
  1. 以居住区规划设计MCAI课件的开发研制为例,介绍MCAI课件的技术特点以及制作过程,并阐述建立课件评价体系对保正课件不断完善的必要性。

    Take live area programming design MCAI lesson piece development research to manufacture as an example , Introduce the MCAI lesson piece technique characteristics and create the process , Combine to expatiate to establish the lesson an evaluation system to protect the positive lesson a continuously .

  2. 汽车消费进入家庭后居住区规划设计对策研究

    Planning solutions of residential district when cars becoming family consumer goods

  3. 北京市团结湖居住区规划设计

    Planning of the " Tuanchi Lake " Residential Quarter in Peking

  4. 居住区规划设计中生态思维的应用研究

    Research on Ecological Thoughts in Planning and Design of Residential Area

  5. 成都曼哈顿居住区规划设计

    The planning and architecture design of Chengdu Manhattan residential community

  6. 新都市主义及其与现代居住区规划设计方法的比较

    New Urbanism and Comparison with the Planning Method of Modern residential District

  7. 居住区规划设计中配套公共服务设施的思考

    Thinking about Auxiliary Public Service Facilities in Planning and Design of Residential District

  8. 居住区规划设计浅议

    Elementary introduction to plan and design of residential areas

  9. 纳入物业管理因素的居住区规划设计

    Residential District Planning Design Brought into Property Management Factors

  10. 风水理论在城市居住区规划设计中的借鉴

    Reference Study of the FengShui Theory in the City Community Plan and Design

  11. 对居住区规划设计要素的再认识

    On Planning and Design Elements of Residential Area

  12. 老龄化城市居住区规划设计探讨

    Discuss on Residential District Planning in Aging Cities

  13. 居住区规划设计综合评价体系

    Comprehensive Evaluation System of Residential Quarters Planning

  14. 建构边缘&城市新区居住区规划设计

    Construction of Fringe & On the Planning Design of Residential Areas of Urban New Areas

  15. 煤矿工人居住区规划设计

    Design of Coal Miners ' Residential Quarters

  16. 相应地,对宜居居住区规划设计作出了广泛和深入的研究。

    Accordingly , people have made extensive and in-depth research on residential area livable planning & design .

  17. 居家养老与城市居住区规划设计

    Living out One 's Life in Retirement at Home and the Planning and Designing for Urban Residential Areas

  18. 对《城市居住区规划设计规范》若干问题的思考

    A Reflection of Some Problems in the Implementation of Code for Planning and Design on Urban residential Areas

  19. 城市边缘大型居住区规划设计探析&中山万科城市风景设计

    Exploration of Planning and Design for Large Residential District in Outskirts of City : Zhongshan Wanke City Views Design

  20. 居住区规划设计有着广阔市场,同时现在的住区存在诸多问题。

    Without doubt human habitat environment planning and design has a good prospect , but it still has some problems .

  21. 住宅建筑日照分析是城市居住区规划设计中的一项重要工作内容。

    The residential buildings insolation interval analysis is an important job in the field of urban residential district planning and design .

  22. 随着城市的日渐老龄化,当前的居住区规划设计应跟上这种趋势。

    With more and more aged people in the cities , today ′ s residential district planning should catch up with the trend .

  23. 根据《城市居住区规划设计规范》将居住区环境确定在居住区内部公共区域的范围内。

    According to The Standard of City Residential Environment Design , it defines that the range of residence public region includes the residential environment .

  24. 并从居住区规划设计和单体设计两方面,提出了该地区多层住宅夏季通风的一系列改善措施。

    Form the site plan and local design of residence , it put forward several improved measures for ventilation in summer in Multi-storey buildings .

  25. 另外,在论文中还探讨了在居住区规划设计项目中影响规划设计项目进度的因素,并提出居住区规划设计项目进度控制的实施对策。

    Besides , this article also discusses the influential factors in the planning and design projects , and provides countermeasures for the progress control of it .

  26. 继而进行设计研究:“开放性”模式下的居住区规划设计,居住区与城市的关系,进行定性和定量的分析。

    Subsequently begun to design research : " Opening " pattern community planning , relationship between the community and the city , we carried on a qualitative and the quota analysis .

  27. 建议:1.通过立法程序,保证能有效执行《城市公共体育运动设施用地定额指标暂行规定》及《城市居住区规划设计规定》。

    Through the legislative process , to ensure effective execution of the land for urban public sports facilities interim provisions on the quota and the urban residential area planning and design regulations . 2 .

  28. 内容侧重于分析目前居住区规划设计过程中所体现出来的特点,结合实际案例总结出问题,并对问题展开分析。

    The paper focus on the characteristics arising in the process of planning and designing of the present residential district , summarizes problems based on the analysis of actual case and researches the problems thoroughly .

  29. 第四章结合前人的研究成果,提出系统评价居住区规划设计方案的综合指标体系,包括定性指标和定量指标。

    Chapter 4 , basing on the research of predecessor , author systemically analyzes and summarizes guideline system of scientific evaluation to planning and designing of residing area , including quantitative and fixed nature guideline .

  30. 国内许多城市在国家城市居住区规划设计规范基础上,针对公共服务设施配置标准这一领域展开了深入研究,形成了地方标准以便更合理地指导本地的规划和建设。

    In the national city community plan design standard foundation , many cities start an in-depth research in the field of the allocation of public services and facilities standards , and forming local standards in order to create a more rational guidance of local planning and construction .