- 名industrial chemistry

I have a bachelor of science degree in Industrial Chemistry .
By his early 30s , he was an expert in industrial chemistry and a lead researcher in his employer 's laboratory .
Brominated flame retardants ( BFRs ) are widely used industrial chemicals .
Development on Chemical Analysis of Tungsten Industry in China
In1974 , scientists first proposed the idea that manufactured chemicals could threaten the ozone layer .
Sanlu milk powder was found to contain high levels of melamine , a toxic industrial chemical .
There is also evidence that industrial chemicals that act as endocrine disruptors may increase body fat .
Two different roads form rural Development-On the ideas advocated by the village construction school and the industrialization school
Most of processes transforming the primary energy sources into the secondary forms essentially are industrial chemical processes .
Dioxins mainly comes from chemical industry , paper making , industrial chemical waste and burning of wastes .
This makes for a powerful tool that can be used in consumer products from biological weapons protection to industrial chemical separations .
There is worldwide concern regarding environmental exposure to many common pesticides , industrial chemicals and drugs thought to be possible endocrine disrupters .
The scholars of both the " village construction school " and the " industrialization school " offered their respective rural development modes .
The branch of engineering that is concerned with the design and construction and operation of the plants and machinery used in industrial chemical processes .
The Intermediate People 's Court in Shijiazhuang issued the first verdicts in a nationwide scandal surrounding milk powder tainted with the industrial chemical melamine .
China has faced a string of product safety problems in the US , ranging from contaminated pet food to toothpaste laced with industrial chemicals .
There are tens of thousands of synthetic industrial chemicals , pesticides , metals , and other substances for which toxicological information is limited or nonexistent .
The United States government 's Toxic Substances Control Act of1976 was enacted to let the EPA track the75,000 industrial chemicals produced in or imported by the U.
Animal feed producers in China commonly add the industrial chemical melamine to their products to make them appear higher in protein , Chinese media reported Thursday .
In April , pet food that included additives from China apparently contaminated with the industrial chemical melamine was blamed for poisoning thousands of US cats and dogs .
As industrial chemicals came into common use , they , too , were washed into the sewage system , and out again into the sewage plant outfalls .
There is a global movement , involving over 150 countries , to eliminate some of the most dangerous of these POPs , which include pesticides , industrial chemicals , and their byproducts .
Foreign-made baby formula are popular in China , especially since a locally manufactured formula laced with the industrial chemical melamine killed six infants in 2008 and caused another 300,000 to fall ill .
We have indications of the use of toxic industrial chemical probably chlorine in Syria this month in the opposition dominated village of Kfar Zeita . We are examining allegations that the government was responsible .
LONDON ( Reuters ) - Exposure to industrial chemicals in the womb or early in life can impair brain development but only a handful are controlled to protect children , researchers said on Wednesday .
It started with poisonous pet food and has moved on to toothpaste laced with an industrial chemical , tyres that lacked an important safety feature , seafood covered in toxic bacteria and toys coated in lead paint .
Application and researches of CO2 in potential carbon source of chemical synthesis and supercritical fluid extraction in China are reviewed .
Academic training : Industrial , Chemical Engineer or Senior Technician .
Chlorinated industrial chemicals which may cause an occupational skin disorder .
We want to buy Industrial Chemicals , Fertilizer , Agrochemicals .