
ɡōnɡ rén jù lè bù
  • worker’s club
  1. 明晚他们将在工人俱乐部开唱。

    Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Worker 's Club .

  2. “绿林少年”演唱团在工人俱乐部的那场演出还不错。

    The performance of the Greenwood Boys at the Workers'Club was all right .

  3. 我们当时正打回英国,在阿克林顿工人俱乐部表演。

    We were now coming back to Britain and playing the working men 's club in Accrington .

  4. 所以,我被迫把工作人员带到了布拉德福德的工人俱乐部。

    Instead , I was forced to take the crew to a working men 's club in Bradford .

  5. 我们已建立了几个宽敞的食堂,几个大浴室和两个设备齐全的工人俱乐部。

    We had build a number of spacious canteen , several large bath-house and two worker 's club with all kinds of facilities .

  6. 那个时期,他的名气还不大,只是一个在工人俱乐部表演杂耍的北国喜剧演员。

    At that date he was still in the small time , a North Country comedian doing the circuit of working men 's clubs .

  7. 在英国,最初的计划是想在私营酒馆禁烟,但这个想法被强大的酒馆主游说团体摧毁,这些游说者知道,他们的顾客会成群结队地叛逃,跑到工人俱乐部里去。

    In England , the original plan was to exempt private clubs . That was swept away in response to the ever-powerful pub-owners ' lobby , who knew their customers would defect in droves to working men 's clubs .

  8. 许多人预料,奥运期间,三里屯周边的酒吧和工人体育场附近的俱乐部将被关闭。

    Many people expect watering holes in the Sanlitun Bar Street vicinity and clubs in the nearby Beijing Workers ' Stadium will be shut down during the Games period .