- 名Average production;average output

The average output per hectare has increased favorable weather and an improvement in farm management and pest control .
Computer controls to open or close each valves to container according to procedure and registers begin time and end time when liquid level reaches controlled level . Then , computer calculates percentage of water and average output of oil from a well .
With the US harvest halfway through , the US Department of Agriculture said the average corn field will yield 155.8 bushels per acre , 6.7 bushels less than its September estimate .
When the ratio of N to K_2O was 2 ∶ 3 , the average yield and marketable rate of tuber would be the highest .
The results shows : maximum yield , average yield as well as the yield variability will increase under both A2 and B2 climate change scenarios at all periods .
The total population multiplication level was 57.7 . ( 3 ) By priming and superinduction with NDV , the average yield of this strain was 23 000IU / ml.
Analysis of average yield result of the nation mid-late in north-west in potato cultivars regional test was made using AMMI model and combined bi-plot in2007 .
The trees began to bear in the 2nd year after planted , and the yield reached 15246kg / hm2 in the 5th year .
The average yield with the nutrition ball , nutrition piece , broadcasting with nutrition soil are 80.5 % , 77.5 % and 60.1 % higher than that with the direct seeding separately .
The average yield of API and FPI is lower than that of BPI , but the amount of water use for API and FPI is less than that of BPI . It shows API and FPI can enhance the efficiency of irrigation water use .
A 8 hm 2 stand of Chinese chestnut fruiting early with high yield was established in 1993.The yield for 4 year old trees amounted to 12 195 2 kg · hm - 2 on the average with effective technical measures taken , which is of significance to chestnut production .
An average yield of 1.77t/ha with purity greater than 99.9 % was achieved in over 22 ha of IR58025A × B multiplication field in Philippines , October , 2002 .
However the larger part of the yield gap between the bio-physical production potential and actual production ( 81.4 % ) exists between the PS-2 and PS-X levels and is largely caused by management factors .
MEG drilling fluid had better formation damage control . WEN 5-41C had a 14 . 4 t BOPD and this was greater than that of WEN 5 BLOCK by 128 . 4 % . SHEN-128C well is a unique gusher well in the SHEN 229 BLOCK presently .
The rice crop this year is 15 percent above the average .
The average yield of maize will decline between 5 % and 30 % .
Terracing not only increased average yields , but also significantly lowered their variability .
Adopting this method , we raised the average yield by 40 per cent .
Its average yield is 14,550kg / hm2 .
This is their average yearly output .
The average γ - PGA yield in triplicate was 4.5 % at compost experiment .
There are about 500 gypsum mines , the average yield is about 50,000 tons .
Washington will average 450 million boxes in the 1970 's with an up of 50 million boxes every year .
Many examples of low provincial yield averages and low returns on investment exist where traditional fertilization practices are used .
They showed that selection for tolerance to stress will generally result in a reduced mean yield and non-stress environments .
The average yield of single plant of green pepper was 1.1 kg , and the comparative difference was marked .
The average yield of six years of " Shanyou 63 " reached to 7 499.25 kg / hm ~ 2 .
The production precision reaches 82.5 % in 2004 and 84.9 % in 2005.The precision of average yield is 83.7 % .
With an average yield from a single plant reaching 20.5 kg , which registered a 150 % increase over that of control group ;
The Grey Adjudication Analysis of the Spring Corn 's Agricultural Qualities and Individual Plant Yield Under the Condition of the Mid and High Density