
  • 网络market discipline;market constraint
  1. 最后一个办法是被称为“补贴储备计划”(subsidyreserveplan)的方案,这一方案依赖于市场约束而不是政府干预。

    The fourth is a proposal we call the subsidy reserve plan , which relies on market discipline rather than government intervention .

  2. 恩平金融事件反思&市场约束的视角

    Review of Enping " Financial Panics " & A Market Discipline Perspective

  3. 为此,我们构建了基于证券市场约束、法律监管、政府监管和CPA审计的公司外部监管机制,作为保障会计信息质量的第二道防线。

    So external supervision mechanism regarded as the second defenses line is constructed to ensure accounting information quality . This includes securities market restriction , law supervision , government supervision and CPA auditing supervision .

  4. 首先,要树立金融相对稳定的理念,充分发挥市场约束的功能。

    Firstly , establish the concept of relatively stable finance .

  5. 银行市场约束与政府监管的权衡与选择研究&对我国银行外部监管效应的论证

    Tradeoff and Selection between Bank Market Discipline and Government Supervision

  6. 如何改善中国第三方物流服务需求的市场约束

    How to Improve the Market Constraint of TPL 's Demand in China

  7. 信息披露、市场约束与银行风险承担行为

    Information Disclosure , Market Discipline and Risk-taking Behaviors of Banks

  8. 银行监管的市场约束理论进展

    Theory Review on Market Discipline Mechanism in Banking Regulation

  9. 这就是纯粹的市场约束。

    This is market discipline in its purest form .

  10. 法定最低资本要求对次级债市场约束的影响

    Effects of Legal Minimal Capital Requirement on the Market Discipline of Subordinated Debts

  11. 然后是高效的外部监管与市场约束体系。

    Three is highly effective exterior supervise mechanism and the market restraint mechanism .

  12. 市场约束、流动性援助与存款保险&基于银行审慎经营的激励兼容分析

    Market Discipline , Liquidity Salvage and Deposit Insurance

  13. 金融市场约束失效与政府监管强化研究

    Research on Market Discipline Effects and Government Regulation of the Banking System in China

  14. 上述框架的建立回答了市场约束是什么的问题。

    The establishment of frame answers the question : what is the market discipline .

  15. 当非国民义务教育快速扩张时其市场约束条件也在强化。

    Market restraints are strengthening along with the rapid expansion of non-national compulsory education .

  16. 第四章对建立健全企业家的约束机制的必要性进行分析,总结并分析了建立健全企业家约束机制的五种方式,即企业家责任约束、预算约束、法律约束、道德约束、市场约束。

    The necessaries to establish and perfect the restricting mechanism on entrepreneurs are discussed .

  17. 这一思路忽略了如下事实:对于遏制冒险行为而言,市场约束是一项必不可少的工具。

    This approach ignores how market discipline is the essential tool in controlling risk-taking .

  18. 市场约束与官方监管

    The Relationship between Market Restraint and Official Supervision

  19. 然后,构建商业银行次级债市场约束作用的理论模型。

    Thirdly , this paper builds the theory model of market discipline of subordinated debts .

  20. 第四,规范商业银行的信息披露,强化市场约束。

    Fourth , standardizing the information exposure by commercial banks and strengthening the market restriction .

  21. 垄断行业应随着技术约束和市场约束的变化,采用适应性规制。

    Monopoly trades should take adaptable regularities with the changes of technology and market restraints .

  22. 市场约束及其制度基础

    Market Discipline and Its Institutional Prerequisites

  23. 外部治理一方面是指市场约束机制,另一方面是指公司治理的监管机制。

    External governance concerns both the market restraint system and the regulation system of corporate governance .

  24. 它的主要内容包括最低资本要求、资本充足性监管和市场约束。

    It includes the minimal capital requirement , supervision of the sufficient capital and market regulation .

  25. 《新巴塞尔协议》的市场约束监管与货币政策传导的信贷渠道

    The Market Discipline in the Basel II and the Credit Channel of the Monetary Policy Transmission

  26. 市场约束作用的发挥需要一定的前提条件。

    But the effects of market discipline will be limited if we cannot offer some conditions .

  27. 其次,构建地方政府政策性融资制度,同时引入市场约束机制。

    Second , construct the local governments ' policy financing system , while introducing market discipline mechanism .

  28. 加强代理人行为的市场约束机制,强化公司外部治理。

    To reinforce the market restriction system of the Agent Behavior to strengthen the outside company administration .

  29. 政府对于存款人损失补偿越高,则市场约束越弱。

    The higher the compensation to depositors by the government is , the weaker the market discipline is .

  30. 对企业家人力资本进行制度约束、市场约束和自我约束,可促使企业家人力资本履行合约。

    Constitution , market and self restrain of entrepreneur human capital can force him carry out the contract .