
  1. 是的,大部分人都是我们办工室的。

    Yeah , most of the people are from our office .

  2. 斯密思去他前面的办工室去见老板。

    Smith goes to see his boss in the front office .

  3. 个人电脑:家庭或办工室用的微型电脑。

    Personal computer ( PC ): Microcomputer for home or office use .

  4. 牙科技工室技师于各种各样的材料打交道,包括金属、瓷器、塑料,来制造那些恢复健康和矫正用途的工具。

    A dental laboratory technician works with a wide variety of materials , including metals , ceramics , and plastics , to create these restorative and corrective tools .

  5. 采用Duncan-Chang双曲线模型、Biot固结理论对土工格室加固沙漠路基的机理进行理论研究,并铺筑了野外试验路对理论分析结果验证。

    The strengthening mechanical mechanism is studied with Duncan-Chang hyperbolic model and Biot consolidation theory . A test road is constructed to verify the analysis results .

  6. 土工格室柔性筏基加固浅层软弱地基试验研究

    Test Research of Earthwork Flexibility Raft Foundation Strengthening Shallow Soft Subgrade

  7. 土工格室在海滩道路软土地基处理的应用

    Soil Grid 's Application to The Treatment of Ground Below Shallow-sea Road

  8. 土工格室是一种具有立体结构的新型土工合成材料。

    Geocell is a new geosynthetics which has spatial configuration .

  9. 高强土工格室在高速公路路基施工中的应用

    The high intensity geogrid application in express highway foundation construction

  10. 土工格室在长输管道水力侵蚀防护中的应用

    The Application of Cellular Confinement System in Anti-Hydraulic Erosion of Long Distance Pipeline

  11. 提出了一种全新的土工格室路面加筋结构用于高等级重载交通道路。

    A new geocell-reinforced pavement structure used in heavy-loaded high grade road is proposed .

  12. 土工格室+碎石垫层结构体的稳定性分析

    Stability Analysis of Geocell + Gravel Cushion Structure

  13. 土工格室在太古公路的应用

    The Application of Geogrid to Tai-Gu Highway

  14. 在此基础上,初步提出了土工格室加筋挡土墙的设计方法。

    As a result , the designing method of geocell reinforced soil wall comes into being .

  15. 土工格室+碎石桩复合地基承载机理及其试验研究

    Study on the Capacity Mechanism and Model Test of Geogrid Mattress and Gravel Pile Composite Foundation

  16. 土工格室及其应用

    Earth lattice room and its application

  17. 土工格室混凝土施工新技术

    New technology of geotechnical grid concrete

  18. 简述土工格室在渠道护坡中的应用与施工。

    This paper briefly discusses the application and construction of geotechnical cancellus for protectiv slope in canal .

  19. 因此,建立土工格室防护边坡稳定性评价方法是当务之急。

    Therefore , the establishment of large chamber protective slope stability evaluation method is the top priority .

  20. 相同工况下土工格室的布置位置对处理效果影响不大。

    And the effect of treatment is influenced lightly by the different arrangement place at the same case .

  21. 土工格室是一种新型建筑材料,广泛地应用于软土路基处理当中。

    Geo-cell is a kind of new construction material , which is widely used in the treatment of soft subgrades .

  22. 与未加筋砂土比较,土工格室发挥良好之加筋效果,其能提高砂土的承载能力;

    Compared with the unreinforced sand , the geocells significantly improve the performance of the sandy soil used in this study .

  23. 分析结果表明,土工格室加筋垫层对控制软土地基沉降具有较好的作用。

    It was concluded that geocell was more effective to control the settlement of soft soil ground in comparison with other materials .

  24. 土工格室的加固厚度对路堤总沉降变形影响不大,但对水平位移影响较明显;

    The total settlement is not affected by the thickness of geocell layer , but the horizontal displacement is affected distinctly by the thickness .

  25. 然而,在土工格室用于边坡防护的工程实践中,出现了整体剪切下滑和局部冲蚀破坏的现象,导致边坡防护失效及次生灾害的发生。

    However , overall shear downturn and local erosion occurred in the engineering practice , resulting in the failure of slope protection and secondary disaster .

  26. 研究表明楔形柔性搭板土工格室的侧向约束作用,摩擦作用、网兜效应能够有效地提高地基的强度和刚度,减小地基的沉降变形。

    The study indicated that lateral restraining 、 friction 、 net-sliding action of Wedged-shape Flexible Approach Slab could increase ground strength and decrease ground subsidence .

  27. 于静态承载试验中,承载能力随着土工格室高度增加而提升,并有效减少沉降量之产生。

    In the static loading test , with the increasing height of the geocells , the subgrade gains have higher bearing capacity and lower total settlement .

  28. 土工格室柔性挡墙作为一种新型公路边坡支挡结构,在公路工程建设中具有广阔的应用前景。

    The geocell flexible retaining wall is a new type of retaining structures for the slope protection ; and it is widely used in highway engineering .

  29. 研究结果表明:土工格室的固土效果最优,其次是三维网垫和菱形铁丝网;

    The application results also show that , the effect of geocell structure is the best one followed by the three-dimensional net and the diamond wire net .

  30. 通过试验研究,简述了土工格室柔性筏基加固浅层软弱地基的情况。介绍了试验方案,试验材料及模型施工等。

    By test research , the paper introduced the situation of earthwork flexibility raft foundation strengthening shallow soft subgrade , test plan , test materials and model construction etc.