
  • 网络Neanderthal man;Temne;dani;Essenes
  1. 奥戈尼人是尼日利亚东南部众多土著民族之一。

    These are one of many native groups in southeast Nigeria .

  2. 尼人就是如此单纯可爱!

    Such is the pure and lovely quality of the Nepalese people !

  3. “奥戈尼人民生存运动”组织也报告称,奥戈尼人遭到了殴打和逮捕。

    MOSOP also reported beatings and arrests of Ogoni people .

  4. 他谈到了他的人民——即奥戈尼人——的权利。

    He spoke about the rights of his people - the Ogoni .

  5. 约30万奥戈尼人参加了这场游行。

    Around three hundred thousand Ogoni people gathered .

  6. 声音2:奥戈尼人等土著群体的境况越来越糟。

    Voice 2 : The situation got worse for native groups like the Ogoni .

  7. 这个非暴力组织呼吁奥戈尼人对奥戈尼事务进行政治控制。

    This non violent group called for political control of Ogoni affairs by Ogoni people .

  8. 但这导致部分奥戈尼人受伤。

    But Ogoni people were injured .

  9. 声音1:但困扰奥戈尼人的不仅仅是环境破坏。

    Voice 1 : But it was not just environmental damage that troubled the Ogoni people .

  10. 那么,你认为阿富汗尼人喜欢我们在这吗?

    Uh ... Dang it ! So , do you believe the Afghani people are happy about our presence here ?

  11. 这本书名为《尼日利亚的种族灭绝:奥戈尼悲剧》,讲述了壳牌公司对待奥戈尼人的方式。

    It is called , " Genocide in Nigeria : The Ogoni Tragedy . " The book speaks about the way Shell treated the Ogoni people .

  12. 在有尼人的地方总是收藏有大量来自驯鹿、、牛、犸的兽骨,却很少有小动物,比如兔或龟的残骸。

    There are plenty of collections of bones from animals such as reindeer , horses , bison and mammoths that are associated with Neanderthals , but few remains of rabbits or tortoises .

  13. 你不妨回想一下那些在草地设营的小群印第安人:伊里尼人、奥塔瓦人、卡豪凯扬人、肖尼人、迈阿密人,也不妨回想一下顺密西西比河而下、发现他们的法国耶稣会教徒。

    How are you to think of the small bands of Illini , Ottawas , Cahokians , Shawnee , Miamis who camped in the turkey grass , and the French Jesuits who descended the Mississippi and found them .

  14. 尽管尼人的灭绝还受其他因素影响,但病毒入侵这一点不容忽视。疾病是促进人类进化的一大驱动力。随着人类离开非洲大陆,人口不断扩增,进入新石器时代,疾病与人类发展的关系更加密切。

    While disease was doubtless not the only factor , it would have certainly played a large role.Most models of human disease evolution claim that they mainly evolved during the Neolithic era , after man moved out of Africa and populations increased , so there is some evidence of this selective viral pressure .

  15. 南美响尾蛇神经毒素联合吉非替尼对人肺腺癌A549细胞的作用

    Effects of Crotoxin Combined with Iressa on A549 Cells

  16. 研究人员分析了五名尼安德塔人硬化的牙菌斑,这五名尼安德塔人遗体在西班牙北部的ElSidróncave被发现。

    Researchers analyzed hardened dental plaque from five Neanderthals found in El Sidr ó n cave , in northern Spain .

  17. 甲磺酸伊马替尼治疗国人胃肠间质瘤的临床研究

    Clinical Study of Chinese Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors Patients Treated with Imatinib Mesylate

  18. 谈到尼安德塔人,也许你会描绘出这样的画面:一位穴居人在篝火前啃骨头。

    You might picture Neanderthals as cavemen gnawing on bones around a campfire .

  19. 尼安德塔人可能在现代生活和呼吸吗?

    Neanderthalensis possible in a modern living and breathing ?

  20. 为什么现代人能如此成功生存而丹尼索瓦人和尼安德塔人却绝种了呢?

    Why were modern humans so successful whereas denisovans ( and Neandertals ) went extinct ?

  21. 尼安德谷人也有“吃素的”

    Neandertal Diners Had Side of Veggies

  22. 尚未发表的新近研究显示,尼安德塔人的Y染色体与人类不同。

    New , still unpublished work reveals that the Neandertal Y chromosome differs from the human one .

  23. 押尼珥打发人去见大卫,替他说,这国归谁呢。

    And Abner sent messengers to David on his behalf , saying , whose is the land ?

  24. 目的:评价新型麻醉药斯康杜尼在老年人牙髓治疗中的麻醉效果。

    Objective : To evaluate the clinical effect of Mepivacaine hydrochloride and adrenaline injection on geriatric pulpal anesthesia .

  25. 斯康杜尼对老年人牙髓治疗的麻醉效果评价

    Clinical evaluation of the anesthetic effect of mepivacaine hydrochloride and adrenaline injection during pulpal treatment in the elderly

  26. 尼安德塔人可能也吃烤蔬菜,可能也懂一点草药知识。

    But Neanderthals may have also dined on roasted vegetables and known a bit about medicinal plants too .

  27. 研究人员从尼安德塔人的齿缝里发现了谷物和煮过的蔬菜,由此得出结论,尼安德塔人煮食蔬菜等植物。

    Researchers found grain and cooked vegetable in Neanderthals'teeth , and concluded they cooked and ate plants and vegetables .

  28. 数万年前,现代人类曾与尼安德塔人相遇。

    Tens of thousands of years ago modern humans crossed paths with the group of hominins known as the Neandertals .

  29. 但大卫的仆人杀了便雅悯人和跟随押尼珥的人,共三百六十名。

    But the servants of David had smitten of Benjamin , and of Abner 's men , so that three hundred and threescore men died .

  30. 一截存于山洞中的手指骨就其本身而言,很可能被认为是属于尼安德塔人或者其他的远古人。

    On its own , a simple finger bone in a cave would have been assumed to belong to a human , Neandertal or other hominin .