
  • 网络the marketing concept;Social Marketing Concept
  1. 试论市场营销观念在高校管理中的应用

    Application of Marketing Concept to the University Management

  2. 市场营销观念是市场营销活动在经营者意识中的反映。

    Marketing concept is the reflection of the marketing activity in the consciousness of the proprietor .

  3. 本文提出图书馆web站点的市场营销观念。

    The article proposes the concept of marketing of library web site .

  4. 首先分析Internet中的网络管销观念对传统市场营销观念的冲击。

    This paper first analyzes the shock of marketing concept in Internet to traditional concept of marketing .

  5. 随着中国加入WTO以及保护限期即将结束,石油石化企业在国内将与国际石油公司进行面对面的竞争。石油企业要想在竞争中取胜首先要转变思想,树立现代市场营销观念;

    With the entry of WTO and the end of the protect term , petroleum and petrifaction enterprises will face the competition from domestic and international companies .

  6. 本文的写作以现代市场营销观念、STP营销理论、关系营销理论、营销组合和渠道创新理论为基础。

    The theory of this thesis is based on the modern marketing concept , STP marketing theory , relationship marketing theory , the marketing mix and the channel innovation theory .

  7. 知识经济时代,市场营销观念将是设计创造需求,营销组合也将由传统的4P向大规模个性化产品、全值定价和精确定价方向发展。

    In the era of knowledge economy , designing would create market , and marketing combination would transfer from traditional 4P to that with specific character , that anyplace and anytime , and that of full value pricing and meticulously pricing .

  8. 市场营销观念下企业组织设计的原则

    The Organizing Principle of Enterprises Under the Viewpoint of Market Sale

  9. 21世纪企业市场营销观念的探讨

    A Discussion on the Marketing Concept in the 21st Century

  10. 中国医疗机构市场营销观念剖析

    Analysis on Concept of Marketing of China 's Medical Organization

  11. 现代市场营销观念及方法的创新与发展

    The modern marketing theory and its innovation and development

  12. 一般认为,生产观念、产品观念、推销观念、市场营销观念、社会营销观念是五种有代表性的企业经营观念。

    The corporation marketing activity surely is done through a certain of operation concept .

  13. 以市场营销观念促进高校后勤人本服务的落实

    The Promotion of Logistic Service in Universities People Foremost in the View of Marketing

  14. 可持续发展的思想和社会市场营销观念已成潮流。

    The sustainable developing ideas and the social marketing concept have become current trends .

  15. 市场营销观念有两个导向:消费者导向和竞争者导向。

    There are two orientations for marketing theory : customer orientation and competitor orientation .

  16. 市场营销观念在银行活动中被普及。

    The marketing concept in banking is implemented .

  17. 树立市场营销观念,以市场需求为中心,开展学校各项工作。

    Every teaching activity should be conducted based on market requirement and marketing idea .

  18. 市场营销观念是企业营销活动的一种导向,随着社会经济的发展和市场形势的变化而发展变化。

    It should be adjusted as the developing of the society , economy and marketing .

  19. 佛山乡镇企业家的市场营销观念浅析

    A Tentative Study on the Marketing Concepts of the Enterprisers in Foshan 's Town-ownership Enterprises

  20. 谈树立现代市场营销观念

    Setting up the Sense of Modern Marketing

  21. 市场营销观念的最终目的就是帮助企业取得目标。

    The ultimate purpose of the marketing concept is to help organizations achieve their objectives .

  22. 二是市场营销观念落后、市场营销手段、策略贫乏。

    The second , marketing sense lag behind , it 's mediums and tactics are lacking .

  23. 市场营销观念质疑

    Calling in Doubt about Marketing Concept

  24. 第五部分则主要从发展学习型组织、强化市场营销观念和激发企业创新能力三方面来讨论如何培育房地产开发企业的核心能力。

    The last part discusses four methods cultivating the core competence of the real estate corporations .

  25. 基于情景的市场营销观念&市场营销观念的发展

    On Concept Marketing Situational Marketing Concept

  26. 而传统市场营销观念正是在工业经济基础上发展起来的,它以消费者需求为驱动力来调节生产,因此传统市场营销面临严重的挑战。

    The base of the traditional marketing concept was industry economy and was facing great challenge .

  27. 绿色营销是在国际社会普遍推行可持续发展的大趋势下产生的现代企业市场营销观念。

    Green marketing is a modern marketing concept grown out of the global tendency of sustainable development .

  28. 市场营销观念的正确与否对旅游企业经营的成败兴衰,具有决定性意义。

    The correct marketing concept can determine the existence of an enterprise , even for a region .

  29. 试论小企业的市场营销观念与策略

    Marketing Strategies of Small Enterprises

  30. 市场营销观念创新探析

    Inventory Analysis of Marketing Concept