
  • 网络hierarchy management;hierarchical management
  1. 对闭环供应链的共享信息进行了分层,同时建立了闭环供应链的层级管理模式。

    This paper layers the shared information on the closed-loop supply chain , and establishes a model of hierarchical management on the closed-loop supply chain .

  2. 企业合作不同于普通的市场交易,也有别于企业内部的层级管理,是介于市场交易和一体化之间的组织形式。

    Cooperation , different from usual market trade and hierarchical management inside of an enterprise , is an organizational form in the middle between market trade and enterprise trust .

  3. APN连续性排班与护士层级管理的实行与效果

    Implementation and effect of APN arranges in groups and nurse management by stratum

  4. 层级管理结合APN排班在重症监护病房中的应用

    Application of level management in combination with APN duty arrangement in ward of intensive care unit

  5. 护士岗位级别分类式排班的护理管理层级管理结合APN排班在重症监护病房中的应用

    Application and management of classified nurse scheduling model Application of level management in combination with APN duty arrangement in ward of intensive care unit

  6. 护士层级管理与连续排班的实践与思考

    Practice and thinking for nurse level management and APN Consecutive shifts

  7. 手术室专科护士在层级管理中的作用

    Function of Advanced Practical Nurse in operating room under Nurse Grading Management model

  8. 病区层级管理联合护士质控反馈会议在护理质量管理中的应用

    Application of Ward Multilevel Administration Combined with Nurse Quality Control Feedback Meeting in Nurse Quality Management

  9. 各层级管理者越来越重视其领导行为对创造力的影响,更迫切需要采取有效的管理举措来促进和提升组织的创造力。

    Managers have noticed the importance of leadership and need to take effective initiatives to promote creativity urgently .

  10. 其他工作人员由人事部门按照层级管理的通则任用。

    The staff of IMCO shall be employed and managed by the personnel department of IMCO according to general rules .

  11. 本文重点研究政府和项目法人的层级管理体制问题。

    This thesis puts stress on research regarding management system at different levels of the government and project legal representatives .

  12. 总结出了一套完整的实施层级管理的模式,明确了实施德育层级管理体系的意义。

    Summed up a set of complete implementation level management model , clear out the significance of moral level management system and its significance .

  13. 结果形成医院病例质量费用点、线、面的层级管理。结论病例分型有利于科学评价医疗质量;

    Results A system of multiple management of the quality and expenses of cases in the hospitals by means of points , lines and areas was formed .

  14. 从德育实效性与层级管理的文献分析入手,通过调查学校德育工作现状,理清德育管理内容,分析层级管理工作内涵。

    Analysis the effect and levels of management literature , survey the school moral education work situation , identify moral education management contents and analysis level management connotation .

  15. 促使这些实践活动兴起的非正式性和社交动机,不需要维持一个支付系统所需的管理费用,也不需要层级管理结构。

    The informality and social motivations that gave rise to these practices did not require the overheads of a payment system . Nor did they require managerial hierarchies .

  16. 第二部分主要是阐述了现行地方层级管理体制改革的可行性及改革的方向是省直管县市体制。

    The second part mainly expounds the current local level of the management system reform of feasibility and the reform direction is Provincial direct management cities and counties .

  17. 讨论如何加强德育实体建设务实开展德育工作和如何推进层级管理提升德育实效。

    Discuss how to strengthen the construction of moral entity , carrying out moral education work is pragmatic and how to promote the level management , promote moral effect .

  18. 高速公路的路政、收费、养护及服务管理更是一种经常性的、具体的、繁杂的活动,不可能只由一个层级管理。

    The road highway , charges , maintenance and service management is also a kind of regular , concrete , multifarious activities , could not only by one level management .

  19. 本课题重点研究安徽行政管理体制创新问题,着重于政府层级管理体制、省内区域协作体制、社会管理体制、文化管理体制、旅游管理体制、地方党政领导体制六个方面。

    The project focus on administrative system innovations in Anhui Province , with emphasis on administrative level , inter-regional cooperation within province , social management , cultural management , tourism management .

  20. 他表示,如果一家企业正从一家咨询公司接受董事会层面战略咨询服务,那让同一家咨询公司培训董事会以下各层级管理人员或许就像把太多鸡蛋置于同一篮子中。

    If a company is receiving board-level strategic advice from a consultant , he argues , it might be putting too many eggs in one basket to allow the same company to train the echelons below .

  21. 然而传统的银行各类业务处理模式以严格的层级管理为特征,层级最底层的网点为所有业务的基础,以各项业务处理的前后台高度一体化为核心。

    However , the traditional banking business of all kinds of processing mode to strict hierarchical management is characterized by the lowest level of the network is the foundation of all business in the front and back office business processing highly integrated core .

  22. 他还有各个层级的管理经验。

    He has also had managerial experience on every level

  23. 业务应用程序受到两个性能数据管理系统的支持:CICS,应用程序和事务服务器;IMS,事务和层级数据库管理系统。

    Business applications are enabled by performant data management systems : CICS , an application and transaction server , and IMS , a transaction and hierarchical database management system .

  24. 经验;实践他还有各个层级的管理经验。

    He has also had managerial experience on every level .

  25. 在生产制造系统建立网络化的层级组织管理控制体系的实证研究

    The research of cases on establishing the management and control setup of administrative structure of network style in manufacturing system

  26. 随着企业横向兼并、纵向合并和多元化投资的发展,中国若干规模较大的企业曾经进行过经理人层级制管理的尝试,但多以失败告终。

    With the help of mergence and acquisition and multi-investment , some large Chinese enterprises have already experimented corporate governance but ended up with failures .

  27. 这些都是将拥有很大影响力的人物,他说,一年前,这里并不存在多个层级的管理人员。

    These are people who will have a large amount of influence , he says . A year ago , there were no layers of managers here .

  28. 城市社区改革与农村居民自治使得基层社区的治理结构更加灵活,基层治理自由程度的提高,传统的层级式管理在自治的社区一级面临困难。

    Governance structure becomes more flexible because of community reform and village autonomy , which makes the hierarchical management more difficult in " autonomy community " level .

  29. 方法:采用层级培训管理模式,对125名护理人员进行一对一的护理培训,注重工作过程中的培训,定期进行效果评估和反馈。

    Methods : The hierarchy training management model was performed and125 nurses accepted one-to-one nursing training , which emphasized the nursing process and regularly evaluation and feedback .

  30. 不同群体的受害者包括最高层级的管理人员;法律顾问;监管、风险与合规管理者;研究人员;科学家收到了不同的邮件。

    Different groups of victims frequently including top-level executives ; legal counsel ; regulatory , risk and compliance officers ; researchers ; and scientists are sent different emails .