
  • 网络industrial control configuration software;mcgs;Intouch
  1. 文章介绍了利用网络技术、计算机测控技术和工控组态软件研究开发的综合测试创新实验教学系统。

    The comprehensive test creative experimental teaching system was introduced , which is developed on the basis of network technique , computer monitoring technique , and the MCGS work monitoring system software .

  2. 工控组态软件MCGS已广泛应用于各类工业自动化过程的监控系统中,但MCGS不能实现事件型统计报表。

    MCGS configuration software has been used widely in automation and monitoring systems , however , by which a kind of report form about events can not be achieved .

  3. 面向工控组态软件运行系统的Web浏览器研究

    Research of Web Browser for Industry Control Configuration Software Running Subsystem

  4. 基于Web的工控组态软件设计及其应用

    The Designment and Application of Industry Control Configuration Software

  5. 工控组态软件FIX与变电站仿真系统的数据接口

    The Data Interface Between Industrial Control Configuration Software FIX and the Transformer Substation Simulation System

  6. 工控组态软件FIX及其在舞台吊机控制系统中的应用

    The application of configurable software FIX in the control system for stage electric batten fly

  7. FIX工控组态软件及其在油田注水站监控系统中的应用

    FIX Industrial Control Configuration Software and its Application in Monitoring System of Water Flooding Sation in Oil Field

  8. 从SL看工控组态软件开发

    Explore Development of Configurable Software in Industrial Automation from SL

  9. 基于DDE技术的工控组态软件的二次开发

    The Farther Development of Industrial Control Configuration Software Based on DDE

  10. 用MCGS工控组态软件编写控制程序。

    Using MCGS industrial control configuration software write the control programs .

  11. 工控组态软件MCGS与综合自动化&恒压供水系统

    MCGS and constant pressure water supply system of integration automation experimental facility

  12. 根据选矿厂碎矿生产工艺的控制要求,采用PLC和工控组态软件设计开发了一套计算机监控系统。

    In light of the requirement for the crushing process control of concentrators , a computer control system was developed by using PLC and industrial control configuration software .

  13. FIXDMACS工控组态软件及应用

    The FIX DMACS industrial control configuration software and its application

  14. 介绍基于工控组态软件MCGS的船舶轴系监测系统。

    The system of shafting monitoring on the spot of configuration software MCGS is introduced .

  15. 工控组态软件MCGS在调和油生产系统中的应用

    Industrial Control Configuration Software MCGS and its Application in the Process of the Blended Oil System

  16. 工控组态软件MCGS的远程监控

    The Long-distance Monitoring of MCGS

  17. 基于工控组态软件MCGS的某罐区监控系统的设计与应用

    Design and application of a tin-section monitoring and control system based on the industrial control configuration software MCGS

  18. Intouch工控组态软件及其在城市污水处理厂的应用

    Industrial Control Configuration Software Intouch and its Application in City Sewage treatment Project

  19. 本文采用工控组态软件MCGS作为开发环境,介绍了包含三个部分的测控系统的开发。

    This thesis use the Monitor and Controll Generated System ( MCGS ) as the the software developing environment .

  20. 如果使用MATLAB实现复杂的控制算法,再结合工控组态软件作为系统的主控,在实际的工程项目中必将达到非常理想的控制效果。

    However , it will get extremely satisfying control results if we can use MATLAB to realize complicated control algorithms and consider industrial configuration software as system 's primary controller in the real engineering projects .

  21. 结合MCGS工控组态软件,实现模糊推理引擎的实时控制。

    With the industrial control software , MCGS , the fuzzy inference engine was used to achieve the real-time control .

  22. 介绍了工控组态软件MCGS及其基于MCGS开发的锅炉液位监控系统。

    The configuration software MCGS as well as the monitoring and control system of boiler level based on configuration software is introduced .

  23. 数据采集软件采用了工控组态软件组态王嵌入式版编写,井下监控分站中的工作面瓦斯浓度预测软件由MicrosoftEmbeddedVisualC++(EVC)软件编写。

    Data acquisition software is written by Control Software " KingView Embedded Edition ", the face gas prediction software in underground monitoring sub-station is compiled by Microsoft Embedded Visual C + + ( EVC ) .

  24. 该系统上位集成管理采用个人PC与国产优秀工控组态软件昆仑通态MCGS的组合,下位分散控制的构成方式采用了三菱FX2N系列PLC。

    In the system PC and homebred excellent configuration software MCGS are used in the integration management , and MITSUBISHI FX series of PLC is used in distributed control .

  25. 系统综合应用了先进MCGS工控组态软件、GPRS模块、信号检测与处理等技术对油井现场进行了有效地监控,能对各种数据进行方便地统计和查询。

    The system comprehensively applied advanced MCGS configuration software , GPRS module , signal detection and processing technology , can effectively monitor , do statistics and enquire all kinds of data .

  26. 介绍了基于ADAM-4000系列模块和工控组态软件FIX设计的高纯镁砂多通道数据采集与监测系统。

    Introduce the multi-channel data acquisition & monitor system of side fired kiln for refining high-purity magnesium based on ADAM-4000 modules and configuration software-FIX .

  27. 采用工控组态软件建立BMS系统集成平台,实现对智能建筑的系统集成。

    The industrial configuration software is used to set up a BMS 's system integration platform , so the system integration of heterogeneous databases in intelligent building is realized .

  28. 介绍了大型粮食中转仓库控制系统的方案设计、硬件选择和软件设计,该系统以PLC为核心,上位机开发平台采用工控组态软件FIX32,系统具有稳定、可靠、功能完善的特点。

    The project design of system , hardware selecting and software design are introduced , in which PLC is used as the core part . The software of supervise computer is designed on industrial controlling configuration software__FIX32.The system has the characteristics of stability , reliability and perfect function .

  29. 介绍了基于工控组态软件(MCGS通用版5.5)和VB6.0,针对北京某公司原有锅炉系统进行改造,设计和开发的锅炉监控管理系统。

    Described the process of design and development boiler monitor and control system based on configuration software ( MCGS General Version 5.5 ) and Visual basic 6.0 aimed at a company 's rebuilding boiler system .

  30. 介绍了全中文工控组态软件MCGS,并以生物质热解监控系统为例,阐述了该监控系统的构成,功能及MCGS在该系统的应用。

    This paper introduces the MCGS , and taking a Monitor and Control System for Biomass Pyrolysis for example , and describes the system structure and function as well as the application of MCGS in this system .