- 名Hebrew Bible

It is a key category of Jewish culture and the Hebrew Bible ;
In the Hebrew Bible it is called the City of Palm Trees .
Authorship of the first five books of the Bible ( see Torah ) is traditionally ascribed to him .
Hebrew Bible is a religious Work which memorizes the lives of ancient Israel .
All the way through here he 's quoting texts that are from the Hebrew Bible .
In the religious analysis , the author finds that both Black Christianity and Judaism emphasize the Hebrew Bible .
They all were reading Daniel , and when they read other prophecies from the Hebrew Bible they also read those apocalyptically .
Now keep your finger there and go all the way to the Old Testament , the Hebrew Bible , to1 Samuel .
The first of three divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures comprising the first five books of the Old Testament considered as a unit .
When Paul talks about scripture in his letters he 's talking about Jewish scripture , the Greek translations of the Hebrew Bible .
So the Hebrew Bible does not say it is morally wrong to charge a reasonable interest rate – just to friends .
Solomon comes up later and he wants to build temple and finally God says yes , at least according to part of the Hebrew Bible .
Diabolism has a very long history in the West , and its origin can be traced back to ancient Greek mythology and ancient Hebrew Bible .
The walls of Jericho in the Hebrew Bible falling down after the Israelites marched around it for seven days and then seven times the last day .
One is between that of Moses and the Tabernacle , as we see in the Hebrew Bible and the other is that of Jesus introduced by his priesthood .
It 's just like we see it in Exodus and the Old Testament , the Hebrew Bible , David wanted to build a temple for God , God said , no.
What Stephen is doing , he 's pulling out of the Hebrew Bible that kind of anti-temple prophetic strain , and he 's emphasizing that as part of his message .
And also , body rhetoric as often used in the Hebrew Bible is gradually eliminated and body experiences are replaced by the law as a new experience and cognitive medium .
These are all meant to remind you of Moses and so Moses & Jesus is portrayed over and over again like Moses or like Joseph , also from the Hebrew Bible .
The scrolls , written in Hebrew , Aramaic and Greek , include the earliest-known copies of every book in the Hebrew Bible -- some 1000 years older than other known works .
We now find the New Testament in the same book as the Old Testament , as Christians call it ; and as Jews call it , the Hebrew Bible or the Tanakh .
When we read a Gospel writer who has Jesus interpreting scripture the scripture he 's interpreting is what Christians would call the Old Testament , or what Jews would call the Hebrew Bible .
As the psalm saying : " Open my eyes , so that I may see the wonderful truths in your law ", the dissertation is observing the Bible with a legal visual angle .
You know how in Genesis and the other parts of the Hebrew Bible it 'll say , so and so begat so and so begat so and so , it tells you everybody 's lineage .
The sublimity is a peculiar quality of the Hebrew Bible and great spirit in Judaism .
Levinas points out the view of God as the Other based on Descartes ' thought of infinity and the Hebraic Bible .
These programs develop students'understanding of Hebrew Scripture and its commentary tradition , Jewish philosophy and ethics , liturgical traditions , counseling , and homiletics .
So Marcion threw out the whole Hebrew Bible , the scriptures of Jews entirely , and substituted for Jewish scripture his own edited version of Luke and the letters of Paul .
The Hebrew Bible records the nomadic cultural migration that the Hebrew nation underwent at their early stage and the adoption , integration and conflicts of the heterogeneous cultures of the surrounding countries and areas .
Starting from the relationship between Levinas , the Greek philosophy and Hebrew Bible tradition , it attempts to point out that the profound significance and severe strength , which Levinas ' thought of Others contains , comes from his unique thought and inheritance of the traditional legacies .