
  • 网络greek and roman mythology;Triumph of the Hero-Greek and Roman Myth
  1. 嫉妒之心&希腊罗马神话故事中人物的性格特征

    Jealousy & The Characters ' Dispositions in Greek and Roman Mythology

  2. 英语语言文化中的古希腊罗马神话

    Rethinking of Greek and Roman Mythology in English Language and Culture

  3. 希腊罗马神话典故成语和英语学习

    Allusive Idioms from Greek and Roman Mythology and English Study

  4. 论希腊罗马神话的人本意识

    On the Humanism of the Mythologies of Greece and Rome

  5. 希腊罗马神话与中国神话的跨文化比较研究

    The Cross-cultural Comparison Study of the Greek Mythology and the Chinese Mythology

  6. 她所给他的喀尔比《寓言世界》和《希腊罗马神话》要深沉得多。

    She had given him understanding even more than Bulfinch and gayley .

  7. 英语中来源于希腊罗马神话词汇的研究

    Study on Vocabulary Deriving from Greco - Roman Mythology

  8. 五彩纷呈的古希腊罗马神话世界

    The Colorful World of Ancient Greek and Roman Mythology

  9. 希腊罗马神话对西方文化产生了深远的影响,对英语的影响更是不容忽视。

    Greek and Roman Mythology has had profound and vast influence upon the western culture .

  10. 瑰丽的想象隽永的哲思&古希腊罗马神话漫说

    Imposing Imagination in Company with Meaningful Philosophy & a talk about ancient Geek and Roman myths

  11. 诗意地栖居:古希腊罗马神话中的生态美学

    Ecological Aesthetics in Ancient Greco-Roman Mythology

  12. 本文主要是研究英语中来源于希腊罗马神话的词汇。

    This thesis is to study the words deriving from Greco-Roman mythology in the English language .

  13. 希腊罗马神话还对英美人生观、价值观产生影响。

    Greco-Roman mythology still has much influence upon the people ' outlook on life and value in the western countries .

  14. 众多的英语单词、典故成语来源于希腊罗马神话。

    A great number of words and allu-sive idioms in the English language come from the Greek and Ro-man mythology .

  15. 希腊罗马神话作为独特的文化载体,传承了西方人本主义思想意识。

    Myths of Greece and Rome , as the distinctive cultural carriers , pass on the ideology of western humanism .

  16. 从希腊罗马神话里衍生了许多相关的英语词汇,极大地丰富了英语语言。

    Many English words are derived from Greco-Roman mythology , which has enriched the English language to a large extent .

  17. 希腊罗马神话成为范本,在中西比较和选择性误解的基础上,人们发掘了原本被忽视的中国神话的价值。

    On the basis of the comparision of Chinese and western culture , people begin to find out the neglected value of China 's mythology .

  18. 本文拟从英语中源于希腊罗马神话的词汇入手,追溯希腊罗马神话对英语语言的影响。

    This paper begins with the English words sourced from Greek and Roman mythology , and then probes into the influence upon the English language .

  19. 关于仲夏节的来历,有个美妙的传说:古希腊罗马神话中有位女神,名叫色列斯。

    On the origins of Midsummer Festival , a beautiful legend : ancient Greek and Roman mythology , there was the Goddess named color Antilles .

  20. 很多英语词汇,尽管一些表面上看来跟希腊罗马神话没有任何关系,都可以追溯到那里。

    Numerous English words , though some seeming to have nothing to do with Greek and Roman mythology , can all be traced back to it .

  21. 希腊罗马神话的姿态质朴、风韵自然,极富艺术感染力,也反映了西方人那种崇尚自由的乐观性格。

    It is simple and natural and has rich artistic appeal , which has reflected that kind of optimistic personality of pursuing freedom for the westerners .

  22. 古希腊罗马神话是一个丰富的文化宝藏,这是勿庸置疑的,但如何欣赏这一宝贵的文化遗产,这是我们应该探讨的问题。

    It 's well known that ancient Greek and Roman Mythology is an important part of the priceless human culture , so it deserves to be appreciated .

  23. 要深刻理解和领会英美文学,以便更深刻地了解英语语言和文化就应当了解希腊罗马神话。

    To have a better understanding and appreciation of English literature , American Literature , English language and culture , we must get familiar with Greek and Roman myths .

  24. 以希腊罗马神话为原型的英国文学作品不仅极大地加深了英国文学的寓意和内涵,而且丰富了英国文学作品的宝库。

    Literary works based on Greco-Roman mythology have not only added meaning and connotation to the profound British literature , but also enriched the repository of English literary works .

  25. 英国文学作为欧洲文学的代表之一,和有着渊源关系的美国文学都深深打上了希腊罗马神话的印记。

    As one of the representatives of European literature , British literature , together with American literature , has been deeply stamped with the mark of Greek and Roman myths .

  26. 一些源于希腊罗马神话的词汇可以构成习语。其次,本文对词汇的文化内涵与民族特性进行了描述。

    A majority of words from Greco-Roman mythology are able to derive new words or idioms . Secondly , this thesis describes the cultural intension and national characteristic of the vocabulary .

  27. 在它的创作过程中,作者罗琳不断从其他文化中汲取灵感,例如希伯来文化、希腊罗马神话等。

    In its creative process , the author J.K. Rowling draws inspirations from other cultures continuously , such as the Hebrew culture , the Roman and Greek mythology and so on .

  28. 中国古代神话由于自身的零碎片断性,不象古希腊罗马神话那样结构完整和叙事宏大,其悲剧性特征也不是那么十分突出。

    Unlike acient Greek and Roman fairy-tales full of plot structure and long narration , the characteristic of Chinese acient myth is not outstanding for the sake of short or seperated pieces .

  29. 该文运用原型批评理论,从《圣经》以及古希腊罗马神话中找寻了作品中所具有的原型,由此可知,罗琳是用古老的神话编织了新的神话。

    The test exert antetype criticism theory , look for the antetype from " Bible " and ancient Greece Rome fable , penman considered , Rowling weaved new fable with old fable .

  30. 并且这篇论文的作者把《瓦尔登湖》中的文化意象分为六种:动物、植物、颜色、自然现象、希腊罗马神话和圣经人物故事以及其它意象。

    And in this thesis , the author divides the cultural images in Walden into six categories . They are animal , plant , color , natural phenomenon , Greco-Roman mythology and biblical stories and others .