
shī mǔ
  • the wife of one's teacher or master
师母 [shī mǔ]
  • [the wife of one's teacher or master]对自己的老师或师傅的妻子的敬称

师母[shī mǔ]
  1. 举个例子,师母对于记忆颜色很有恩赐。

    For instance my wife has the gift of color memory .

  2. 牧师与师母将前往参加。

    Pastor Pai and wife will be attending .

  3. 潘师母知道丈夫的回去是万无挽回的了。正象布兰文驯服家禽那样,牧师驾驭着她的丈夫。

    Mrs. Pan knew now there was absolutely no way to prevent her husband from going back .

  4. 师母帮他混进别人求法的教学里,还是被赶了出去。

    Damema assisted him to join a teaching session but still he got kicked out by Marpa .

  5. 我告别了师母就去了学校,继续的上课。

    I took leave a teacher 's wife to go to a school , continue of have a class .

  6. 内部人士透露,不是卡片机,是重磅,就算杨先生也不知道,师母已呆!

    Insiders , not the card machine is heavy , even if Yang does not know , wife has to stay !

  7. 我的师母很早就在医院等我了,我也很早就到了医院。

    My teacher 's wife has already waited me at the hospital very much , I also have already is a hospital very much .

  8. 潘师母带着大的孩子坐一辆,潘先生带着小的孩子同黑漆皮包坐一辆。

    Mrs. Pan got into one with the older boy and Mr. Pan climbed into the other with the younger child and the black bag .

  9. 拿着那张纸,我去找我的师母,她说要化疗,我问,那肿瘤敏感吗?

    Take that paper , I find my teacher 's wife , she say that want a chemotherapy , I ask , that tumor sensitive ?

  10. 我拿着两个小瓶,里面装着我的肿瘤组织,就和师母走出了手术间去了病理科。

    I take two small bottles , the inside packs my tumor organization , came out the surgical operation to go to a pathologic section with teacher 's wife .

  11. 师父、师母还为所有参加表演的学员们以及所有在场的孩子们发了红包,恭贺新年,祝愿大家新的一年中身体健康、万事如意!

    At the end , Master Li and his wife gave all the students and the children " red envelopes " to wish them a very happy new year , and the whole year a healthy and prosperous one .