
  • 网络Hillel;Daniel Hillel;Bar Hillel;Hillel the Elder
  1. 学校的希勒尔禁止它。

    The school of Hillel forbade it .

  2. 所以希勒尔和其他人给作物的正是它们需要的,而且因地制宜。

    So Hillel and others gave plants just what they needed , just where they needed it .

  3. 它的效果非常好以致于希勒尔很快就开始周游世界,向别人推广。

    It worked so well that Hillel was soon traveling the world , showing others how to do it .

  4. 希勒尔在20世纪50年代作为领航者在以色列的内盖夫沙漠旱地农业开始实施滴灌。

    Hillel got his start in dryland farming as a pioneer in Israel 's Negev Desert in the 1950s .

  5. 巴尔?希勒尔是第一个对索引词理论做系统研究的学者,他的索引词理论的逻辑起点是对语用指称和语义指称的区分。

    Bar-Hillel , the first scholar who studied index theory systematically , established his Index Theory logically upon the distinction between " semantic reference " and " pragmatic reference " .