
  • 网络MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION;Municipal Building
  1. 浅谈大型复杂市政建设中的设计变更问题

    Elementary Introduction to Design Alteration in Large-scale Complex Municipal Construction

  2. 市政建设正是城市规划的执行阶段。

    Municipal construction is the execution phase of city planning .

  3. 目前东科光电销售的产品以LED路灯为主,主要应用于市政建设及楼体外观的亮化工程。

    At present Dongke 's main products for sale are LED street lamps mainly used in urban construction and the lighting projects for the buildings .

  4. 地理信息系统(GIS)是与计算机科学、地理、遥感、测绘、城市规划、土地管理、市政建设等诸多学科相融合的边缘技术。

    Geographical information system ( GIS ) is an edge technology integrated with various disciplines , namely , computer science , geography , remote sensing , surveying and mapping , urban planning , land management , urban construction , etc. .

  5. 房地产投资智能决策分析系统(IDAS)是一个涉及房产市场、市政建设和建筑材料等诸多因素的决策分析系统,需要大量的模型系统的支持。

    Intelligent Decision Analysis System ( IDAS ) for Real Estate Investment involves a great deal of factors , such as market of house property , urban construction , construction material , etc.

  6. 我国实施市政建设资产证券化的研究

    The Study of Asset Securitization in Municipal Facility Construction in China

  7. 民国时期杭州市政建设研究以19111937年为时段的考察

    The Research On Hangzhou City 's Construction From 1911 to 1937

  8. 市政建设项目社会效益和环境效益经济评价的实例研究

    A Case Study on Social Environmental Benefits Assessment on Civil Projects

  9. 政府市政建设行为法律控制思考

    Research on the Legal Controlling of Government Municipal Administration Construction Act

  10. 最糟的现代市政建设规划所造成的混凝土荒漠。

    The concrete deserts created by modern planning at its worst .

  11. 略论近代济南市政建设的现代转型(1904-1937)

    On the Modern Transformation of Tsinan Urban Construction ( 1904-1937 );

  12. 并总结了近代郑州市政建设的经验教训。

    Modern and summarized the experiences and lessons of zhengzhou municipal construction .

  13. 市政建设、住宅小区地下水排水、排污管道;

    Municipal construction , rainwater drainage and pollution discharge pipe for housing estate ;

  14. 这是上海市政建设中首次运用养老保险基金投资。

    This was the first pension insurance fund investment in Shanghai urban construction .

  15. 特别是租界的市政建设,让上海人大为叹服。

    Especially , people in Shanghai were marveled at the infrastructure in the concessions .

  16. 自动化监测在市政建设工程中的应用

    Auto - monitoring Applied in Municipal Construction Projects

  17. 海平面上升对上海地区市政建设的影响及对策

    The influence of rising sealevel on municipal constrution in Shanghai and the counter measures

  18. 市政建设领域商业贿赂犯罪的认定及治理对策

    The Cognizance of Commercial Bribe Crime in Municipal Construction Field and its Treatment Measures

  19. 岩溶问题是地铁工程建设、市政建设过程中面临的主要地质难题之一。

    The karst is one of geological problems in the subway construction and municipal construction .

  20. 我曾在市政建设规划部门工作。

    I was in the planning department .

  21. 外白渡桥变迁与租界市政建设(1843-1908)

    The Changes of " Garden Bridge " and Municipal Construction in Concession ( 1843-1908 )

  22. 浅谈贵阳市排水大沟设计与市政建设的配合

    Elementary Introduction to Design of Drainage Tunnel to Cooperate with Municipal Construction in Guiyang City

  23. 浅谈市政建设项目造价管理

    On the Cost Management of Municipal Project

  24. 包括与香港口岸可一争高低的上海港在内的庞大市政建设工程已经启动。

    Massive public works projects were started , including a shipping port to rival Hong Kong 's.

  25. 挡土墙在水利工程、公路工程和市政建设等工程中都有广泛的应用。

    Retaining wall is widely used in hydraulic engineering construction , highway engineering and municipal construction projects .

  26. 19世纪末,中国在市政建设方面与西方的都市比较相去甚远。

    In the 19th century , China fell quite far away from the West in municipal construction .

  27. 市政建设是城市发展的重要组成部分,已日益成为城市现代化的显著标志。

    City planning , which gradually symbolizes modernization , is the important part of a city 's development .

  28. 随着我国社会主义现代化建设的不断发展,市政建设取得了极大进步。

    With the development of modernization constructions in our country , constructions of public facilities make good progress .

  29. 本章通过对工部局、华人在钢制外白渡桥建设中的表现的分析,推而研究他们在租界城市空间形成与市政建设中的表现与作为。

    This chapter is to analyze the performance of municipal council and Chinese people in the municipal construction .

  30. 但是,市政建设和养护市场的投资主体是政府、市政产品定价不一、市政工程的建设单位并非是最终消费者。

    The price for the municipal product is different and the construction entities are not the final consumers thereof .