际障碍,甚至是交际灾难。

    It is hoped that the findings of the study are able to provide some guidance for the Chinese international companies to avoid communicative barrier or even communicative disaster when communicating cross-culturally .

  28. 通常情况下广告标语创作主体总是遵循一定的标准,采取一定的创作手段,力图使广告标语变得更具吸引力并能够广为传诵。

    As is often the case , advertising professionals would adopt certain techniques and conform to certain criteria to compose advertising slogans which are quite attractive and popular so as to make sure that they have the ability to circulate .

  29. 但这种语用也需要规范化,特别是在一些店铺、招牌、广告、标语的用语上不能随意断章取义。

    We should avoid garbling quotation in shops , signboards , advertisements and slogans .

  30. 标牌-放置在重要的娱乐活动或体育赛事场所的广告牌或标语牌,为赞助商或广告商作宣传。

    Signage-Signs such as billboards or placards placed at major entertainment or sporting events designed to promote sponsors or advertisers .