
jiù yè bù zú
  • underemployment
  • underemployed
  1. 在非洲,失业青年大概占15%,而就业不足是一个非常严重的问题。

    Youth unemployment on the continent is about 15 percent , and underemployment is a serious problem .

  2. 再加上希望增加工时和已经放弃找工作的人,全国所谓就业不足的比例就达15.9%。

    Factoring in those wishing to work more hours and those who have given up looking for work-the so-called underemployment rate is15.9 percent .

  3. 老城区底层人群面临的基本问题是住房紧张和就业不足。

    The basic problems of the inner-city underclass are inadequate housing and lack of jobs

  4. 我国农村的主要症结在于农业人口过剩,农民就业不足,收入没保障。

    The main problems are that agriculture overpopulation , unprotected income .

  5. 下岗失业与就业不足问题是一个世界性难题。

    Laid-off unemployment and underemployment have been worldwide problems .

  6. 这仅仅是造成当下的失业和就业不足问题的其中一个原因。

    This is just one of the problems contributing to unemployment and underemployment today .

  7. 移民很可能穷困而且就业不足;有能力的人都被大材小用。

    Migrants are likely to be poor and underemployed ; able people are kept underemployed .

  8. 特别是由于就业不足而导致的社会分化问题将对各国未来的发展产生一定的影响。

    Under-employment will not only result in social differentiation but also affects social development to these countries .

  9. 在衰退时期比繁荣时期劳动力和资本设备方面出现更多失业或就业不足的现象。

    There is more unemployment or underemployment of labour and capital equipment in the slump than in the boom .

  10. 在另一方面,这些人严重就业不足,而且回到农村往往使他们再度陷入赤贫。

    On the other hand , these people are severely underemployed and returning to the farms often pushes them back into abject poverty .

  11. 我国构建和谐社会的最大的难点是就业不足,只能在充分就业之后社会才能充分和谐。

    The most difficult task in the process of constructing a harmonious society is underemployment . Only full employment can make a fully harmonious society .

  12. 大学生过剩可能已经削弱了高校文凭的价值,尤其是在应届毕业生失业率和就业不足率双双上升的情况下。

    The glut of university students may have eroded the value of a college degree , especially as unemployment and underemployment rises among new graduates .

  13. 凯恩斯是由就业不足引到有效需求不足、引到投资不足与消费不足乃至货币不足,构成了被人们称之为萧条经济学体系。

    The well-known Keynesian Depression Economics System consists of employment shortage , effective demand shortage to investment shortage , consumption shortage and even currency shortage .

  14. 由于我国经济增长乏力的最根本的原因是市场需求不足,而市场需求不足的一个非常重要的原因就是就业不足。

    Since the essential cause in lack of force of China economic growth is market demand shortage , and a very important cause of market demand shortage is employment shortage .

  15. 因此,失业和就业不足的情况在城镇和城市迅速增长的不协调比例下大大增加,也增加了很多绝望的父母和挨饿的儿童。

    So the figures for the growth of towns and cities represent proportional growth of unemployment and underemployment , a growth in the number of hopeless and despairing parents and starving children .

  16. 如果他们身处就业不足的偏远农村地区,主要任务就是建设土地市场和基本服务设施(学校、街道、卫生设施)来帮助城市发展。

    If they are trapped in underemployment in remote rural areas , the main task is to establish land markets and basic services ( schools , streets , sanitation ) to help cities grow .

  17. 现阶段新疆劳动力资源处于相对短缺和绝对剩余并存的状态,尤其是农村劳动力大量剩余,而就业不足和隐性失业又非常严重。

    At present , labor force is on the coexisting stage of relative shortage combining with definite surplus in Xinjiang , and especially the surplus of labor force in rural area , recessive employment , and potential unemployment are quite serious .

  18. 并且,鉴于年轻人面临的就业机会不足,住在父母家就成了使他们抵御经济风暴的个人安全网的一部分。

    And given the weak job opportunities facing young adults , living at home was part of the private safety net help young adults to weather the economic storm .

  19. 学习动力不强,就业准备不足;

    Study motive is not strong , take up employment prepare shortage ;

  20. 就业能力不足是我国大学毕业生就业难的核心问题。

    The deficiency of employability is the core question that the graduates obtain employment .

  21. 就业岗位不足、就业制度不完善、就业弹性降低等问题已经成为阻碍城市化进程的重要因素。

    Insufficient job opportunity , imperfect employment and reduction of employment flexibility have become the important factors of hindering urbanization .

  22. 在东北振兴的具体运作中,就业供给不足是制约瓶颈。

    The biggest " bottleneck " for developing northeast China is the scarcity of employment supply during its practical operation .

  23. 就业力不足是社会人才供给与需求之间最深层次的内在矛盾,也是大学生就业难问题症结所在。

    The under-employment is the talent supply and demand between the deepest inner contradiction , also be the crux of the problem of employment of College students .

  24. 用人单位在招聘应届毕业生时表现出的迟疑和顾虑反映出当下大学生就业能力不足,实际工作能力不强,难以胜任工作岗位要求等问题。

    The employers are hesitate to hire undergraduates because most of them are lack of employability and capability of practical work and therefore not fully prepare to the job .

  25. 功利性读书是社会就业力不足导致的问题,要改变这种现状,我们还需付出艰辛的努力。

    Since utilitarian study is mainly resulted from deficient vacancies and fierce competitions , we still have a long way to go and should devote our efforts to change the current situation .

  26. 由于区域发展缓慢,信息闭塞,教育发展落后,农民在务农以外的生存能力较差,再就业能力不足,市场竞争力较差。

    Regional development is slow , the lack of information , educational backwardness , poor farmers ' ability to survive outside the farming , lack of re-employment , the market less competitive .

  27. 对一个人口大国来说,就业效应不足既是对人力资源的浪费,也会导致大量的社会失业人口的存在,影响社会稳定。

    For a country with a large population , insufficiency in employment effect is not only a waste of human resources , but also can contribute to employment and have an impact on social stability .

  28. 江苏省生产性服务业比重偏低、结构不合理、吸纳就业能力不足、竞争力不强等突出问题严重制约着生产性服务业的持续、健康发展。

    The too small portion of producer service , unreasonable structure , inadequate capacity to absorb labor force , less competitive and other obvious problems of production services in Jiangsu province are seriously restricting the sustainable and healthy development .

  29. 本文经过实证分析后认为,就业岗位不足的根本症结依然是有效需求不足,从而回归了凯恩斯的有效需求决定就业的经典命题,并就此否认了就业优先的发展模式。

    After the demonstration analysis , it is thought that the sticking point for the deficiency of the employment post lies in the deficiency of the effective demand . Thereby , all of these are regressed the classical proposition of Keynes that the employment is determined by the Effective demand .

  30. 出口带来的就业岗位也不足总量的10%。

    Less than 10 % of jobs are in the export sector .