
  • 网络technologist;Artisan;craftsman;craftspeople;process engineer
  1. 我们有一流的专业设计人才、材料分析、工艺师。

    We have the first-class specialized design talented person , the material analysis , the technologist .

  2. 公司常倾向承认两种文化&工艺师的文化和会计师的文化(金融时报)

    Companies tended to recognize two cultures-that of the technologist and that of the bean counter ( Financial Times )

  3. 中国当代雕刻工艺师沈为众雕刻的象牙佛像是世界上最小的雕刻。这个象牙佛像只有一粒米的五分之四大。

    The ivory Buddha carved by Shen Weizhong , a contemporary Chinese sculptor , is the world 's smallest piece of sculpture , its size being just four-fifths that of a grain of rice .

  4. 我们佩服工艺师精巧的手艺。

    We admired the delicacy of the craftsmanship .

  5. 由当地工艺师手工制作的小地毯

    rugs handmade by local craftsmen

  6. 主要是为了削尖坚硬的表面,工艺师和工匠都喜欢采用的工艺工具。

    By craftsmen / artisan who prefer for the sharpening hard surface .

  7. 每件产品都是工艺师们精雕细刻而成,凝聚了他们大量的心血。

    Each product is cinese craftsmen work and become , condense the their painstaking efforts .

  8. 还存在工业建筑师和民用建筑师的分工,工艺师与建筑师的脱节等现象。

    The division of civil technologist and architect of disjointed still exist between industrial building and architect .

  9. 提出了数值模拟的方法和分析结论对复合材料结构设计师和工艺师合理制订金属内衬复合材料纤维缠绕容器的工艺标准具有一定的参考价值。

    The numerical simulation method and conclusions could be of great value to engineers of the composite structures .

  10. 强调了表面处理工艺师、结构设计师和机加工工艺师之间沟通协商的重要性。

    The importance of communication and consultation were emphasized among the surface treatment technologists , structure designers and mechanical technicians .

  11. 热情接受饰品、雕刻工艺师的宝贵意见,我们将不遗余力满足您的需求。

    We will warmly accept the division of the carving valuable advice and try our best to meet your needs .

  12. 科艺学院为学生提供全面的技术训练,培养其成为舞台的专业技师,设计师,舞台监督或工艺师。

    The School of Technical Arts trains students to become professional technicians , designers , managers and craftsmen in theatre .

  13. 公司拥有经验丰富的经营管理人员、高级工程师和食品工艺师及训练有素的技术工人。

    The company has the experienced management and operation personnel , senior engineer and food technologist and the well-trained technical worker .

  14. 本公司投入巨资,购进各种天然玉石,聘请高级工艺师,精心设计、琢。

    We invested a tremendous amount of money , buying all kinds of natural jade recruit senior craft , design meticulously carved .

  15. 高等职业教育要培养面向生产、面向基层、面向管理和服务第一线的技术型和应用型工艺师、技术师、管理工程师。

    The higher vocational education is to train applicable technicians , craftsmen , engineers catering to the manufacture , basic level , management and service .

  16. 穆斯塔法•法鲁克是农业研究所的高级食品工艺师,他与奥克兰市的精品巧克力生产商德文波特合作来向大众推广肉类巧克力。

    Mustafa Farouk , Senior Food Technologist at Ag Research has partnered with Auckland boutique chocolate maker Devonport Chocolates to bring meat chocolate to the masses .

  17. 色彩节制,形体塑造宛如一个工艺师在打磨一块玉一般,让人紧张却是爱不释手。

    The color restraints and the figure modeling are just like a craftsman who is grinding a jade , it makes man tense but fondle admiringly .

  18. 我们成功的结合工艺师的热心与工业家的理智,这种组合能确保更棒的生活品质,无论你人是安坐著在桌边工作或休息。

    All with a craftsmansheart and an industrial mind , a combination ensuring a better life while seated , whether relaxing , working , or at the table .

  19. 工艺师们使用芦笋、青豆、红花菜豆,再混以甜玉米生动刻画了英国国会大厦这座错综复杂的石砌建筑。

    The Houses of Parliament are built from a mix of asparagus , green beans and runner beans which are mixed with baby sweetcorn to depict the intricate stonework .

  20. 一批批来着世界各地的皮草工艺师、时装工作室、时装设计师和学生汇聚世家设计中心,共同为皮草开拓和重塑通往未来的新路。

    In doing so , it has enabled the cream of the world 's furriers , fashion houses , designers and students to exchange ideas about future directions for fur .

  21. 我请来皮毛工艺师、机械设计师、装修工人来帮助我工作,在这个过程中,我充当了雕塑家、美发工、牙医等多种角色。

    I invited the expert of fur craft , mechanic designer and decorators to help me . I served as a sculpture , a hair dresser , a dentist and some other roles in this process .

  22. 电镀企业的经营者、表面处理工艺师、结构设计师、机加工工艺师都比较重视表面处理工艺对覆盖层质量的影响,而往往忽视基体表面质量对覆盖层质量的影响。

    The proprietor of electroplating corporation , surface treatment technologist , structure designer and mechanical technicians pay great attention to the influence of surface treatment technics on the coating quality , but ignore the influence of matrix surface quality .

  23. 少数民族的工艺匠师们能够因地制宜、灵活处理,结合不同地区不同民族的传统文化和风俗信仰,营建出如此丰富多彩的屋顶样式。

    Minority craft present were able to adjust measures to local conditions , flexible processing , combining different areas and different ethnic traditional culture and custom beliefs , builds a so plentiful and colorful roofs style .

  24. 论贵州民族民间工艺资源与高师美术特色课程开发

    On Ethnic and Folk Resource of Arts and Crafts in Guizhou and Development of Featured Art Courses in Normal Colleges