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  1. 埃默里大学心理学家、负责研究的高级副院长帕特里夏·鲍尔(PatriciaBauer)说,有人对18个月时的事就有可靠的记忆,但有人连八岁以前的事都记不起来。

    Some people have credible memories from as early as 18 months of age , however , while others can 't recall much before the age of 8 , says Patricia Bauer , a psychologist and a senior associate dean for research at Emory .

  2. 那是我13岁时候的事。

    That was when I was thirteen .

  3. 亲爱的庚澈,遇见你们,爱上你们,是我这辈子岁幸福的事。

    Dear GengChul , to meet and fall in love with you is the prettiest thing in my life .

  4. 在主演凯文·史派西性侵14岁男孩一事曝光第二天,网飞公司宣布其热播剧集《纸牌屋》将迎来终结。

    Netflix has announced it was cancelling its flagship television series , House of Cards , a day after allegations that its star , Kevin Spacey , sexually harassed a 14-year-old boy .

  5. 十来岁的孩子最多事。

    Teenagers are most difficult .

  6. 那么1到29岁期间发生啥事了呢?

    So , what happened between years one and29 ?

  7. 只记得我还是个100岁小伙子时候的事。

    I remember things about my youth when I was a lad of100 .

  8. 如果我们都要为19岁时做的事负责

    If we were all held responsible for what we did when we were 19 ...

  9. 我才12岁,这件事对我产生了不可思议的影响

    And I was 12 years old , and that really made a remarkable influence on me .

  10. 所有5岁孩子做的事�乔舒亚都喜欢做

    All those things , that you would find a five-year-old doing , that 's what Josiah does .

  11. 虽然教师被禁止对学生实行体罚措施,但去年12月23日一名17岁学生自杀一事表明,日本学校仍存在体罚现象。

    Teachers are forbidden to use corporal punishment against pupils , but the suicide of a 17-year-old student on December 23 has demonstrated that it remains an integral part of school life here .

  12. 虽然她依然可以做大部分14岁孩子做的事她最近有去溜冰她需要氧气瓶的持续辅助来维持呼吸。

    Although Heather can still take part in most of the normal activities of a14-year-old – she recently went skating – she needs the constant aid of an oxygen tank to help her breathe .

  13. 索尔金承认,他也不想看到一部以他19岁所做的事为素材的电影,所以他理解为什么扎克伯格对这部电影毫不感冒。

    Sorkin admits that he would not want a film made about the things that he did when he was 19 either , and he understands why Zuckerberg is less than enthusiastic about the film .