
nián píng jūn
  • annually average;annual mean
年平均[nián píng jūn]
  1. 黄淮海平原麦棉轮作土壤年平均N2O排放通量为19.37~51.97μgN2O-N/(m2·h)。

    The annual mean N2O fluxes from soils of winter wheat / cotton rotation in Huang Huai Hai plain were 19.37 ~ 51.97 μ g N2O-N / ( m2 · h ) .

  2. 上海vo的年平均值在2米/秒左右。

    The annual mean critical wind velocity is about 2m / s.

  3. 这个国家的年平均降雪量是多少?

    What is the average annual snowfall for this state ?

  4. 年平均收入约为2万英镑。

    Average earnings are around £ 20 000 per annum .

  5. 工业劳动生产率年平均增长4.5%。

    The average yearly increment in labour productivity in industry was 4.5 per cent

  6. 征用耕地的土地补偿费,为该耕地被征用前三年平均年产值的六至十倍。

    The land compensation fees shall be 6-10 times the average output value of the three years preceding the requisition of the cultivated land .

  7. 但是,土地补偿费和安置补助费的总和不得超过土地被征用前三年平均年产值的三十倍。

    But the combined total of land compensation fees and resettlement fees shall not exceed 30 times the average output value of the three years prior to the requisition .

  8. 汾渭地震带的b值和年平均发生率的研究

    Study on b Value and Average Annual Incidence of Earthquakes in Fen-wei Seismotectonic Zone

  9. 应用人工神经网络BP模型预测乌江流域年平均含沙量

    Application of Neural Network BP Model in Forecasting Yearly Average Sediment Concentration in the Wujiang River Basin

  10. 孕产妇年平均乙肝病毒表面抗原(HBsAg)阳性率3%。

    The average HBsAg positive rate of pregnant women was 3 % .

  11. 可利用某地年平均地面风速(V(10))和数次实测烟囱口高度的风速(V烟),应用对数律或幂指数律推算该地各高度上的风速。

    Can be calculated with annual mean surface wind velocity and multi-measurements of wind speed at the height of funnel top .

  12. 街道大气TSP中笨并(a)芘年平均值为35.6μg/1000m~3。

    The annual average concentration of Bap in Tsp was 35.6 μ g / 1000m ~ 3 .

  13. 最高的早大栗第2年平均每hm2产24882kg,超过了国家规定的丰产标准,其坚果的品质亦达优于全国的水平。

    Moreover , the quality of the nuts was higher than presented in the national standard .

  14. 重庆市NDVI的年平均值和各年NDVI值都表现出较强的稳定性。

    The annual average NDVI and NDVI values for each year showed strong stability in Chongqing .

  15. 道路两侧TSP中铅污染并未超出国家标准浓度限值,四个监测点年平均值0.383μg。

    TSP roads on both sides of lead pollution limits are not exceeded national standards , four monitoring points , the average 0.383 μ g.

  16. 本文根据高斯扩散模式和年平均浓度的计算为例,讨论一个及多个接收点上长期平均浓度的手算法,并提出电算法求年平均浓度的BASIC程序。

    Based on the Gauss diffusion model and annual average concentration computation , a manual method of long period average concentration evaluation at one or multi-receiving point was discussed , and a BASIC program was drawn for computer evaluation of average annual concentration .

  17. 空气污染指数(API)年平均值近三年间均有下降趋势,并针对空气污染提出了相应整改措施。

    The annual average of the air pollution index ( API ) showed a decrease tendency in recent 3 years , and put forward the air pollution preventing and curing countermeasures .

  18. 据SAG宣称,他们成员的年平均收入只有52000美元(26000欧元)&这还是在扣除代理费、律师费和其他的管理费之前的一个数字。

    According to SAG , the average annual income for one of its members is a mere $ 52,000 (£ 26,000 ) - before the agents , lawyers and managers take their cut .

  19. 10年平均土壤侵蚀模数减少2054~2149t/(km2·a),水土流失得到控制。

    Average soil erosion modulus decreased by 2054 ~ 2149t / km 2 · a and soil erosion was controlled .

  20. •得分:92.0•GMAT平均分:714•录取率:13.9%(估算)•2013年平均基本工资:115000美元

    • index : 92.0 • average GMAT : 714 • acceptance rate : 13.9 % ( estimate ) • 2013 median base salary : $ 115,000

  21. 汽油、柴油、燃料油、石脑油、煤油、LPG的产量比2002年均会有一定幅度增长。预计汽柴油年平均价格将与2002年水平接近,市场运行相对平稳。

    Output of gasoline , diesel , fuel oil , naphtha , kerosene and LPG will grow compared to 2002 . The annual average prices of gasoline and diesel are predicted to approach 2002 levels with the market largely stable .

  22. 黄土高原现代地表样品中w(绿泥石+高岭石)/w(伊利石)比值与现代年平均温度和年平均降水量有着良好的相关关系。

    Furthermore , a good correlation between w ( chlorite + kaolinite ) / w ( illite ) ratio and climate parameters ( mean annual temperature and precipitation ) indicates a spatial gradient of chemical weathering intensity of chlorite closely related to summer monsoon circulation .

  23. 年平均雨日为147d,雷暴日为96d;

    The mean annual rain day was 147d and thunderstorm day was 96d .

  24. 对次降雨和年平均土壤侵蚀量模拟的Nash-Sutcliffe有效性ME分别为0.853和0.758。

    And the Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiencies of event soil loss simulation and annual soil loss simulation were 0.853 and 0.758 , respectively .

  25. 模式结果表明黑潮的体积输运春夏季较大、秋季最小,在东海PN断面黑潮体积输运年平均为29.7×106m3/s;

    According to the climatological model results , the volume transport of Kuroshio is larger in spring and summer , and smallest in autumn . Annual mean of volume transport through PN section of the East China Sea is 29.7 × 10 ~ 6 m ~ 3 / s.

  26. 大树年平均高生长达1·2m,胸径1·12cm,大大超过桢楠、紫楠、白玉兰等其他珍稀种,很有开发利用价值。

    However , for big tree , to 1.2 meter and 1.12 cm for the breast diameter growth , which greatly surpass those of Phoebe shearer and Magnolia denudata , and other rare species and have very high value of development and utilization .

  27. 统计结果表明,r0的年平均值的分布与相应地形分布基本一致,大气湍流的差异对局部地区的r0有着明显的影响。

    The geographical distribution of the annual mean r 0 at ground is in accordance with the topographical distribution basically . The effect of the variation of atmospheric turbulence on the local distribution of r 0 is apparent .

  28. 道碴坑中部(0.7m深度处)年平均地温为-1.60℃,比卵石地表相同深度地温低1.4℃。

    The annual mean ground temperature at the middle of the closed ballast pit ( at the depth of 0.70m ) is-1.60 ℃, which is 1.4 ℃ lower than that at the same depth beneath the gravel surface .

  29. 土壤水年平均蒸散量为477.8mm,与蒸散对应年份的平均降水量为491.8mm,97%的降水参加了农田生态系统内水分循环,其循环方式为土壤作物大气。

    The average transpiration of soil water was 477.8mm and the atmospheric water was 491.8mm relatively , 97 % of the atmospheric water entered the water circulatory system of field ecosystem , the circulation was of soil-crop-atmospheric .

  30. 研究结果表明,该海区9年平均海面地形的基本特征为:东南高、西北低,由东南向西北倾斜,最大高差超过90CM;

    The results of study reveal as follows : First , the basic character of average sea surface topography in 9 years is that it 's high in Southeast , but low in Northwest , sloping from southeast to northwest and the highest difference exceeds 90 cm .