
  1. 同时,大量的居间行为存在不规范的地方,例如居间人不履行如实告知义务,损害委托人的利益。

    Meanwhile , a large number of mediacy have non-criterion activities in actual running , such intermediary fails to perform the obligations of declaring the facts , damaging the trustee ' property .

  2. 居间行为是指为交易双方或者一方提供信息、创造条件、在中间介绍,或者代为买卖,使得交易的顺利完成的行为。

    Intermediate behavior is defined as the behavior that both or one side of the transaction provide information , create the conditions , introduce as middleman , or are on behalf of trading to making a successful transaction .

  3. 居间信用规则对居间行为人有一定的约束作用。

    The rules of mediacy credit had some restriction effect on people engaged in mediacy .